thursday april 2 1972 the tribune page 13 phone 6402100 today wrtbunt classilted ads sssi the peoples marketplace for stouffville markham uxbridge and district c 28 help wanted primarily of interest to women career girls wives teens needed to teach pro fessional makeup tech niques by appointment on ly will train hive fun and make extra money viviace woodward cosmetics ltd call janine 6402738 463 thinking economy think mazda from pine hill auto ltd 4002 sheppard ave east at kennedy rd agincourt 2913743 29 help wanted male female persons with car want ed for interesting part or full time work earnings unlimited mum be neat in appearance newmarket 8956532 gardener and general all round handyman exper ienced in looking after country estate woman for daily houecleaning duties must reside in ballantrae- stouffville uxbridge area permanent job to couple meeting requirement- ap ply box 563 co the tri bune 33 trucks for sale 1971 dalian pickup truck 10000 miles call 2952254 1967 i ton pickup 6-cy- linder new motor good condition ph 649-5141- 1957 fargo y ton ike new motor as i- 6401307 truck s9 1966 che v s ton truck custom cab new tires 8 cylinder year old truck cap 6404786 evenings 35 motorcycles for sale 1971 350 honda under 4000 miles ph 6492121 1970 kawasaki 350 a 3700 miles with saddle bags windshield s450 64019s4 36 automotive ser vices repairs 22 articles for sale unpainted night tables i99 bookcases s995 3 drawer chests si 695 desks s1995 wardrobes s1850 brices furniture 4784175 42tf early premium straw berry plants latham rasp berry canes black currant bushes and asparagus roots les ogden 6401327 483 continental beds queen size scaly posturpe die simmons and king coil best cash and carry ffer liquidators 3368 yorige st 4887311 482 whiteelna sewing ma chine agent 129 main st markham village parts service to all makes new and used machines for sale trades accepted phone 942241 50tf contents french pro vincial italian provincial and spanish living room suitedsimmons bed ches terfield brand new cheap liquidators 3368 yonge st toronto 4887911 462 garages from 54000 cottages from 226500 shell homes from 546000 contact t g botham hal- hday- loughlin display court 7541 woodbine ave 4991571 43tf chesterfield suites french provincial chester field suite italian provin cial bedchesteriicd mod ern best cash and carry offer liquidators 3368 yonge st 4887911 482 contents unpainted fur niture store everything must be sold chests dres sers night tables ward robes bookcases kitchen tables and chairs liquid ators 3368 yonge st tor onto 4887911 462 must sell 20 swivel chair dinette suites to make room for 15000 worth of roxton colonal furniture no rea sonable offer will be re fused brices furniture barn don mills road queensville 4784175 484 contents of bedding factory mattresses box springs continents beds bunk beds and rollaway beds simmons serta scaly king coil all standard siz- queen size and king will be sold cheap liquid ators 3368 yonge st tor onto 4887911 462 22 articles for sale bkices furniture barn offers simplicity products for your laundry needs specialists in supertwin washers spindryers automatic washers dryers compare our prices guaranteed lowest ask about simplicity 5 year warranty t 48tf bkices furniture barn don mills rd queensville 4784175 for sale new si used typewriters portable and standard calculators etc complete royal lint sales service rentals mikes business machines 6402114 26tf dymond health centre istli ave east of 10th line 6403568 natural foods vitamin supplements 454 herbal remedies massage by appointment specials moffat dryers 14995 3 pc bedroom suite 12500 7 pc dinette 5900 462 brices furniture barn don mills rd queensville 4784175 gift giving ideas from the tribune office supply store birthday books hand somely bound in attractive covers gold imprint themes of good fortune friendship a practi cal gift with a lasting use fulness only 100 12tf 54 main street employment 27 help wanted primarily of interest to men grader operator for fine grade phone 8b81232 farm help for cultivating and planting spring grain crop 8527332 experienced tandem dump truck drivers and front end loader and dozer operators wanted 6688651 and 9424461 local golf club has openings for the following positions clerk typist tor very busy office must be familiar with all phases of office routine required irom may 15 to sept 30 women to work parttime some evenings and weekends in kitchen dining room janitor to work weekends