fage 4 the txubuxe thursday sept 9 19t1 wcptnvn 9 mmum rrrfjruijrjfji stouffville scene what going awn o i o ill help wanted the new season for boy scout and cub activities will begin soon if more leaders are found persons willing to assist are urged to call bill davidson at 6402523 horse show a combined english and western horse show the last of the season will be held on the grounds of als tack shop vandorf road west of hwy 48 on sunday sept 19 events open at 10 am pool repairs betz pools limited of stouffville has been authorized by council to complete repairs to the deck of the com munity pool this fall at the same time an addition measuring 20 by 40 feet will be constructed this project to cost an estimated 9500- is sponsored by the lions club asst manager the crosby memorial community centre at unionville is hiring an assistant rink manager with employment to begin in october an ad vertisement is published in this weeks tribune shivaree parly newlyweds mr and mrs murray miller rr4 stouffville were shivareed recently at a noisy surprise party ten dered by members of the unionville junior farmers noise- makers of all descriptions were brought out of moth balls for the occasion even a renowned horse fiddle following the serenade the visitors were made welcome at a social halfhour that followed miss suzanne stover of london ont spent a week with her grandparents and uncle mr and mrs floyd forsyth and wayne hwy 47 north of town new service times the congregations of stouffville united and st james presbyterian chur ches are reminded of new worship times that commenced sept 5 worship in the united church begins at 10 am service in the presbyterian church is at 1115 am first meeting the seasons first meeting of the ontario registered music teachers association scarborough bran ch will be held at the bendale library 1515 danforth road fridav sept 10 at 930 am the location is 1 block south of mc- cowan road and lawrence avenue east rn assistant margaret norreen smith has successfully passed her examinations as a registered nursing assistant and has accepted a position on the staff of york county hospital newmarket she is the daughter of mr and mrs roy smith gormley rri- mr and mrs fred mcnair and mr clark hoover church street accompanied by mrs ruth kaiser victoria street visited with mr and mrs murray ramer of apsley mrs lloyd mover dorothv and mildred church street were sunday visitors with mr and mrs henry steckley and daughters of scar- boro three awards beverley bell rr3 claremont gained 5 awards in vocal competition at the canadian national exhibition including two gold two silver and one bronze beverley is a student of mrs peggy clark markham shop closed mr k r shine davis announces that his main street tobacco shop will be closed sept 13 until further notice 91st birthday congratulations to miss elizabeth williamson now of toronto but well known in the markham community on the occasion of her 91st birthday today sept 9 mrs blanche gordon rose avenue has returned from a months visit with her daughter mrs john sargeant and family chilliwack b c bert tait well- known former stouffville resident was a visitor in town last week mr and mrs tait now reside near minden recent visitors at the home of mr and mrs harvey houck maytree avenue were rev and mrs dan thornhill patricia and katharine south bend indiana mr- murray baker greenbank with his daughter shirley mrs duane mullen shyrl and gary calgary and mr and mrs john dors toronto over sixty club the over sixty club will resume its fall activities tuesday sept 14 at 2 pm in the parlors of the stouffville united church new and former members are invited mr and mrs robt mccormack and kellyanne of sudbury were recent visitors with his mother mrs george mccormack bl il on display at booths 49 50 62 63 stouffville trade fair 3 locations to serve you stouffville trailer a j trailer r a trailer limited 177 no 7 hwy e main st n hwy 48 north of markham thornhill markham 6401411 2971411 8897456 2941411 antique exhibition twenty dealers display wares markham some impressive and unique local collections will be on display september 10 and 11 in the markham arena these are the dates of st andrews presbyterian antique exhibition wally west a resident of markham will display his collection of swords included in the collection are several medals honoring outstanding service during the fenian raids a cedar grove collector austin reesor will show his collection of antique radios other special exhibitions will feature antique firearms rare old clocks and 19th- century dolls in