Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), March 30, 1972, p. 12

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page 12 the tribune thursday march 30 is72 corrected notices of intention to expropriate canada the i xpropriaoon act reused statutes of carucb 1970 chapti k 16 ll supplement corrected notice of lntfcntion to impropriate nonet is iiir1by civi s thai all interest m certain parcel oc tracts of bnd and premises situate lying and being in the townships of pickering and ux bridge in the county of ontario and province of ontario and being more particularly described in the schedule attached hcreio arc re quired by her majesty the queen in right of canada for an airport it i intended that the afore mentioned interests be cxpro- piutcd b her majesty the queen in right of canada tim corrected notice ol j intention to i xpropnale relates to the original notice ol intention to i xpropnale registered on the 2nd day ot march 1973 as instrument no 220492 in the registry office for the registry division of ontario county no 40 and a instrument no 32271 in the land titles office at j win by i loi wl itxproprueioa statuts revises du canada 1970 chapirki 16 l supplement aviscorr1ge dtntfntion dfcxproprifcr avis i st par lls pri si v tis donnl que sa mae b reme du she du canada a besom pour unaeroportde tousles droits- reels immobdiers attache a cer tains immcubles situes dans les cantons dc pickering et lxbndge comic dontano dans la province dontario ct etant plus particu- lierement dcsrit a iarnexc sa majcste la reme du vhef du canada a intention dexproprier tons le droits reels nnmobihers rattaches aux immeubles susmen tionnes cet avis corngc d intention dexproprier se rapporte a iavis d intention dexproprier enrecistre l 2 jour de mats 1972 sous le numero 220492 au bureau denregistrcment pour la division dcnrcgistrement du comte dontario no 40 i t sous le numero 32271 au bureau de propnete foncierc a whitby m e dubfe minister of public works minis he des travaux publics any person ssho objects to the intended expropriation of the abovementioned interests may at any time within thirty days from the day upon which this notice of intention to impropriate is pub lished in the canada gazette for ward by registered mail to or leave at the office of the minister of public works ottawa ontario attention director property ser vices branch an objection in writing staling the name and address of such person and indi cating i he nature of his objection the grounds on which his objec tion is based and the nature of his interest in the matter of this intended expropriation further infonnjtion may be ob tained from wp whitman director property services brunch sir charles tupper building ottawa ontario kia0m2 toutc personne qui soppose a 1expropriation envisagee des droits susmentionnes petit dans un debi de trenle jours a compter du jour ou cet avis dintention dexproprier est public dans la gazette du canada envoyer par courtier reeommande ou laisser au bureau du ministre des travaux publics ottawa ontario a iat- tention du dirccieur services im- mobiliers une opposition par ecrit indiquant la nature ct les motifs de son opposition ct son interct a sopposer a 1expropri- ation envisagee de plus aniples renseignements peuvent ctre obtenus de wi whitman directeur services immobiliers edifice sirchartetupper ottawa ontario kia0m2 all and singular those certain parcels or tracts of land situate lying and being in the townships of pickering and ux- bridge in the county of ontario in the province of ontario and being composed of i all that part of lot is in concession 5 in the town ship of pickering now- in the village of brougham being all of lots i 2 34567 8 9 10 ii 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 and 58 and all of the streets as shown on the plan of the village of brougham regis tered in the registry office for the registry division of the county of ontario no 40 as plan number 10 in cluding that part of the al lowance for road between lots 18 and 19 in said con cession 5 lying north of the production westerly of the southern boundary of said lot 58 2 all that part of township lot 19 in concession 5 township of pickering now in the village of brougham being composed of all of lots i 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ii 12 13 14 15 and i6and all of the streets as shown on the said plan of the village of brougham registered as plan number 10 3 all that part of township lot 18 in concession 6 township of pickering now in the village of brougham being composed of all of lots 1 2 3 4 and 5 as shown on the said plan of the village of brougham registered as plan number 10 4 all that part of township lot 19 in