some evenings during week ex perienced man preferred grounds keeper must be familiar with trac tors various grass cutting equipment wages for all positions commensurate with exper ience qualifications phone 8881101 or 2971121 truck drivers wih tand em truck experience and loader operators only ex perienced men need apply lee sand gravel 640- 1155 or 2973366 31 employment wanted part tme farm help wan ted about 3 hours daily also self contained apart ment available to respon sible person near altona 2943493 research animal farm requires clean cut person with good educational background for training under canada manpower program must be unem ployed phone high oak ranch ltd uxbridge 852- 3785 or toronto 3685548 mature male full time apply in person k g card cards dominion hardware 2931 main st stouffville c103622 chesebrough- ponds canada ltd has opening for janitor 730 to 4 pm shift general labourer shift work please call personnel dept 2943510 dress alterations exper ienced 6402159 pickup truck for hire af ter 6pm sat or sundays phone 6404416 454 university student loo king for summer work of any kind preferably live in phone toronto 1-767- 2416 472 paint your car cheap 500 gal auto paint in dark green maroon blue white grey yellow bronze coral end brown 150 gal 50c x quart johns hideaway 26 main st n markham 42 livestock for sale holste1n cow 2nd calf due right away 2941650 6 pups free to good home 8 weeks old 8881935 horse for sale good with children s65 6403769 holstex bull calves for sle up to a month or two old keith page uxbridge phore 8523923 484 pony mare young part ly trained for children must sell moving write l settle 356 kingston rd pickering 2825984 bay gelding 16 hands with western saddle and 5 vear old mare 13 hands with english saddle 888- 1006- 37 snowmobiles will trade 1972 yamaha 433 for home construction services or will sell out right for best offer 294- 6398 39 boats marine supplies 14 ft fibreglass boat con vertible top 35 hp evin- rude motor ph 6402637 farming 40 farm items for sale wanted straw for sale 8875656 straw 9422129 for sale phone straw for sale briliinger 6403625 jerry second cut hay and straw for sale 6403212 gary seed oats 125 bu shel baled oat straw m spence 6403137 482 farm work wanted 15i years lad requires sum mer employment on a mix ed farm please call 297- 3663 university student wiih chauffeurs license could do almost anything start now also have truck 6402370 automotive 32 motor cars for sale 66 volkswagen fastback good condition 60000 6401786 1967 mustang hardtop v8 power steering automatic excellent condition after 6 6404456 hay for sale call william 6414 35c per bale joyce 852- horse auction mon may 1 1130 am at stouffville stockyards approximately i50 registered fnd grade quarter horses appaloosas palaminos pintos ponies etc new and used saddles bridles horse trailers etc to consign horses phone 6404198 or 17756241 5 entry fee 5 commision several top show horses al ready consigned 45 building trades and household directory painting and paperhan- gihg winter rates now effect phone ralph elms 8875153 27u erie hoover electric alterations repairs custom wiring electric heat hot water tanks new work 12tf rr2 markham phone 6401591 arts electric for all your electrical services 55 blake st 6404421 26tf free estimates all work guaranteed 44 poultry for sale wanted custom hatching duck and goose eggs 6403278 custom egg hatching any quantity pheasants for sale w rickman 8523930 472 young red roosters 50c each laying pullets and hens 100 each phone 640- 1423 custom egg hatching any quantity and quality kr 2 gormley pheasants and quail for sale 8875550 4814 groves hatchery we have sold our hatchery business mr william rickman 8523930 will be custom hatching hen pheasant quail peacock guinea eggs william and audrey cox 6403278 will be hatching goose and duck eggs a special thank you to our many customers over the past 45 years ad grove services quantity of hay for sale suitable for cattle teed 9420785 dead or crippled farm stock picked up promptly phone collect hampton 4162632721 35tf margwill fur farm rr 5 bowmanvillc licence 364c72 we are buyers of ontario oats barley and mixed grain 13tf master feeds stouffville 6401892 45 building trades and household directory gale contracting home improvements general repairs alterations concrete floor finishing is church st markham 2942056 28tf wilsons water wells ltd pumps sales service 8875s37 27tf electric wiring custom home