supplement page 6 whats in the size of a modern airport why is the new airport at pickering planned at 18000 acres when malton airport is only 4200 acres and the new site at ste scholastique quebec is more than 80000 acres critics of the plans for pickering site are under standably asking that question which would seem to suggest there is no definable size for a major air port but such variations depend in great measure on what is meant by an airport site malton the smallest of the three is all airport that is its 4200 acres are devoted to the fundamen tals of air traffic that area includes little or no buffer between the airport proper and the residen tial commercial and industrial developments that have grown up around it whats more it has no space left for growth such as longer runways addi tional runways or new terminals maltons noise- lands are rather extensively built up on the other hand the ste scholastique site is 20 times the size of malton not only because it in cludes provision for growth but aiso because its noiselanas are part of the area the federal govern ment has seen fit to acquire indeed all the land where associated urban development is likely to oc cur in connection with the ste scholastique airport is part of the federal governments 80000acre ac quisition at pickering the picture is different again some 18000 acres are being acquired for the airport pro perincluding ample room for growth outside that area are the noiselands which are not being bought or expropriated but merely being placed under control to guarantee development com patible with the airport another 25000 acres are being acquired by the ontario government for servicelands parklands and the new community of cedarwood if all four categories of lands airport noiselands service and parklands and cedarwood were lumped together as the pickering airport site they would easily rival ste scholastique in size provincial and federal authorities have agreed however that it is both practical and economic to place the outer noiselands under zoning controls see map p 2 and allow them to be developed in man ners compatible wiih the airport zoning rules aid orderly growth the socalled freezing of properties around the new airport site in picker ing township is actually a measure to help guarantee the orderly development of the area according to on tario government authori ties the measure took the form of orders issued march 2 by ontario treas urer w darcy mckeough under the planning act the effect of the orders is to zone certain designated lands for agricultural pur poses contrary to one wide spread notion the govern ment has not frozen land prices or prohibited buying or selling of the lands the provincial authorities said however they added the orders are bound to inhibit the buying and selling that otherwise would likely have occurred as soon as the air port site was announced since no new uses can be made of the lands unless they are directly related to agriculture and no new farming can be undertaken on less than 25 acres property owners who have been intending to erect buildings on land now vacant are therefore being denied building permits at least for the time being the provincial authorities explained they said the ministerial orders are serving as a stopgap to prevent land speculation and incompati ble developments from oc curring in the interim peri od while local zoning by laws are revised to take the new airport into account affected by the orders are portions of the towns of whitchurch stouffville and markham portions of the townships of uxbridge and pickering and all of scott township the orders do not apply to more than a northerly fraction of the parcel the provincial government in tends to develop as service- lands and the new commun ity of cedarwood these lands however are cov ered by a new legislative amendment which in effect means that landprice in creases resulting from the airports presence will not be taken into account when the properties are being ac quired except for the scott township land the proper ties designated in the or ders fall within the noise lands the areas most likely to be affected by noise from the- airport scott township was cov ered by one of the orders because it has no official plan to guide the new de velopment pressures that would otherwise occur the provincial spokesmen said mckeough said he is anx ious to see local authorities resume zoning controls as soon as possible with that aim in mind he added meetings are being arranged with munic ipal representatives to dis cuss revisions needed in their official plans and zon ing bylaws new sysmm may limit noise level the provinces project director larry forster former regional director with the depart ment of transportation and communications in thunder bay has just been appointed as the provinces project director for the airport complex he will oversee provincial planning responsibilities for airport services and the new townsite mr forster can be reached through the brock road office see office story on opposite page the new pickering air port will provide a major test for a system pioneered by the ontario government to regulate noise levels and land use near airports developed originally for the proposed enlargement of malton airport the sys tem relates land use to a sophisticated measure of noise levels noise levels have been a major source of public con cern regarding airport con struction in the last several years research on airport noise in ontario has been conducted since 1957 in the last three years cooperation between the federal and provincial gov ernments has produced op erating regulations which are meant to ensure the least possible aircraft noise compatible with the safe operation of the airport the ontario control sys tem also goes further by tracing out zones of noise according to a noise rating formula residential areas and aircraft operating pro cedures can be established which reduce noise irrita tion the zones are established by contours named com posite noise rating con tour cnr the contours take into account actual noise levels the number of occurrences per day the time of day and other fac tors which are related to ir ritation a land use compatibili ty table developed by the department of municipal affairs is then used to es tablish what the land within specific contours is suitable for when the land use com patibility table was first announced in 1969 the hon darcy mckeough then minister of municipal af fairs identified three ma jor objectives for its use to ensure that the effect of aircraft noise on existing built up areas is mini mized to ensure that unde veloped land subject to un acceptable noise levels re mains undeveloped and to protect the public from ac quiring land unsuitable for the purpose planned having kept these objec tives in mind the provin cial government is hopeful that the selection and plan ning of the pickering site will result in a minimum of noise irritation three ontario airports to be expanded three airports in south western ontario are to be expanded in 1972 as part of the evolution of an aviation system that will include to ronto international airport at malton and the new in ternational airport to be built at pickering the three airports slated for immediate expansion are at hamilton london and windsor in announcing the expan sion plans federal authori ties said local air services in the productive south western region of ontario have been hampered to some extent by runways and facilities less than ad equate for certain large aircraft one objective of the im provements will be to pro vide better domestic ser vice for people living in southwestern ontario a separate major aim is to enable the three airports to pickerings role in total scheme what role will the new- pickering airport play in the overall picture of south ern ontarios aviation de velopment contrary to some press speculation the new air port scheduled to start op erating by 1978 or 1979 will be much more than a mi nor regional terminal for air traffic its function will be to rnmhina internatinnil some domestic service its regular traffic will include charter flights freight and domestic and international flights by scheduled air lines as the torontoarea mar ket grows pickering will likely be the terminal for increasing volumes of do mestic traffic however say govern ment planners it would be erings coming role as ei ther that of the major air port in the region or just a minor airport in the sys tem it will be one important compenent in a system composed of several air ports one spokesman ex plains malton he added will re tain a significant role and pickerine will comnicment will the airports at wind sor london and hamilton all three of which are to begin new expansion pro grams this year pickering will provide the relief malton will need by 197879 the spokesman adds and it will provide a flexibility that the southern ontario system will need in serving the region and its markets a decade from originate and receive long- haul charter and interna tional flights they said short takeoff and landing stol air craft may be introduced into the system depending on results of a pilot pro gram being instituted be tween montreal and otta wa in studying the overall air transportation needs of the region researchers found that the needs of the hamilton-kitchener- water loo area for example could not be met fully l the airports at malton and the new northeast site the southwestern area is sufficiently removed from toronto to require an air port system specifically de signed and located to serve the market there analysis also revealed that this area and several communities in southwest ern ontario currently re in view of the substantial growth of traffic forecast the total area of south western ontario excluding toronto is expected to gen erate six to eight million passengers annually by 1985 and 17 to 25 million by the year 2000 a study of the longterm requirements will be undertaken while the improvements at ham ilton london and windsor are underway the expansion of facili ties in the southwestern re gion will encourage more direct flights into these three airports and make air passengers in the surround ing areas less dependent on the airports at malton and the northeast site the extension of runways and other improved facili ties will also accommodate aircraft that were previous ly unable to land there new widebodied aircraft such as the 747 dc10 and tlol 1 will h nhlo in net