concession 6 township of pickering now in the village of brougham being composed of all of lots i 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ii 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 and 25 and all of the streets as shown on the said plan of the village of brougham reg istered as plan number 10 5 all of lots 1 23456 7 8 9 10 ii 12 13 14 15 16 17 and 18 and all of the streets and avenues as shown on a plan of subdivi sion registered in the said registry office as plan num ber 530 6 all of lots 17 18 1920 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 and 30 in concession six in the township of pickering saving and except ing thereout and therefrom all those parts of lots 29 and 30 taken for the kings high way no 7 as shown on plans deposited in the said registry office as deposited plans no 150 highways and no 216 highways 7 all that part of lot 31 in concession 6 in the town ship of pickering lying north of a line drawn parallel to the southern boundary of the said lot and distant 2000 feet measured northerly therefrom at right angles thereto 8 all that pari of lot 32 m concession 6 in the town ship of pickering being desig nated as part 1 as shown on a plan deposited in the said registry office as plan rd85 and that part of pans 2 and 3 as shown on the said plan lying north of a tine drawn parallel to the south ern boundary of the said lot and distant 2000 feet mea sured northerly therefrom at right angles thereto 9 all that part of lot 33 in concession 6 in the town ship of pickering lying north of the southern boundary of that pari of the lot desig nated as part 6 on j plan deposited in the said registry office as plan rd83 and north of the straight line join ing the southwesterly comer of said part 6 to the south easterly corner of part 10 as shown on the vaid pbn the j sjid part of lot 33 includes j des immcubles situes dans les cantons de pickering et uxbridge dans le comic dontario dans in province dontario consumes ainsi quil suit de 1 toute la partie du lot 18 concession 5 du canton de pickering main tenant dans le village de brougham et elant composee de la tolalite des lots i 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ii 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 et 58 et de la totalite des rues telles que montrees sur le plan du village de brougham enregis- ire au bureau uenregistre- ment pour la division denre gist re m en t du conite dontario no 40 comme plan numero 10 y compris ceite partie de terrain re servec aux fins dun chemin entre les lots 18 el 19 dans laditc concession 5 elant au nord du prolongement ouest de la limit e sud dudit lot 58 2 toute la partie du lot de canton numero 19 conces sion 5 du canton de pick ering mainlenant dans le vil lage de brougham et etant composee de la totalite des lots 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ii 12 13 14 15 et 16 et de la totalite des rues telles que montrees sur tedit plan du village de brougham enre gistre comme plan numero 10 3 toute la partie du lot dc canton numero 18 conces sion 6 du canton de pick ering maintenant dans lc vil lage de brougham et etant composee de la totalite des lots u 2 3 4 et 5 lels que montres sur ledit plan du village de brougham enregis tre comme plan numero 10 4 toute la partie de lot de canton numero 19 conces sion 6 du canton de pickering maintenant dans le village de brougham et etant composee de la totalite des lots i 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 222324 et 25 et de la totalite des rues tcls que montrees sur ledit plan du village de brougham enregistre comme plan numero 10 5 la totalite des lots i 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 et la totalite des rues et avenues lets que montrcs sur un plan de subdivision enregistre audit bureau denregistrc ment comme plan numero 530 6 la totalite des loi 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 et 30 conces sion 6 canton de pickering sauf et excepte loutes les parties des lots 29 el 30 prises pour la route n 7 tcls que montres sur des plans deposes audit bureau denre gistrcment comme plans numero 150 highways el numero 216 highways 7 toutc la partie du lot 31 concession 6 canton de pickering se trouvant au nord dune hgne etant paral lel a la itmite sud dudit loi et j une distance de 2000 pieds mesurce suivanl une direction nord et a angles droits avec la dilc limite sud 8 touie la partie du lot 32 concession 6 canton de pickering etant designee comme porlic numero i telle que montrec sur un plan de pose audit bureau d enregu- ircmcnt cornme plan rd85 el cette panic des parties numcros 2 ct 3 iclles que montrec sur ledit plan etant au nord dune ligne paralielc a la timite sud dudit lot