north york plowing match complete sixty lands at rainsoaked site students to hear candidates thursday october 14 1971 the tr1buxe page 3 community of baliantrae no voice in recreation i vandorf sixty soggy lands were turned saturday as heavy rains turned the site of the north york branch plowing match into a mud bowl the location was the farm of george richardson don mills road north of vandorf while better weather could have produced a record entry those that started in the morning remained through to the very end top prizes and awards will be presented at a tribranch banquet in the victoria square hall nov 26 class results follow class l anthony featherstone milliken class 2 keith robinson cookstown ross kennedy little britain ken brown richmond hill class 3 ron mcguckin mt albert carl timbers stouffville ivan degeer mt albert class 4 bob tran claremont bert robertson acton don dunkeld claremont class 5 ted smith sunderland john mcdonald king city herb jarvis agincourt class 6 brian degeer mt albert dale oldham mt albert don little sunderland class 7 marie thomas cookstown greg timbers sandford kevin wells stouffville class 9 gordon bradfield peterboro keith robinson cookstown don dunkeld claremont class 10 bill tran claremont dale oldham mt albert john sheridan stouffville in special classes the prize for the best team on the grounds went to anthony featherstone milliken the esso champion special was won by ken ferguson stouff ville the eatons of canada jr cham pionship trophy michael grove stouff ville the internationul harvester co special ted smith sunderland the canadian imperial bank of commerce stouffville trophy carl timbers stouffville the bank of nova scotia stouffvillenewmarket special peter hulshof stouffville the guaranty trust co stouffville special carl timbers stouffville the stouffville dis credit union trophy kevin wells stouffville best crown tractor class ross kennedy little britain best finish tractor class don little sunderland queen of the furrow barbara forson stouffville many of these same competitors are entries in the international match at nanticoke haldimand county this week stouffville a busy program of social events is planned for students at stouffville district secondary school this term demonstrating the interest of ontarios new voters in the current election campaign the student council has invited all three candidates to appear at the school oct 14 today bill hodgson pc can didate has had to decline the invitation due to prior com mitments jim mckellar will serve as a standin on oct 29 there will be a halloween dance at the school another dance is planned for nov 19 while the christmas dance will be held dec 10 editors note the tribune has since learned that mpp bill hodgson will attend the all- candidates meeting at stouffville dist secondary school oct 14 vandorf- i think we can forget baliantrae its a lost cause this comment was made at a recent recreation committee meeting by councillor betty vannostrand members were discussing a problem which has plagued the committee all year absenteeism among members for three months july august and september there was no way of ob taining a quorum so meetings could be held chairman bill paine made a strong plea for more citizen par ticipation weve had a problem getting active people on this com mittee he observed i dont think its fair to members or to the residents to have people serving who wont show up he pointed out that things had been dif ficult this year because of amalgamation and felt that some appointees didnt really want the job heaven alone knows why they agreed to serve in the first place he said the chairman suggested that a list of volunteers be drawn up and submitted to council so that ap pointments could be made early in 1972 committee member ed grimshaw suggested that what was needed was a little more gumption its time people representing different places were brought to the meetings he said mr paine said that while the committee is restricted in the number of members it can have we welcome anyone in terested in recreation at any level such interested residents he said would be welcome to attend any committee meetings and could be asked for advice and suggestions betty vannostrand remarked that baliantrae whose representative has yet to attend a meeting seems to be going ahead with its own programs several suggestions were made to improve communications and encourage wider public interest mrs vannostrand sug gested a news letter she also proposed a com munity conference where a number of suggestions and views would be aired and suggested a winter carnival arrangements were made for a letter to be sent to everv group in whitchurch-stouff- ville seeking par ticipation in such a conference in dividuals with in terests in a particular activity whether snowmobiling chess car rallies or anything else will also be welcome the date has been tentatively set for midnovember any person or organization wishing to attend has been asked to contact either mrs june button or mr ed grimshaw in preparation for competition at the in ternational plowing match near jarvis this week lloyd grove rrl stouffville par ticipated in three branch matches within four days south ontario oct 6 north ontario oct 7 and north york oct 9 a son michael is also an entry at the nternational competing in the eaton jr championship class jas thomas no language course extension at sdss student art exhibit by doris lapp stouffville whitchurchstouffville public library invites you to come and see its exciting panorama of color for the month of october the art displays mirror the colors of the autumn foliage in the adult section is summer 71 watercolors by mrs shirley day these scenes done in the countryside between stouffville and lake simcoe are representative of rural ontario mrs day a graduate of the on tario college of art lives in toronto her gallery the beach house at jacksons point is open to the public in the summer mrs day is the granddaughter of the late h w sanders of obrien avenue stouffville in the childrens section summitview there are times when everyone needs souiflx investment estate counselling public school is exhibiting its art work stouffville it appears unlikely that students at stouffville district secondary school will be learning cree or serbocroat in the near future a new regulation from the department of education leaves the door open for this type of language to be taught formerly only certain european languages including russian and german were authorized the recent announcement allows schools to offer credit courses in any language to suit the needs of the students the only languages offered at stouffville presently are latin french and german principal wm dux- bury does not foresee any change prin cipally because of the size of his school we maintain courses in latin and german because some students need them for university entrance he explained but the classes tend to be pretty small i dont think we have enough students to offer russian or any other language at present remember to vote thursday oct 21 ask for this booklet from our representative m g phillips who will beat jgj3 industry elopment bank a source of dancing for a tanadian business tijm the markwood motel hwy 7 one mile east of hwy 48 on thursday oct 14th 900 am to 400 pm if you require a term loan to start modernize orexpand your business we invite you to discuss your needs with our representative vd 0 iau industrial development bank term financing for canadian businesses motel 4162941431 office 4166380823 1 only electrohome console black white c a00 259 oosoooceo 1 electrohome console riviera color 595 00 whon you need the competent services of a trust company let us help you on such items as tan matters succession duties planning and administering estates investments savings end high interest certificates sterling trusts j7j t slrmt toonto 1 only motorola console quasar 11 thc00 ooooooooo 1 only motorola portable quasar 11 21 color works in a drawer 25 color 795 675 00 where quality style come first otleills 3 main east stouffville 6402855 everyones invited to attend the 1972 premier of star performers at arkham volkswag ens new car showing oct14 15 16 sring your friends theres coffee donuts too m markham volkswagen hwy7 laid law blvd markham 2944141