pe s the tribune tfcunday november 11 19c1 compare fire to blitz stouffville it reminds me cf the blitz mrs adele macken zie of scarborough is a stranger to sioaifville she stopped tuesday morning to took at the remains left by the fire i lived in london all through the war she said e used to get bombs we called strays the buildings they hit looked just like that she stood for a min ute surveying the shell of the building she gave an impression of great inner strength and somehow it wasnt sur prising to hear that shed lived through the blitz there w a s perhaps something gallant about those days everyone helping out united by a stiphouts tv claremont 4 sales service 6492913 common danger and mrs mackenzie remem bered this spirit for just a second 1500 miles away and thirty years later she recaptured it finally she turned to go to visit some cousins in cxbridge she stopped turned back and rum maged in her purse heres five dollars for the relief fund she said these folks might be needing it gallons of coffee stouffville for the first couple of hours of the fire on tuesday one item in notably short supply- was coffee if somebody had a couple of gallons of hot coffee grumbled one chilled fireman he co uld make a fortune sell ing it at fifty cents a cup by 1030 though the problem was solved by the ladies of the le gion auxiliary and the firemens wives s t o p- ping at the legion hall to pick up tables and other equipment they headed for the down town area before long a couple of urns were pouring out streams of paarl has the wine for every occasion table wines paarl roodeberg full dry red paail cabernet light dry red paarl selected pinotage vintage dry red paarl riesling dry while paarl late vinlage isemiory while paarl selected steen premium dry while paarl petillant rose semidry pink paarl mousseux blanc sparkling dry while bonne esperance dry redl35 or bonne esperance dry whire35of sherries paarl oloroso cream paarl golden medium paarl pale dry dessert wines paarl rich ruby port paarl old tawny port paarl fine old muscatel special listing paarl van der hum liqueur superb taste modest price imported from south africa coffee we were up and down the street trying to get to everybody that wanted a hot d r i n k said mrs grant turner the ladies later set up shop in the lobby of the municipal building mayor ken laushway brought in food from the iga i took a couple of truckloads from there the mayor said manag er jack chambers re fused to keep count saying this is our dona tion several other stores according to mayor laushway made simi lar gifts on shortnotice by noon with cof fee doughnuts and sand wiches the volunteer helpers were doing a brisk business the lob by of the municipal bu ilding became a meeting- place for firemen pol ice reporters and a number of people who had come out to watch the blaze and offer what assistance they could it was a small hav en although the smell of smoke was every- where the gratitude of chilled exhausted men was unspoken but obvi ous even a fire as bad as this one has its good side said one lady while she poured out restaurant destroyed stouffville one of the businessmen ftost affected by tues days fire called the inci dent just bad luck david ku owner of the pine tree restaur ant which was heavily- damaged by the blaze is unsure as to his fut ure plans nothing was saved from the building and he said the total loss would not be covered by- insurance in addition to the restaurant the fire de stroyed mr kus apart ment and all his person al effects he and his family escaped with only the clothes on their backs mr k u watched without expression as firemen and consumers gas workmen trudged in and out of the burned smokeblackened resta urant he shrugged and turned away to look for his wife what can you do he said remembrance service the annual remem brance service will be held sunday in the vet erans memorial hall ft 230 pm the placing ol wreaths will follow at the cenotaph in the civ ic square children watch as firemen pour hundreds of block main street stouffville the loss has been gallons of water into a section of the ratcliff estimated in excess of a halfmillion dollars jas thomas cups of coffee ive never seen such a spi rit of cooperation in people worst fire in history problemssolutions stouffville the conflagration which totally destroyed one of the towns main busin ess blocks can truthful- j ly be described as the stouffville there were dozens of suggestions about tues days fire how it start ed what the damage would amount to h o w to prevent a similar oc curence we need a ladder truck said j i m mc- kellar former council lor it was discussed at the time the new apart ment buildings were be ing planned but nothing came of it the ladder truck used at the fire came from vaughan another interesting suggestion came from one of the ladies hand ing out coffee and dough nuts in the municipal building we ought to have a junior fire depart- ment an auxiliary of yo unger men she said thats right they d be about the same age as the boys in the service during the war agreed another other suggestions ranging from tearing down and replacing all buildings more than 30 years old to forcing all property owners to in stall sprinkler systems were bandied about freely what will event ually become of t h e s e ideas remains to be seen worst fire in stouffvilles in flames 94 year history the last major loss was in 1935 when a fra me block near the cn r and containing three business places went up nearly fifty years ago the large frame structure origin ally known as daleys hall and located on the site of the present postoffice was completely destroy ed fortunately there has been no loss of life in any of these but a number of fine ponies housed in stables below daleys hall were de stroyed in that fire mayor laushway picks us a winner thanks to all our friends and neighbours iv e were so glad to welcome you to our official opening you made it a great success here are the winners of our door prizes sewing machine e amador 334 stouffer st stouffville ont 6404518 enough paint for a room harvey houck 129 may tree ave stouffville ont 6401825 toaster olive vanzanr 40 tenth line n stouffville ont 6402412 burgess flashlight doug spakie 193 harold ave stouffville ont 6403634 visit our new sports department ssssq 6402771 stouffville warm and weatherproof boots for all fine footwear for the entire family lehmans shoes 9 main west stouffville 6403753 xwjxvwxxkvv snow has fallen dont wast for the tow truck winterize now take advantage of these winter specials 1100 21 95 major tuneup golden miler snow tires reg s2895 parts extra 4 volkswagen highway 7 1 mile west of highway 48 markham telephone 2944141 1 snow shovels t r buy one reg price get second one for 10c at equal value a true temper aluminum designed for quick easy snow removal completely rust proof lightweight curved 10 inch ribbed blade with wear strip riveted socket and fire hardened ash handles wm i a true temper aluminum wide blade tubular steel d handle blade is ribbed for strength and has steel wear strip and corner support ij ct 9 steel snocar ijhigh carbon steel construe- ition deep and sturdy ideal ifor every automobile trunk firc hardened d top handle overall length 40 inches iku- comet aluminum promotion model low in cost lijht in weight yet sturdy enough for gen- cral purpose use available in long or with plastic d handle limited time only watch for our weekly nitonn 10 sale feed sopplies ltd claremont 6401621 2 miles east of stouffville