supplement page 8 public notice orders made by the minister of municipal affairs under the planning act towns of markham and whitchurch- stouffville and townships of pickering scott and uxbridge excerpts from ministers orders although they differ in their descriptions of the lands affected the five ministerial orders are oth erwise identical in content here are some key ex cerpts general 3 no land shall thereafter be used and no building or structure shall hereafter be erected or used except in accordance with the terms of this order but nothing in this order prevents the use of any land building or structure for a purpose pro hibited by this order if such land building or structure was lawfully used for such purpose on the day this order comes into force or prevents the ercc- map showing boundaries of five orders restricted area march coverage the shaded areas on this map indicate the municipalities or parts of municipalities covered by ministers orders under section 32 of the planning act detailed descriptions of lots and concessions are contained in the original orders which can be examined at the local municipal offices or registry offices copies are also avail able from the community planning branch 801 bay street purpose the object of the orders is to establish re stricted area zoning controls that would regulate devel opment in the vicinity of the airport site particularly in those areas with high aircraft noise levels the orders also emphasize the agricultural nature of the land in con formity with the torontocentred region concept they are considered temporary controls which will be with drawn by the minister when the local municipalities devel op or modify their municipal bylaws and official plans in consultation with the department of municipal affairs effect new residential development will be kept to a minimum within areas of potentially high aircraft noise levels and immediately around the airport lands develop ment associated with agricultural uses on a lot of not less than 25 acres will be permitted within the terms of the or ders proposals such as official plans and plans of subdivi sion that are inconsistent with the developments controls will not be approved for further information contact your local municipal offices or department of municipal affairs community planning branch 801 bay street toronto 181 tion or use of any building or structure the plans for which have prior to the day this order comes into force been approved by the town of markham permitted uses 4 every use of land and every erection or use of buildings or structures within the town of mark- ham is prohibited except agricultural uses and buildings and structures ac- cesory thereto including one singlefamily dwelling used in connection with each agricultural opera tion 5 requirements for agri cultural uses and buildings and structures accessory thereto including one sin glefamily dwelling used in connection with the agricul tural operation are estab lished as follows minimum lot frontage 600 feet minimum lot depth three times the frontage minimum front side and rear yards 50 feet mini mum ground floor area for dwellings one storey 1000 square feet one and onehalf storeys or more 750 square feet 6 singlefamily dwellings and buildings accessory thereto existing on date this order comes into force may be extended or en larged provided that such singlefamily dwellings and buildings accessory thereto as extended or enlarged comply with the following requirements minimum front yard 25 feet minimum side yard 10 feet on one side and 4 feet on the other side min imum rear yard 25 feet building line 7 no buildings or any part thereof shall be erected or extended nearer to the centre line of any street than in accordance with the following provincial highways 100 feet regional roads 78 feet town roads and other roads or streets 60 feet 8 notwithstanding any thing contained in this or der a the town of markham or any local board thereof as defined in the department of mu nicipal affairs act b any department or agency of the govern ment of canada or on tario and c any telephone or tele graph company may for the purpose of pro viding a service to the public use land and erect any building or structure notwith standing that the build ing structure or use does not conform with the provisions of this order rebuilding and repairs 9 1 nothing in this or der prevents the repair or reconstruction of any build ing or structure that is damaged or destroyed sub sequent to the date this or der comes into force pro vided that the dimensions of the original building or structure are not increased or its original use altered