industrial electmcal home heating ethe lectrkra mil i sox 595 37tf 45 building trades and household directory markham industrial cleaners homes offices shops courteous reliable service phone 2942741 26ti 46 gardening and supplies quantity of top soil for sale 6401582 50 miscellaneous canadian cancer society markham unit stouffville branch for information re garding patient ser vices films call stouffrllie president 6401507 service to patients 6403241 51 transportation taxis well rotted manure for sale by dump truck load 8959461 days 8881712 nights 48tf now is the time to spray lawns for crabgrass first 2 weeks in may fertilizing rolling and aeration seeding top dressing weed con trol 472 free estimates richmond hill tree service forestry 48 groceries meats produce for sale n may and f smith brick si stone work fireplaces chimneys carpentry work 8tf 8527288 6403237 j s taylor heating contractor phone stouffville 6401908 furnaces oil burners 24tf duct systems- hot water boilers dry wall bob wood sons drywall insulation acoustic ceilings 8881135 47tf ray winterstein masonry specializing in brick stone and block work also fireplaces claremont 6492338 home improvement service painting decorating carpentry heinz blum rr 1 stouffville telephone 6404712 after 4 pm 42tl feed potatoes john bos- worth potatoes ltd rr3 newmarket 8955422 19tf sides of beef cut and wrapped 72c lb 8523923 472 for sale beef and pork delivered ready for the freezer carl reesor 640- 3292 15tf 2 potatoes 100 per 75 lb bag john bosworth pota toes ltd rr 3 newmar ket 8955422 monfri 8 am 6 pm sat 8 am noon 23tf transportation re quired from markham to midland avenue and hwy 401 leaving daily at 8 am 2940461 53 personals summer dates single separated widowed or divorced and looking for the right type for dat ing or marriage try cupid computer it scien tifically assesses and matches each individual with the best potentials who are compatible in character ideals philoso- phy and interests not a lonely hearts club and therefore not advisable for the very shy or those with other emotional prob lems for rational intelli gent individuals of all ages occupations races and re ligions cupid has different programs guaranteeing reg ular dates andor marriage or money refunds in ac tual computer time it takes only minutes to find dates for most individuals and costs only pennies per day most important cupid computer eliminates the costs frustrations and time required in the usual meth ods of meeting and dating we have many customer references as proof of past performance dont spend this summer with just any one cupid computer dating service 17 queen st e suite 237 dept 24c toronto 1 can 3640094 42tf 54 legal notices notice to creditors and others in the fntaic of gordon garfield todd late of the township of ixbridfie in the county of ontario carpenter deceased all persons having claims against the estate of the a bove named deceased late of the township of ux bridge in the county of ontario who died on or about the 25th cuy of jan uary 1972 are required to file proof thereof with the undersigned on or before the 15th da of may 1972 after which date the es tate will be distributed without regard to claims not then filed dated this 20th day of april a d 1972 483 annie eleanor todd administrator button armstrong ness 6 muin street east stouffville ontario solicitors for the estate 55 tenders 54 legal notices harpers fresh meats halves quarters of beef halves whole pigs cut and wrapped for your freezer 47tf all meat guaranteed and government inspected 6404761 or 6102813 private sale one wey mouth 17 outboard wooden liul with 50 horse evin- rude life belt convertible top sleeps 3 or 4 with like new heavy duty trailer ex cellent safe family boat ready for water 900 or iest offer 1971 28 hp ski- roule and twin trailer re cently tuned just like now bought for sim will ac cept 800 complete apart ment sire piano like new cot s800 will rceept ss50 196 fargo pickup new paint brakes univcrsals recently tuned and certi fied excellent shape 500 2 old 3 niece love scats good cordition s7500 each 473- 546fi kitchen aid builtin dishwashers sold at wholesale prices from s30975 moffat appliances admiral color tvs itomon vilas colonial cash tor used goods itroadloom cost 15 15 cu ft freezers 5169 washer spindryers s129 wc need your business you need our prices bricks furniture harn hon mills rd queensville 1784 17 j 43tf sale this thurs and fri only the best deal in town buy