et a une distance de 2000 pieds mesures survant une direction nord el a angjes droits avec laditc limit e sud 9 toute la panic du lot 33 concession 6 canton de pick- enng clan au nord de b limite sud de eclte partie du lot designee comme la panic numero 6 sur un plan depose audit bureau dynrcgtstfc ment comme plan rd83 ct parts 2 3 4 5 6 and pan ol i ports 9 and 10 a shown in j the said plan rd83 10 all that part ol lot 54 in concession 6 in the town ship of pickering lying north of the southern boundary of j that part of the lot desig- nated as part 10 on a plan j deposited in the said registry office a plan rd83 ihe said part of lot 34 includes 10 pans i ii and 12 and part of part 10 11 all that part ol lot 35 in concession 6 in the town ship of pickering designated j as part 10 on a plan de posited m the said registry office as plan rd83 and that part of the lot lying i north of the production west erly of that part of the south boundary of said part 10 having a bearing of north 73 degrees 10 minutes 10 sec onds i ast 12 all of lots 17 18 1920 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 and 35 in concession 7 in ihe township of pickering 13 all that part of lot 18 in concession 8 in the town ship of pickering lying south of a line drawn parallel to the southern boundary of ihe i said lot and distant 2995 feet measured northerly therefrom at right angles thereto 14 all that part of lot 19 in concession 8 in the town ship of pickering lying south of a line drawn parallel to the southern boundary of the said lot and distant 3000 feet measured northerly therefrom at right angles thereto 15 alt of lots 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 and 35 in concession 8 in the town ship of pickering 16 all that pari of lot 21 in concession 9 in the town ship of pickering tying south of a line drawn parallel to the northern boundary of the said loi and distant 3000 feel measured southerly therefrom at right angles thereto 17 alt that part of lot 22 in concession 9 in the town ship of pickering lying south of a line drawn parallel lo the northern boundary of the said lot and distant 1500 feet measured southerly therefrom at right angles thereto 18 au of lots 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 and 32 in concession 9 in the town ship of pickering 19 all of the south half of lot 33 in concession 9 in the township of pickering 20 all that part of lot 34 in concession 9 in the town ship of pickering lying south of a line drawn north 72 degrees 10 minutes last from a point in the western boundary of ihe said lot 19 distant 415543 feet mea sured north 16 degrees 30 minutes west along the said boundary from the southwest corner of the said lot 34 premising that ihe bearings hereinbefore mentioned are astronomical and are derived from ttie western boundary of the said lot as having a bearing of north 16 degrees 30 minutes west 21 all of the south half o lot 35 in concession 9 in the township of pickering 22 all ol the allowance for road between lots 18 and 19 concessions 6 and 7 and that part of the allowance for road between lots 18 and 19 concession 8 in ihe township of pickering lying south of the production west erly of a line drawn parallel to the southern boundary of lot 18 and distant 2995 feci measured northerly there from and at right angles thereto 23 all of ihe allowance for road between lots 20 and 21 in concessions 6 7 and 8 in the township of pickering 24 all of the allowance for road between lois 22 and 23 in concessions 6 7 8 and 9 in the township of pickering 25 all of the allowance for road between lots 24 and 25 in concessions 6 7 8 and 9 in the township of pickering 26 all of the allowance for road between lois 26 and 27 in concessions 6 7 8 and 9 in the township of pickering 27 all of the allowance for road between lots 28 and 29 in concessions 6 7 8 and 9 in the township of pickering 28 all that pari of the allow ance for road between lots 30 and 31 in concession 6 in the township of pickering tying north of the production easterly of a line drawn paral lel to the southern boundary of said lot 31 and distant 2000 feet measured northerly therefrom at right angles thereto 29 all thai part of the allow ance for road between lots 32 and 33 in concession 6 in the township of pickering lying north of the production westerly of a line drawn par allel to the southern bound ary of said lot 32 and distant 3500 feci measured northerly therefrom at right angles thereto 30 alt thai part of the allow ance for road between lots 34 and 35 in concession 6 in the township of pickering lying north of the south boundary of pari 10 as desig nated on a plan deposited in the said registry office as plan rd83 31 all of