doainnii st thii tirr lor established 1sss hakiks ii solas publisher james thomas avvxiate iubluher and kilitor kobkkt mecacsland advertising manarer published every thursday by inland pubibink co limited at 54 main st stouffville ont tel 6102101 single copies iv subeiipioas sg00 per year in can id 1900 elsewhere membr of audit bureui of circulation canadian weekly newspapers association and ontuio weekly newspapers asmxiation second elass mail registration number tisoo editorial a temporary parking site no plans have been announced con cerning the future use on a permanent basis of the ratcliff property main and market streets in stouffville the site has remained sterile since the fire nov 9 although completely levelled under contract within three weeks unless an immediate sale is pending and some kind of construction an ticipated soon the downtown businessmen would be wise to lease the land for parking on a temporary agreement the area could accommodate from ten to fifteen cars just prior to christmas the land was used for this purpose squatters rights but the ground was then bare of snow it has been impossible to park on it since a situation that could be corrected quickly with a little work the traffic congestion and parking problems in the downtown area on weekends particularly on saturdays is terrible and its getting worse but this is only january tnink of the weekends ahead if the property is available and suitable maintenance is provided an arrangement could possibly be worked out that would prove advantageous to the merchant and to the motorist certainly as the site stands now no one is benefiting spotlight on minor hockey minor hockey week in stouffville begins jan 24 and extends through jan 29 it is timed to coincide with minor hockey week across canada the program here is tremendous in volving 480 boys a record the cost too is at an alltime high approximately 20000 for the season but its worth it every cent of it ask any lad ask his parents ask his coach while the record enrollment is en couraging the cost of the project is startling to cover expenses through registration fees alone is prohibitive the association must seek other means of raising money dances bottle drives and ticket sales this week 480 boys will be going door- todoor with tickets to sell the idea is to encourage more people to take ah active interest in minor hockey and last but far from least to assist in breaking even financially at the end of the hockey year so buy a ticket drop down to the arena and see a hockey game if recreation of this kind is not for you buy a ticket anyway and be part of stouffvilles minor hockey program its a worthwhile investment in youth elitor mail dear mr thomas on behalf of the people who supported the petition to raise the speed limit to 40 mph on the 5th concession north of the stouffville road i wish to thank you and the stouffville tribune for your support of our cause we feel that your concern regarding this matter and your presentation of it to the public was of great help in bringing about the new bylaw that was approved dec 28 by council also we wish to commend the mayor and members of council for their prompt action in repealing the old bylaw and instituting the new one fortunately we have council members who are interested in the safety of our children mrs wm mcgregor rri gormley dear editor could you please spare me a copy of the tribune for old times sake it has always been a great weekly it must be close to 35 years since i saw my first copy if you can recall when mr talbot had the milk route that was my first visit to stouffville thats a long time ago in those days there were people like dr walter sangster and levi forsyth his wonderful wife and family i remember when i contacted infection in my leg dr sangster wasted no time one quick look and he had me in his car i tell you that oldsmobile really burned up the pavement at brierbush hospital he introduced me to the nurse saying they call him sunshine he hasnt any money but he needs attention so take good care of him the memory of dr sangster lingers im sure he often went out of his way to help others this old world needs more folks like him i served as santa clause in section h4 of the 1000 bed general hospital in winnipeg the patients staff and even the merry old gent himself had a wonderful time later the head nurse gave me a wonderful lunch a kiss and five dollars 1 was disappointed to have to return to victoria the intense cold 25 below zero was more than i could stand i hitchhiked to banff and then took a bus to vancouver there i suffered an attack of severe chest pains putting me back in hospital im still not out of the woods yet heres wishing the tribune staff and all my friends in stouffville the very best for 1972 theadore nielsen sunshine dear editor your last weeks editorial supported by mr nibletts article the bremner dump reminds me of mr trudeau and his guided russian tour as a cultured gentleman he did not ask whats behind the ornamented gates of freedom camps and his vips dignity would not allow him to use the side entrance in stead he tasted vodka and caviar saw no more and no less what the sweettalking comrades wanted him to see and became instant expert and admirer of soviet affairs many canadians have surprisingly short memories and lack of concern about future that makes this country a perfect breeding ground for politicians and businessmen and the hybrid specimen of both everything but everything for them rotates around business and the almighty greenbuck that must be pocketed fast and plentiful should the coffee some morning have an oily taste they would probably suggest you to drink coca cola or pepsi and rent the idle bremner tank trucks and un- buried drums to haul water from lake simcoe in the name of business some more peculiarities strike an unbiased observer and newcomer like the emphasis of wrappings over contents the books here are usually judged and purchased by the front covers and the facades and gates are photographed much more often than whats behind them for obvious reasons because the name of the game is business a zakis rr4 stouffville deacon for leader don deacon yorkcentre is the obvious choice as leader of the provincial liberal party writes walter pittman in a recent issue of the star he then goes on to give positive reasons for his choice reasons that have been obvious to many of mr deacons sup porters in the riding for several years 7 sorry tfe ftwemjmf7b s tev up sugar and spice junk good for capital gain by bill smiley either im slowing down or life is speeding up probably both which is one reason im so confused these days the other reason is that ive always been confused for one thing the new tax legislation it may be manna to lawyers and ac countants but to the ordinary rather stupid canadian like me its like wan dering around in a bog in a fog blind folded what did i do before valuation days were announced nothing i didnt have a clue where to start and besides the whole thing had about as much fascination for me as a january sale now i discover that i should have valued some of my precious antiques and stuff so that i could pay taxes on them when they increase in value well i havent any stamp collections or coin collections or paintings that are going to increase in price steadily i dont have a summer cottage which seems to be a bad thing to have according to the papers but i do have some antiques theres the