one big brazier burger and get the second one free what a burger a fuil quarter pound of char- broiled beef basted with our own zesty brazier sauce bring a big appetite or a hungry friend to th markham dairy queen and brazier store ily 7 at 4s 23 articles wanted cedar posts wanted we will do the cutting phone collect 7833493 highest cash prices or trade rvalue paid for used furniture and appliances brices furniture 4784175 40tf wanted collector wants old gun and railroad watches for hobby collection 433 plrave phone collect 297im 28 help wanted primarily of interest to women waitress wanted exper ienced good wages 5 days a week 6401808 waitress wanted full time must have exper ience the halfway house 8875150 housewives earn at tractive wages while visit ing your friends or talking on the telephone 8950532 housekeeper wanted pxperienced 3 riys a week until end of lune must like children 8881101 gas hostess no exper ience necessary afternoon hlft full time or summer help gas mart 435 main w 6401456 cleaning lady required lor two households in one rome on a once a week basis reply to box 42 stouffville or 6404923 importexport business requires invoke typist file clerk plus general office dutie shorthand and telex cxpfrimiee helpful but not essential rural location air conrtit jonrd office mut have own transportation for rrointrncnt call mr boomtra 881037 69 viva sl vauxhall as new throughout radio new snows low mileage 4 ex tra tires 895 6404298 472 1967 cougar gt burgundy with black vinyl top and interior v8 power steer ing power disc brakes al condition call 6401569 rflor 6 pm 3965 pontine 2door hard top sports coupe vs auto matic power steering power brakes radio white- walls wheel discs must be seen to be appreciated call evenings 6403313 1968 meteor lcmoyne top cf the line must be seen to be appreciated certified 1895 gold with light vinyl roof arm rests front and hack bench seats rear speakers 5 new tires 390 motor 2945399 tor a mazda or a fine used car sec kj widcman at pine hill auto i00i sheppard ave e aclncourt i9in73 6103720 farm service dead m s horses or 1 and cltllried 1 cattle picked up promptly for direct line call long distance and ask for zenith 32800 at no cost to you radio dispatched trucks for better service ed peconl sons ltd 14tf woodville ont licence no 324c67 41 farm machinery 1250 cockshut farm tractor aiesel 3 point hitch and pto 8881753 farmall super a tric seuffler and hydraulic good condition prions 64033 al glenn phone 2945606 four seasons aluminum sales 22tf aluminum awnings aluminum windows ratlines doors brook designs builder custom carpentry additions alterations kitchens rec rooms free design si estimating claremont 6492839 massey harris cultivator for sale call c401g89 ev enings before you buy see our floe selection of guaranteed ok used cars and tracks 35tf giles cbevoi s culdt tt7m91 john deere tractor sprea der model ii good for small acreage s100 m sanderson mount aiocrt 473s2d2 massey ferguson sales service best deals in the area tradein time save even more come in or phone now 3ctf rumble tractor and equipment corner of don mills and stouffrllie road gormley 8s75sss superior auto body collision repair refinishing 25 tf stouffville 6403051 ken jones rr2 markham hwy 48 5 miles n markham nick rohwer construction residential commercial alterations additions farm buildings lie 873 rri claremont ph 6495471 43tf were new kens electric 6402345 for all your electrical needs 33lf ask for a g free estimate i windows doors awnings railings v 1 siding b stouffville home improvements ltd6401891 northern well drilling ltd 4 wells and up 51tf toronto newmarket 297ij97 89529u custom built horse barns riding arenas renovations to old barns drainage problems wiiittaker bros contracting 8mi51 33tf fencing farm industrial residential wiiittaker bros contracting gormley 8881753 oboyles abattoir beef pork by quarter or side cut and wrapped for your freezer all meats government inspected we also do custom killing and curing bus 6401343 27tf pure maple syrup new crop arriving this week from snow road limited quantity phillips grocery ringwaod phone 6402642 49 pet stock supplies kennels poodle grooming clipping 85237c6 scottish terrier registered wheaten 6492140 pups color beautiful pinto gelding 13 hands good for children 0401528 schipperke puppies de lightful house dogs phone 2941252 free to good home in country blue tick hound male 315 years old good with children 0492816 top quality ground