the allowance for road between lots 30 and 31 in concessions 7 8 and 9 in the township of pickering 32 all of ihe allowance for road between lots 32 and 33 in concessions 7 8 and 9 in the township of pickering 33 all of the allowance for road between lots 34 and 35 in concessions 7 and 8 and that part of said allowance for road in concession 9 in the township of pickcnng lying south of the production easterly of the northern boundary of the south half of said lot 35 in said conccs- 31 sion 9 34 au of the allowance for road between the township of pickering and the town of 32 markham in the rcponal municipality of ycrk lying between the production east erly of the soutlicm bound- 33 ary of lot 1 7 in concession 10 in the town of markham and ihe prdustion westerly of ihe northern boundary of the south half of lot 35 m 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 au nord dune hgne droitc reliant lc coin sudouest dc tadite partie numero 6 coin sudrcst de b partie nu mero 10 telle que montree sur ledit plan laditc partie du lot 33 indue les parties 2 3 4 5 6 el une partie de parties numcros 9ei 10 tellev que montrec sur ledit plar rd83 toute la partie du loi 34 concession 6 canion de pick ering etant au nord dc u limite sud de cette panic du lot designee comme etant b partie numero 10 sur un pbn depose audit bureau denxe- gisiiernent comme plan rd83 bdite partie de lot 34 inclue des parties rumeros 1 11 et 12 et une partie de b partie numero 10 toute la panic du loi 35 c oncession 6 canion dc pickering designee comme etant b partie numero 10 sur un pbn depose audit bureau denregisiremeni comme plan rd83 ct cette partie du lot etant au nord du prolonge ment ouest de cette panic de b itmite sud de b due panic numero 10 ayant un azimut nord 73 degres 10 minutes lqseeondes est la totalite des lots 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 et 35 concession 7 canion de pickering toute la panic du loi 18 concession 8 canton de pickering se trouvant au sud dune ligne etant paralielc a la limite sud dudit lot et a une distance de 2995 pieds mesu rce dans une direction nord ct a angles droits avec bdite limite sud toute la partie du lot 19 concession 8 canton de pickering se trouvant au sud dune hgne etant paralielc a la limite sud dudit lot et a une distance de 3000 pieds mesu- ree dans une direction nord et a angles droits avec bdite limite sud la totalite des tots 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 et 35 concession 8 canton de pickering toute la partie de lot 21 concession 9 canton pick ering se trouvant au sud dune ligne etant paralielc a la limite nord dudit lot et a une distance de 3000 pieds mesu rce dans une direction sud et a angles droi is avec bdite limite nord toute la partie du tot 22 concession 9 canton de pickering se trouvant au sud dune ligne etant paralielc a la limite nord dudit lot et a une distance de 1500 pieds mesu rce dans une direction sud et a angles droits avec laditc limite nord la totalite des tots 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 3t et 32 concession 9 canion de pickering la demiesud du lot 33 concession 9 canton de pickering toute la partie du lot 34 concession 9 eanton de pickering se irouvant au sud dune ligne ayant un azimut nord 72 degres 10 minutes est erpartant dun point situe sur la limite ouest dudit lot a une distance de 415543 pieds mesurce dans une direction nord 16 degres 30 minutes ouest le long de laditc limite du coin sttd- ouest dudit lot 34 ii est a rcmarqucr que les azimuts men tionnes cihaut sont as- ironomiques et sont daprcs la limite ouest dudit lot ayanl un azimut nord 16 degres 30 minutes ouest la demicsud du lot 35 concession 9 eanton de pickering tout le terrain reserve aux fins dun chemin entre les tots 18 el 19 concessions 6 ct 7 et toute la partie de terrain rescrvec aux fins dun chemin entre les lots 18 et 19 concession 8 canton de pickering se trouvant au sud du prolongement ouest dune ligne etant paralielc a la limite sud dudit tot 18 ct a une distance dc 2995 pieds mesurce dans une direction nord et a angles droits avec bdite timite sud tout lc terrain reserve aux fins dun chemin entre lots 20 et 21 concessions 6 7 ct 8 canton dc pickering tout lc terrain reserve aux fins dun chemin entre les lots 22 el 23 concessions 6 7 8 et 9 canion ds pickering tout le terrain reserve aux fins dun chemin entre les lots 24 et 25 concessions 6 7 8 ct 9 canion de pickering tout le terrain reserve aux fins dun chemin entre les lots 26 el 27 concessions 0 7 8 et 9 canion de pickering tout le terrain reserve aux fins dun chemin entre les lots 28 et 29 concessions 6 7 8 el 9 eanton de pickering toute la partie de terrain rescrvec aux fins dun chemin