violin for example its an authentic handmade instrument my uncle tom made it about forty years ago and somehow it came into my possession no one in the family has played it because there is only one string the bridge is broken and the frame is slightly warped therefore its not just junk but almost pristine and surely is increasing in value daily the case in which it is enclosed is equally antique id say about 1850 vintage i definitely slipped up there that thing could be worth as much as 38 in ten or twelve years and i got it for nothing how much will a rapacious government snatch from me in capital gains fr that and the beds of course they are genuine antiques my mother bought them at an auction sale and they must have been 100 years old then we inherited them and theyre probably priceless by now how about my hip waders if theyre not antiques ill eat your hip waders theyre so old i cant remember when i bought them and they are full of genuine holes just like old furniture and where does my woodpile come in one of my oaks blew down last summer and i had it cut into firewood now i didnt pay for the oak when i bought the property and i have about 35 worth of wood there do i pay capital gains tax on it enough of that im becoming steadily more worried i can see my entire estate going down the drain to the greedy tax collector something else has me just about as puzzled its the educational system its different in every province so that you can learn as much in twelve years in manitoba as you can in thirteen years in ontario that is understandable because of the difference in climate the only reason i can think of but a whole new frightening aspect of the blackboard jungle is being in troduced in my province its probably something the yanks tried out ten years ago and found unworkable and have since abandoned thats the way canadian education at its worst seems to operate beginning next september the kids and their parents choose what subjects the kid will take in high school so far so good ive always been opposed to the old rigid system under which you had to take math or french or something you were hopelessly inept at i think there should be lots of options but surely this is going a bit far the provincial government with the aid of federal help has spent millions and millions of dollars setting up schools with all manner of equipment especially in the technical departmerts different subjects lets say english and history will be vying for students so that teachers wont lose jobs the history department will make its ploy by showing pictures of nude statues of rome and greece and the renaissance but ive laid my plans too were going to lay in a supply of dirty modern novels and also give everybody at least 75 percent dont tell me that a 13 or 14 year old will choose anything except what he thinks are the easiest subjects this could lead to courses in basket weaving ar chery or mope and gawkery and what do i do if the principal in forms me that nobody wants to take english next year im not a bit worried i am convinced i can cook better than some of the home economics teachers and could fit in nicely there i know the first four letters of the greek alphabet and could teach greek in a pinch photo from a family album while checking through an old file at the tribune recently publisher cll nolan came across this picture that could well have come from a hoover family photo album many of the names are familiar back itou left to right mrs johnny hare sarah josh hoover iuduig hoover front row left to right mrs hh meyer tillie levi hoover mrs joe mowder iih and mrs ncls movvder iydia the photo while not dated was addressed to mrs dn rccsor rr2 maple i limner jemima hoocr alph hoover mile 1 apologize by jim thomas enjoy writing letters not me i leave that tedious chore to my wife but when i do take the time to drop someone a line i want it to say something fairly important at least something worth the price of an eight cent stamp such is usually the case i feel when v someone takes the time to write a letter to the editor of a newspaper any newspaper unfortunately however most writers wish to remain anonymous not only to the general public which i can sometimes appreciate but also to me which i dont appreciate so into the garbage it goes another wasted effort but there are exceptions an occasion now and then when i lower the bars a little and allow an individual the op portunity to speak his or her mind on a particular issue minus an identifying signature such is the case this week i the letter reads as follows dear mr thomas when are you going to write something nice about uxbridge in almost every issue of the tribune i read of you poking fun at some occurrence here 1 sometimes its the council they helped stop century city didnt they and the washroom in the goodwood hall certainly its no more air con- ditioned than the ladies toilet in the stouffville park a and gravel pits so what there are gravel pits in whitchurch too you also have a place called bremners dump- you write about our gokart track but have you ever tried to carry on a con versation with a friend on the main street of stouffville with dozens of gravel trucks roaring through thats what i call noise and you published a picture and the history of the former goodwood hotel stouffville also has a hotel one with quite a history too i also recall a picture of a substandard house south of coppins corners but have you seen the many estatetype j homes in uxbridge some arel magnificent i could go on might i be so bold to suggest you remove your shaded glasses and view uxbridge for what it really is theres no i other place id rather be unsigned i hadnt thought id been as critical as j all that on the contrary i feel quite the j opposite and that goes for the town as j well as the township but dont get me wrong i like stouff- j ville too but i fear it wont be long before j were caught up in the menacing ten- j tacles of an octopus called metro if we i arent already and all those homespun j luxuries that uxbridge folk still enjoy will be buried under an onslaught of residential subdivisions highrise apartments and traffic tieups when this happens ill be packed and ready to head for the hills uxbridge hills with respect to the letter from mrs x i can only say that for the most part my comments were not meant to be critical however if they sounded that way i apologize rather im envious for example meetings of township council its the only municipal gathering of a kind that adjourns halfway through the agenda so the road superintendent can serve each member and the press a freshbrewed cup of coffee now show me political hospitality to top that and the councillors from the reeve right down a great bunch of guys mind you as a group theyre topheavy stanfield supporters but i suppose even in uxbridge there cant be perfection in all things j as for the municipality itself looking past the century city blight the gravel pit scars and sterile sections of blow sand the scenic beauty is outstanding how id love to own a chunk of land at chalk lake 4 but these are material things they can be acquired with dollars and cents but not the people they are the same yesterday today and i hope tomorrow these are the folk who dont take too kindly to change unless first assured the change is an improvement that is why new heated toilets in the goodwood hall should warrant some kind of celebration whoops there i go again