page 2 the thibuxe thursday jure 29 1972 cna ht wribune established 1sss ciiaules h nolan publisher james thomas associate publisher and editor robeet advertisiii mccalsland manager published every thursday by inland publishing co limited at si main st stouffville ort tel 6102101 single copies 15c subscriptions s600 per year in canada 1000 elsewhere mmbr of audit bureau of circulation canadian community newspapers association and ontario weekly news papers association second class mti registration number 0896 no weekly -ews- 0896 i editorial helped make a town where would stouffville be without art latcham this question has been posed time and time again it requires no answer for the answer is obvious it is true we might have had baseball floodlights but not in 1953 in time too we might also have had a swimming pool but certainly not in 1957 the same goes for other improvements in the town park in time and at taxpayers expense they would have come but arthur latcham brought them sooner and at his expense stouffville is not the only community to benefit memorials to his generosity are everywhere lemonville ballantrae altona atha mount zion and goodwood it leaves one even a municipality feeling quite incompetent to express appreciation on saturday however well try its arthur latcham day in the stouffville park with the dedication of latcham hall at 830 pm every resident should make an honest effort to attend thats the least we can do port protesters have their say a resident of rr4 stouffville has charged that this newspaper has because of its editorial stand related to the proposed pickering airport given only limited space to persons writing in opposition to the project it shows on every page sfcee april says the disgruntled reader the complainant is wrong dead wrong and to prove it we completed a space measurement on every letter published to date on the airport issue then separated each into categories for and against on the proairport side the tribune has printed 11 letters taking up 70 inches of editorial space on the anti airport side the tribune has published 40 letters utilizing 236 inches of space this should be answer enough unless of course the complainant feels the newspapers editor is as crooked as the politicians if so then hes welcome to take a ruler and complete the space measurements himself a suitable park site a unionville developer has applied to markham planning committee for permission to cram 38 two and four- storey town house units onto a twoacre parcel of land opposite the varley village plaza the application complete with pretty pictures of green trees bathing beauties etc brought forth only mild objections these were voiced by mayor tony roman and councillor murray hen derson the motive behind the plan is plain the firm is attempting to obtain the greatest possible return on its in vestment even to the point of stacking 4- storey matchboxes one on top of the other if the board feels that residential build up is essential on this site let it be but the right kind far better we say to develop the property into a childrens park 60we mwgfykpoh offgals dorot like ifrlgrants jfeujs hem fhll lmids your land a ym land i6fy editor mail dear editor i think the governments arrogant display of low flying aircraft including large jets over the proposed pickering airport site within the last two months proves once again there is no regard for the waste of taxpayers money in an effort to make citizens aware in a one sided campaign of harassment before an issue has been settled fairly by a public inquiry thelma robinson green river dear sir you must be kidding when you say mr jamieson presented a most com prehensive and convincing case for the new airport strange this is happening in and around stouffville these days at public meetings nobody voices support for the bonaventure of the seventies while judging from the tribune letters only a few people are against it its been evident on every page since april in my opinion mr jamieson is afraid to face a public hearing yet he will force the airport on people for the benefit of montrealbound businessmen and torontobased developers who donate with interest the election monies the developers also oil the big blue historic plaque unveiled at markham museum site a plaque commemorating the founding of markham was unveiled sunday at a centennial year ceremony on the site of the markham museum participants in the impressive program included left to right barney danson mp yorknorth gordon marshall management committer chairman mayor tony itoman mr john jerman john iunau district historian and museum curator rev david peasgood and david bull an official of the archaeological and historic sites board archives of ontario jim thomas provincial tory machine in 4 years time it will crush the ottawa liberals mr davis will become the prime minister of canada and darcy mckeough the premier of ontario some more predictions the mps and mpps will never reveal where their campaign monies originate the final cost of the airport and cedarwood will reach 30 billion and john citizen will be taxed out of his pants a zakis rr4 stouffville dear editor your editorial a convincing case for a new airport was not convincing the problem at malton is due to congestion of the terminal facilities and is not due to insufficient runways only more ter minals are required to ease air traffic congestion a new airport is not required the government should welcome public participation in the making of a decision that will affect the lives of so many people if the government sin cerely thinks that a new airport is necessary they should not hesitate to put their facts before a public inquiry i believe a public inquiry is urgently needed i have farmed in this area for the past fortyfive years and do not want to see the countryside ruined by an un necessary airport carleton couperthwaite rr2 claremont dear mr thomas around 930 pm june 13 1 was sitting at the front of our house with my friend i saw a little white dog jump out of a green truck the driver stopped and asked a boy to grab it for him but he missed the driver then picked the pet up by the neck beat it and threw it back into the truck i told my dad what had happened he approached the driver but a lady passenger said so what its our dog i only wish it was mine i would give it a better home with this letter im trying to say how stupid and cruel some people are nancy scott i mb good grief my hair is falling by jim thomas the other day a neighbor lady from across the street dropped over for a ten minute chinwag with my wife since june 20 was our thirteenth wedding anniversary the album of that memorable event was laying out in full view you see we had been reminiscing a bit as couples of our vintage and older tend to do from time to time quite naturally the neighbor asked permission to peek through the pages and compare then with now her comments my wife said later were kind with one frightening ex ception she observed quite honestly that my hair was growing less receding i believe was the word she used but i paid the comment little heed figured she had confused my head with my chest the last time she saw me cutting the lawn minus a shirt then friday evening i attended a farewell gathering for harry and phyllis hunt in the whitchurch centennial centre harry the respected school principal in the ballantrae community for seven years is retiring to open a private educational site at wyevale near midland near the end of the night phyllis and i got to talking she told me how the teaching profession had taken its toll on harry and how by comparing classroom pictures from 1954 through 1972 she could spot some noticeable physical changes in his appearance but you havent changed she added except your hair its its well theres not as much of it as there once was i could feel my whole self sink slowly into the floor two similar observations in a single week was something more than i could stand but then again i consoled myself two people can still be wrong as you may have gathered im n advocate of the shiny highforehead look and while im stuck with a pair oi cauliflower ears a roman nose and a squinty eye i never thought id live to see the day when my face would extend down the back of my neck obviously thats where its headed for the awful truth was revealed saturday i attended a studentstaff reunion at markham high and everywhere i went the greeting was the same gee you look great but whats happening to your hair heck you havent changed a bit a little less hair maybe but why id know you a mile away but keep a check on that receding hairline betcha wear a cap all the time see what happened to me and it started off just like yours kind of gradual comb it forward not back try a brush cut just let it grow they say brylcreems good its hereditary and so on similar heartening words of advice with every handshake however one thing ive learned for sure im by no means alone in the fear of becoming a walking billiard ball the only difference some do something about it others dont im currently checking out the ad vertised thomas treatment hoping the originator is a long lost cousin with a cut- rate price im also considering a toupee or maybe a wig theyre all the style equal rights you know tale untrue chief what was meant to be a humorous story concerning the offduty police officer who consumed a dewworm on a s3 dare has not been viewed in that light by york regional chief bruce crawford he said it tended to embarrass every man on the force furthermore he said his in vestigation of the alleged incident had proven the tale untrue i think some newspapers in the area look for opportunities to embarrass this department he said he said the tribune had been suckered by its informant since it was all a practical joke