entre les lots 30 et 31 con cession 6 canton de pickering sc trouvant au nord du prolongement est dun ligne etant paralielc a la limite sud dudit lot 31 ct a une distance de 2000 pieds mesurces dans une direction nord et a angles droits avec laditc limite sud toute la panic de terrain reservee aux fins dun chemin cnlrc les lots 32 el 33 con cession 6 canton dc pick ering se trouvant au nord du prolongement ouest dune ligne etant paralielc a b limite sud dudit lot 32 el a une distance de 3500 pieds mesurce dans une direction nord et a angles droits avec laditc limite sud toutc la partie de terrain rescrvec aux fins dun chemin entre les lots 34 el 35 con cession 6 canton dc pick ering se trouvant au nord de la limite sud de la panic numero 10 telle que designee sur un pbn depose audit bureau denregistrcment comme pbn rd83 tout lc terrain reserve aux fins dun chemin entre les lots 30 ct 31 concessions 7 8 ct 9 canton dc pickering tout le terrain reserve aux fins dun chemin entre let lots 32 ct 33 concessions 8 ct 9 canton de pickering tout le terrain reserve aux fins dun chemin entre les lots 34 el soncxmon 7 et 8 ct ceite panic dudit terrain reserve aux fins dur ihemm concession 9 canuin concession 9 in the town ship of pickcnng 35 ail ol the auowonsc lor road between concession 6 and 7 in the towmhip ol pickering lying west of the production southerly ol the eastern boundary of lot 1 m said concevsion 7 36 all of the allowance for road between concessions 7 and 8 in the township ol pickering lying west ot the production southerly of the eastern boundary of lot 18 in said concession 8 37 au of the allowance for road between concessions 8 and 9 in the township of pickering iving west of the production southerly of the eastern boundary of lot 21 in said concession 9 38 all that pari of lot 1 and that part of lot 2 in conces sion i in the township ol abridge in ihe county ot oniario lying i ast of a line drawn parallel to the eastern boundary of said lots i and 2 and distant 3000 feel mea sured westerly therefrom al right angles thereto 39 au of lots 3 4 and 5 m conccnsion 1 in the town ship of ux bridge 40 all of lots 1 2 and 3 in concession 2 tn ihe town ship of uxbridge including all of lots 1 2 3456 78 9 10 ii 12 13 and 14 and allona street in the village of altona as shown on a pbn of the vilbge registered in the said registry office as david reesors plan 41 all hat part of lot 4 and all lhat pan of lot 5 in concession 2 in the town ship of uxbridge lying west of a line drawn parallel to the eastern boundary of said lots 4 and 5 and distant 3300 feet measured westerly therefrom at right angles thereto 42 all of ihe allowance for road between concessions i and 2 in the township ot uxbridge lying south ol the production easterly of the northern boundary of loi 5 in concession 1 43 all of the allowance for road between the township of pickering and the town ship of uxbridge lying be tween the production south erly of the eastern boundary of lot t in said concession 2 in the township of uxbridge and the production northerly of the eastern boundary ol lot 33 in concession 9 in the township of pickering saving and excepting thereout and therefrom all publie and common highways within the lands described in each of the paragraphs num bered 1 to 43 hereof de pickering etant ju sud du prdoogerncni cm de b unuie nord dc b avmiosud dudit lot 35 de bdite concosioc 9 34 tout k terrain reserve ju fins dun chemin entre lc canton de pickering el b nllc de markham dans b muniei- pahte regionale de york sc trouvant entre le prolonge ment est dc la limite sud du lot 17 concession 10 dans b sille de markham el le pro longement ouest de b bmite nord de b demicvud du lot 35 concession 9 canton de pickering 35 tout le terrain reserve aux fins dun chemin entre les concessions 6 et 7 canton de pickcnng se irouvant a louest du prolongement sud de la timite est du lot 1 7 de bdite concession 7 36 tout le terrain reserve aux tins dun chemin entre les concessions 7 ct 8 canton de pickering sc irouvant a louest du prolongemeni sud de i j limite est du lot 18 dans bdite concession 8 7 tout lc terrain reserve aux fins dun chemin entre les concessions 8 el 9 canton de pickering se irouvant a louest du prolongement sud de b limite est du lot 21 dans bdite concession 9 38 touie la partie du lot i et toute la panic du lot 2 con cession 1 canton duxbridge dans le comte dontario se trouvant a test dune ligne etant paralielc a la limite est desdils lots 1 ct 2 ct a une distance de 3000 pieds mesu rce dans une direction ouest et a angles droits avec bdite limite est 39 la totalite des tots 3 4 et 5 concession i canton duxbridge 40 i a totalite des lots i 2 et 3 concession 2 canion