meat for pets used by know- ledgeable breeders 18c per pound volume discount we deliver 787s977 472 hank velena septic tank service pumping cleaning k repairs 484 sloulfvillr 6102938 queensville 4782168 handyman clean up ft fixup time small repairs recreation rooms etc de corating reasonable pric es satisfaction guaranteed tiio2301 10 month old german shepherd and lab male well trained good with children free to a good home 3640431 cftcr 6 pm t366370 rosiian kennels regd 22tf labrador retrievers puppies stud service black yellow docs a cats boarded yearround accommodation claremont 49s1k in the supreme court of ontario notice to norman casimiri late of the town of whit- churchstouffville in the regional municipality of york take notice that an ac tion has been commenced against you in this court by victor chychuk in which the plaintiffs claim is under a wri of fore closure for the sum of 445754 and possession of the lands of the defendant norman casimiri namely the whole of lot 23 accor ding to registered plan no 252 for the town of whit- churchstouffvillc in the regional municipality of york municioal address rr 2 stouffville ontar io and that it has been ord ered that service of the writ on you be effected by this advertisement if you desire to defend the action you must enter an appear ance at the office of the registrar of the court at 145 queen street west to ronto on or before the 26th day of may 1972 and file and serve on th plaintiffs solicitor an affidavit show ing the nature of your de fence or you may within the time limited file in the said office a notice desir ing an opportunity to re deem or upon furnishing security to cover the ex pense of n sale in the sum cf 15000 file i notice re questing a sale of the mortgaged premises dated april 21st 1972 483 william g parsons qc barrister solicitor 120 main street west stouffville ontario ministry of natural resources the ministry of natural resources is inviting ten ders for the pick up of refuse from sibbald point mora mcrae point and earl rowe provincial parks tender forms for each of the above parks are avail able bv calling mrs g l donald 4168322261 ext 245 maple ontario or ten der forms may be picked up at the district office duffer in street maple ontario tenders will be accepted until 12 noon may 5 1972 at the district office in maple 472 f e sider district forester ministry of natural resources maple ontario 56 schools colleges private tuition professional guitar teacher has openings for new stud ents courses available for adults children in all aspects of guitar playing reasonable individual and group rates 482 6404542 58 business services notice to creditors and others in the estate of arnold james harwood late of the town of whitchurch- stouffville in the regional municipality of york retired draftsman deceased all person having claims ilnst the estate of the above named deceased late of the town ol whit- church stouffville in the regional municipality of york who died on or a- com the 2nd day of octob- ad 1971 are required t file proof thereof with the undersigned on or be fore the 15th day of may ad wz after which date the estate will be distribu- ed without regard to claims not then filed dated this 20th day of ap ril ad 1972 483 wiliam bud nichols and gordon charle ness executors button armstrong a ness 6 main street east stouffville ontario solictors for the estate income tax personal business accounting for small businesses 36tf j w shadforth cga 8523000 8958876 60 sales register auctions auctioneer w d atkinson stouffville a s farmer phone gormley ss75i11 reg johnson sunderland ont florree galt pickering 2847545 sell through auction any amount acceptable including entire estates call florree galt licensed auctioneer 2847545 4113 auction sale heron- gate country auction ev ery thursday evening at 7 pm located 4 miles north of rouge hills on the altona rd off no 2 high way or 1 mile south of whitevale on altona rd featuring every week 0 good selection of antiques fine furniture glass china brass copper and collec- tablcs etc auctioneers note consignments and es tate selling our specialty henry kahn auction ser vice ph 1416 6686189 or 2940426 43tf thusday evening 6 pm april 27 auction sale of furniture and appliances and antiques including moffat refrigerator 2 door automatic defrost 13 ex cellent condition like new moffat automatic electric stove simplicity uryer viking washing machine heintrman piano more classified ads next page