addition to these displays over 20 an tique dealers will be offering their wares at the show admission will be one dollar and a hot roast beef dinner will be served for s225 miss bertha stouffer mill street enjoved holidavs with mrs walter stouffer kitchener a r mr and mrs brian leslie taylor following their wedding june 5 1971 in mcmaster divinity chapel the bride is the daughter of mr and mrs james thorpe stoney creek and the groom the son of mr and mrs leslie taylor goodwood pretty wedding stoney creek on saturday junes in mcmaster divinity college chapel elizabeth anne daughter of mr and mrs james a thorpe 31 burwell street stoney creek and brian leslie taylor son of mr and mrs leslie taylor of goodwood were united in marriage the ceremony was performed by the rev jw oliver an arrangement of pink and white gladioli mums and carnations decorated the altar the pew maf kers were white satin bows given in marriage by her father the bride wore a gown of silk ligoda fashioned with a high neckline empire waist and the bishop sleeves it was adorned with re- embroidered alencon lace a full bouffant chapel train trimmed with matching lace and self buttons was held in place by a large bow and streamers her headpiece was a cap of lace enhanced with crystals and was held with a full length silk illusion hand rolled veil complete with appliques of matching lace she carried a bouquet of white roses and lily of the valley held with white satin ribbon the maid of honor was miss sandra straw of hamilton and the bridesmaids were miss susan gee miss karen crozier mrs rick rumney and mrs randy butts sister of the groom their gowns were fashioned of apple green silk and worsted used in the bodice as a bolero effect and in the floor length skirt white voile scattered with paler green polka dots was inset in the bodice and in the full length sleeves they wore matching full brimmed hats and carried bouquets of twotoned pink car nations held with pink satin sleeves the best man was paul taylor of toledo ohio brother of the groom the ushers were terry thorpe of stoney creek brother of the bride vern lowe and fred bowler toronto and john spears of kingston miss marta middleton the soloist sang the wedding hymn the lords prayer and the alleluia chorus a reception followed at the glendale golf and country club the mother of the bride received in a pink silk suede gown with pink beading enhancing the scalloped front panel her corsage was of pink sweetheart roses the mother of the groom wore a mat ching dress and coat of mauve lace and a mauve orchid was her corsage for their honeymoon trip to bermuda the bride chose a dress and coat ensemble the sleeveless dress had a cream bodice and a red skirt the fitted coat was of the same red wool crepe her shoes and purse were of black patent and her corsage was a white gardenia betty anne and brian now reside in barrie where they are employed by the simcoe county board of education markham 2943355 earth starts friday sow kom jo owrskark loghwylorvoiivii hustc0n0tiurl 3rt wui next thursday night 1 800dm nucdomald eddy to i ltv i ts naughty marietta scalloped front panel of education mens favorites ms wood gundy individual investment programs require sound advice and personal attention wood gundy offers a comprehen sive investment service and we invite you to contact our autho rized subagent russell beare 261 main street markham telephone 2941523 demi boot strap buckle 1795 classic laceups 1795 brown suede ankle tie boot 2100 fine footwear for the entire family lehmnns 9 main w stouffville 6403753 open thurs fri till 9 pm sunday sept uth bu rn rundown n0 to suhdovn wood gundy limited in this confused uncertain world isnt it kind of nice to find something you can really count on like 8 guaranteed i please send me complete information on i royal trust guaranteed investment i receipts i understand there is no obltga- i i lion on my part name ge and pjk a diven time during the j term of our deposit if you livr the idea of petting witk rcai mileage out of your i addrcss royal trust guaranteed investment receipt arc wmcthirg iiwc hank term lieoonn but more because they pay c more on a sycar ninmum derail of money talk to your local royal trust mooyou get guaranteed s tf paid ortee or mal u the coupon kmiannually cn if the market plun- apt tel 41 royal trust anew undr administration over 10 billion toronto offkoi hoyoi tpv tof ciomin ctr 857 hz othor toronto oftloti j3a7 rso s 41 ml st co itftot w9ji61 j urtn swe ctvt j jw also pi0kyourown red- green peppers t tomatoes it 25 doz sweet corn bushel 5150