dux bridge y incluant la totalite des lois 1 2 34 5 6 78 9 10 ii 12 13 et 14 el b rue altona dans le village dallona tcls que montres sur un plan du village enre gistre audit bureau denregis iremeni comme etant le plan david reesor 41 touie la partie du lot 4 el unite ta partie du loi 5 con cession 2 canion duxbridge se trouvant a pouesl dune ligne elant paralielc a la limite est desdits lots 4 et 5 et a une distance de 3300 pieds mesurce dans une di rection ouest et a angles droits avec bdite limite est 42 tout le terrain reserve aux fins dun chemin entre les concessions i et 2 canton dlxbridge se trouvant au sud du prolongement est de la limite nord du loi 5 con cession t 43 tout le terrain reserve aux tins dun chemin entre te canion de pickering et le canton duxbridge se trou vant entre te irolongemenl sud de la limite est du lot 1 de laditc concession 2 canton duxbridge et le pro longement nord de la limite est du lot 33 concevsion 9 canton de pickering sauf et excepte loutes routes publicities comprises dans les terrains decrits dans chacun des paragraphes 1 a 43 cihaut canada the expropriation act revised statutes of canada 1970 chaptfr 16 1st supplement corrlctld noticl op intkntion to lxpropriatl notici is jlkreby givln that all interests in certain parcels or tracts of land and premises situate lying and being in the town of markham and in the town of whiichurchstouffville both in the regional municipality of york and province of ontario and hemp more particularly de scribed in the schedule attached hereto are required by her majesty the queen in right of canada for an airport it is intended that the afore mentioned interests be expro priated by her majesty the queen in right of canada this corrected notice of intention to 1xpropriate relates to the original notice of intention to impropriate registered on the 2nd day of march 1972 as instrument no 77129 markham 4730vhitchurehstouffviue in the registry office for the registry division of toronto boroughs and york south no 64 loi sur r expropriation staluts revises du canada 1970 ciiapitre 16 chapitrk 161 supplement avis corrigi dtntlntion dexproprier avis 1st par les pre- sintls donnl que sa majcste la rcine du chef du canada a hesoin pour un acroport dc lous les droits reels immobiliers rat- laches a certains immeubles situes dans la ville de markham et dans la ville dc whiichurchstouffville les deux etant dans la munici pality regionale dc york dans la province dontario ct elant plus particulicremenl dccrils a tan- nexe sa majcste la rcine du chef du canada a iintention dexproprier lous les droits reels immobiliers ratt aches aux immeubles susmen tionnes cet avis corrigc dinteniion dexproprier sc rapporte a iavis dinicnlion dexproprier enregistre le 2 jur mars 1972 sous lc numero 77129 markham 4730 whitchurchstouffvillc au bureau denregisiremeni pour la division denregisiremeni de toronto boroughs et york south no 64 j e dube minister of public works ministre des travaux publics any person who objects to the intended expropriation of the abovementioned interests may al any lime within thirty days from the dav upon which this notice of in ition of impropriate is pub lished in the canada laeitc for ward by registered mail to or leave at the office of the minister of public works ottawa oniario attention director property ser vices branch an objection in writ ing stating ilic name and address of such person and indicating ihe nature of his objection the grounds on which his objection is based and the nature of his inter est in the matter of this intended expropriation i urthcr information may be obtained from wi whitman director property services branch sir charles tupper building ottjwj ontario kia0m2 toute personne qui soppose j icx prop rial ion envisagee des droits susmentionnes peut dans un debi de irente jours a compter du jour oil cet avis dinteniion dexproprier est publie dans la gazette du canada envoyer par courricr reeommande ou laisser au bureau du ministre des travaux publics ottawa ontario a 1ai- tention du directeur services im mobiliers une opposition par cent indiquant la nature cl les motifs dc son opposition el son interct a sopposer a expro priation envisagee de plus amples renseignements peuvent etrc obtenus dc wi- whitman directeur services immobiliers dilice sircharlestupper ottawa ontario k1a0m2 all and singular those certain parcels or tracts of land and premises situate lying and being in the town of markham and in the town of whitchurch- stouffville both in the rcponal municipality of york in the prov- incc of ontario and being com posed c 1 all ihjt part of lots 25 26 27 28 29 30 and 31 in des immeubles situes danv u ville dc markham ct dans b ville dc wniichurchstouffvillc les deux etant dans b municipality regionale dc york jans b pro vince doniano constitues ainsi quil suit dc 1 toutc b panic des lots 25 26 27 28 29 30 ct 31 conccsuon 8 jc b ville de markham se trouvni a test concession 8 in the town of makham lying last of a bne drawn parallel to the eastern boundary of said lots 25 26 27 28 29 30 and 31 and distant 3300 feet measured westerly therefrom at right angles thereto 2 all that part of lots is and 19 in concession 9 m ihe town of markham lsing last of a une draw n parallel to the eastern boundary of said lots 18 and 19 and distant 3300 feet measured westerly there from at right angles thereto 3 au of lots 20 21 22 23 24 26 27 28 29 30 and 31 in concession 9 in the town of markham 4 all that part of lot 1 7 m concession 10 in the town of markham lying 1 ast of a line drawn parallel to the i astern boundary of the said lot and distant 2500 feel measured westerly therefrom at right angle thereto 5 all oi lots 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2 26 27 28 29 30 and 31 in concession 10 in the town of markham 6 all of the east half of lot 32 in concession 9 in the town of whiichurchstouffville 7 all thai pari of lot 32 in concession 10 in the town of whitchurchstoulfville lying south of a line drawn parallel to the northern boundary of the said loi and distant 650 feel measured southerly therefrom at right angles ihereio 8 all that pari of the allowance for road between lots 25 and 26 in concession 8 in the town of markham lying ijst of a line drawn parallel to the production northerly of the eastern boundary of said lot 25 and distant 3300 feet measured westerly therefrom at right angles thereto 9 all that part of the allowance for road between lot 30 and 31 in concession 8 in the town of markham lying lasl of a line drawn parallel to ihe production northerly of ihe eastern boundary of said lot 30 and distant 3300 feet measured westerly therefrom al right angles thereto 10 all of the allowance for roads between lots 20 and 21 between lots 25 and 26 and between lots 30 and 31 in concessions 9 and 10 in the town of markham 11 all of the allowance for road between concessions 8 and 9 in the town of markham lying between the production easterly of the southern boundary of lot 25 in con cession 8 and the production westerly of the northern boundary of lot 3 1 in con cession 9 12 all of the allowance for road between concessions 9 and 10 in the town of markham and in the town of whii churchstouffville lying be tween the production east erly of the southern boundary of lot 18 in con cession 9 and the production westerly of a line drawn par allel to the northern bound ary of lot 32 in concession 10 and distant 650 feel mea sured southerly therefrom at right angles thereto 1 3 all of ihe allowance for road between the town of mark ham and the township of picketing in the county of ontario lying between the production easterly of the southern boundary of loi 17 in concession 10 in ihe town of markham and the produc tion westerly of the northern boundary of the south half of lot 35 in concession 9 in the township of pickering saving and ixcepling thereout and therefrom all public and com mon highways within the lands described in each of ihe para graphs numbered 1 lo 13 hereof dune liyne cunt paralielc a b unite et de diu lot 25 26 27 28 29 30ct3lct iunc distance de 3300 pieds me surce dans une direction ouet et a angles droits avev bdite umtie est 2 toute b panic des lots is ct 19 concession 9 de b ville de markiiam sc trouvant j test dune ugne elant paral ielc a b itmite oi des dit lots is ei 19 ct j une distarvc dc 3300 pteds mesurce dans une duection ouest et a angles droits avec bdite limite est 3 la totalite des lots 20 21 22 23 24 2 26 27 2s 29 30 ei 3 1 concession 9 de b ville de markham 4 toute b panic du lot 1 7 dc b concession 10 dc b wlle dc moiuiom se trouvant a test dune hgne elant paral ielc a b unite est dudit lotet a une distance de 2500 pieds mesurce dans une direction ouest ct a angles droits avec bdite limite est 5 la lotalue des lots 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2 26 27 28 29 30 et 31 de b concession 10 dc b ville de markham 6 toute b demieest du loi 32 dc b concession 9 de b ville de whitchuich-stouftville- 7 toute la partie du lot 32 de la concession 10 de la ville de whiiehurchstouffvitle sc irouvant au sud dune ligne etant paralielc a b limite nord dudil lot et a une dis tance de 650 pieds mesurce dans une direction sud et a angles droits auv bdite limite nod 8 touie cette panic de terrain rescrvec ux fins dun che min comprise entre les lots 25 ct 26 concession 8 de b ville dc markham sc trouvant a iesi dune ligne etant paral ielc au prolongement nord de la limite est dudil lot 25 et a une distance de 3300 pieds mesurce dans une direction ouest ei a angles droiis avec laditc limite est 9 toute cette partie dc terrain rescrvec aux fins dun che min comprise entre les lots 30 cl 31 concession 8 de b ville de markham se trouvant a test dune ligne etant paral ielc au prolongement nord de la limite est dudil lot 30 et a une distance de 3300 pieds mesurce dans une direction ouest et a angles droits avec bdite limite est 10 tout lc terrain reserve aux fins dun chemin compris entre les lots 20 el 21 entre les lots 25 cl 26 ct entre les lots 30 et 31 concessions 9 et 10 dc la ville de markham 11 tout le terrain reserve aux fins dun chemin compris entre les concessions 8 ct 9 de la ville de markham se trouvant cnlrc le prolonge ment csl dc la limite sud du lot 25 concession 8 et lc prolongement ouest de la limite nord du lot 3 1 conces sion 9 12 tout te terrain reserve aux fins dun chemin compris entre les concessions 9 ct 10 dc b ville dc markiiam ct dc la ville de whiichurch- stouffville ct sc trouvant cnlrc lc prolongement est de la limite sud du lot 18 con cession 9 ei le prolongement ouest dune ligne elani paral ielc h la limite norddu tot 32 concession 10 et a une dis tance de 650 pieds mesurce dans une direction sud et a angles droits avec bdite limite nord 13 tout le terrain reserve aux fins dun chemin compris cnlrc b ville dc markham et lc canton de pickering dans le comte dontario etant silue entre le prolongement est de la limite sud du lot 17 concession 10 de la vitlc dc markham ct lc prolongement ouest dc la limite nord dc la demiesud du lot 35 conces sion 9 canton de pickering sauf cl excepte loutes routes publiqucs comprises dans les ter rains decrits dans chacun des para graphes i a 13 cihaut canada the expropriation act revised statutes of canada 1970 chapter 16 1st supplement notici ol intlntion tolxpropriati noticl is hlreby givln lhat all interests in that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate lying and being in the township of pickering in the county of ontario and prov ince of ontario and being com posed of part of lots 33 and 34 in concession 7 in the said town ship being part one as shown on a plan of survey filed in ihe land titles office for ihe county of ontario as plan wr342 are re quired by her majesty the queen in right of canada for an airport it is intended thai the afore mentioned interests be expropri ated by her majesty the queen in right of canada loi sur texpropriation slatuts revises du canada 1970 ciiapitre 16 l supplement avisdintlntion dexproprjlr avis tst par les prl- smntls donnl que sa majcste b rcine du chef du canada a besoin pour un acroport dc torn les droits reels immobiliers rat- laches a certains immeubles situct dans lc canion dc pickering dans le comte dontario dans la pro vince dontario cl etant com poses dune parlie des lots 33 ci 34 concession 7 dans icdii canton et elant la panic numero un telle que montrec sur un plan darpentage enregjstre au bureau dc tines de proprietc foncierc pour le comte dontario sous te numero wr342 sa majcste b reinc du chef du canada a f intention dexproprier lous les droiis reels immohilicn rat laches aux immeubles susmen tionnes j e dube minister of public works ministre des travaux publics any person who objects lo the intended expropriation of the abovementioned interests may al any time within thirty days from ihe day upon which this notice of intention of i xpropnate is pub lished in the canada gazette for ward by registered mail to or leave at the office of ihe minister of public works ottawa ontario attention director property ser vices branch an objection in writ ing stating ihe name and address of such person and indicating the nature of his objection ihe grounds on uhich his objection is based and the nalurc of his inter est in the matter of ihts intended expropriation i urthcr informaiion may be obtained from wl whitman dire tor properly services branch sir charles tupper building ottawa ontario kia0m2 toutc personne qui soppose a iexpropnation envisagee des droits susmentionnes pe dans un debi dc irenic jos a compter du jour oil cet avis dintention dexproprier est public dans b gazelle du canada envoyer pjr courricr reeommande ou bisver m bureau du ministre des travaux publics ottawa ontario a 1at- tcntion du directeur services im mobiliers une opposition par cent indiquant b nalurc cl les mollis dc son opposition ci son inicrcl a sopposer a icxpro- prijtion envisagee de plus amples renscigncmcnti peuvent dire obtenus dc wf wniiman directeur services immobiliers i dificc sir charlestup per ottawa ontario k1a0m2

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