Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), August 19, 1971, p. 6

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page 8 the tribune thursday august 19 1971 phone 6402100 today wtihum classified ads the peoples marketplace for stouffville markham uxbridge and district bejel estate i agent properties be wise see wood b402323 2972500 1 agent properties juoimw ii m 1 1 1 in n i iso acee dairy faem large bank barn stalls lor 33 cows new stable clean er silo milkhouse 5000 bu steel granary new imple ment shed and arrowing barns 3 bedroom brick home fully modem natur al spring winding through cedar trees 100 feet from house also 100 acre farm with loose housing implement shed and small house a never failing spring on this property also both farms are of sandy clay loam good corn and alfalfa land may be purchased as one unit or separately 109 acre farm large red brick home ful ly modern large barn will accommodate 150 head of cattle buildings in good repair good corn land priced reasonable just listed 107 acres with 6 room brick home oil heating attached gar age barn 54 by 60 rolling land 75 acres workable 25 acres bush trout stream 400 ft from house also a pond near house buildings well back from county road asking only 31000 contact albert e carson highway 86 west of llstowel 2911395 representing b w coulter real estate broker aoooooo peter walley ltd real estate broker stouffville west beautiful treed building lot only 990000 call sharron brazier 2941158 stouffville area 4 miles north 2 houses both with lake frontages asking 1390000 for one good terms and 15900 00 for the other call 2941158 or 6402304 or 0401956 stouffville west 2 apt home nice large lot ex cellent income hurry for this one asking 2990000 call 2941158 wht end stouffville room 3 bedroom brick home fin ished re room nicely landscaped corner lot hurry for thb one asking 2770000 call sharron brazier 294il5c 1 agent properties mharg vandobf horses picturesque 10 acre hobby farm 8 room triievel home new horse barn co rals 3 ponds plus flowing stream partially treed many flowers shrubs must be seen asking 7450000 call hal morris 1 agent properties only 2 left stouffville area 5 miles north new 3 bedroom bi- level brick homes 2car garages buy before com pletion and have your choice of colors etc only 3190000 financing to be arranged call 2941158 call anytime from 8 am to 10 pm for real estate wood b4d23avl 297250d mortgages bill jackson mortgage investments we are pleased to offer the following irv vestments for your consideration 4250 buys 4700 second mortgage to yield 2 new residential home markham sold for 38500 with 8000 down excellent covenant 20000 first mortgage 1 1 repayable 20300 monthly 30 acres stouffville whitchurch twp market value 60000 doctors covenant 23100 buys 24750 second mortgage to yield 15 repayable 7500 monthly plus interest matures dec 1573 first mortgage 11700 ten acres brick resi dence stouffvillewhitchurch twp market value 5560000 9000 first mortgage 102 repayable 88 monthly residential property keswick funds required oct 171 good covenant phone me at 2943416 for further infor mation on above investments or others which are available brick back split stouffville nearly new 4 bdrms family room with fireplace 2 baths on lovely lot 33000 terms call george harvie retire in uxbridge lovely 3 bdrm brick bun galow small sewing rm attached garage on land scaped lot 63x115 rear ter raced to lg fastflowing stream only 2850000 i acres pond immaculate custom built 8 rm brick bungalow walk out basement many extras 15000 down just north of stouffville call ross gallo vandorf pond beautiful rolling 19 acres 6 rm house barn suitable for 10 horses asking 55- 000 with 15000 down call hal or george mt albert 10 acre bush lot with 2 spring fed pond sites ask ing 990000 call bob goode try 500000 down gormley n 5 room home alum siding finish ed in knotty pine full basement on nice lot ask ing 22000 call george harvie stouffville north quaint 2 bdrm home on nice lot beautiful view only 19500 call harrison schlic- ter dream home claremont 50 acre horsehobby farm 3000 ft frontage beautiful mo dern 7 room country home good barn new steel inter ior lovely pond trees call george harvie don hamilton real estate box 1147 llstowel 350 acre beef setup near ly all workable level land tiled every 2 rods large irani and pole barns two 20x70 silos and one 13 x35 silo with unloaders 7 room house with at tached garage and all conveniences 172 acre dairy farm slight ly rolling well drained land barn 68x70 with ties for 37 cows milkhouse 8 room house with all con veniences 200 acre dairy or beef arm 4500000 slightly rolling land barn 55x70 lole barn implement shed 8 room brick house with all conveniences 10 engagements mr and mrs fred green field of markham are plea sed to announce the forth coming marriage of their only daughter elizabeth ann to ardon edward maschke of east york son of mr and mrs edward maschke of pembroke wedding is to take place at the missionary church markham saturday sept ember 18 1971 at 4 pm 14 in memcriam cards of thanks 250 acre beef or dairy nearly all workable level land artificial lake barn 60x60 pole barn 80x80 ce ment yard 7 room house with conveniences 7 financial mort gages business opportunities need a mortgage funds available for 1st sc 2nd mortgages we also have clients waiting to pur chase your mortgage on best of terms discuss your neetk with us in confidence 43tf gerry meharg ltd realtor 6403131 stouffville puia member of ontario mort gage brokers association only 2850000 stouffville nearly new 6 rm brick bungalow on quiet street call earl dowswell 6103131 or 2972283 gerry meharg ltd realtor wood 6402323 2972500 buyers waiting want to sell fast houses needed urgently in and around stouffville call for free estimate west end 29900 or this well built clay brick 3 bedroom bun galow in choice area has cedar privacy hedge panel led rcc room attached gar age plus 6 mortgage call now stouffville 34500 4 large bright bedrooms arc featured plus family size kitchen living dining located on quiet treed street and has a 40x20 swimming pool see this one now know your i mortgage obligations- they are invariably more than just to make the monthly payments on time for this particular document represents the loaners security for the money he advanced kor instance virtually nil mortgages have provisions obligating you to tarry ade quate insurance so as to protect the loancrs equity in the event of a fire or other calamity you must pay all taxes on the property arid maintain the property in rood condition while these provisions are in the mortgagors interest as well they may be neglected and could conceivably constitute a basis for can cellation of the mortgage if you plan a major alteration to the property you may have to consult the niort- ragw and if you rreate a new addition it usually must be added into the mortgagees claim on your property if the government should pay you money for any part of your property compensation of the mortgagee must be taken into con sideration mortgages require a skilled lawyers help and his fees will be money well spent lie will explain your obligations beforehand and include any special provisions that may apply see you next week ttp cook ifal btatk ltd realtors i m w g muttn smxm0 goodwood 10 acres 14900 gently rolling sandy soil all in grass fenced front and rear come and see uxbridge north 27 acres slightly rolling about 12 acre cleared balance cedar buh 2 pos sible pondsites etc see this for future investment asking 18000 easy terms split level home 31900 spotless 3 bedroom plus family living and din ing rooms ultra modern kitchen family room with fireplace attached garage this is beautiful property terms close to all ser vices honesty is our policy courteous service guaranteed stouffvilles own local broker 3 houses wanted to buy property wanted i have family transferred to area anxious to purchase 34 bedroom home on small acreage within 10 miles of stouffvilie if you have such a property and have considered selling pcasc call gerry meharg citiui or i9t22u gerry meharg ltd realtor mortgages we have funds available for first or second mort gages at current rates if a mortgage is the answer to your financial prob lems a phone call will bring you prompt court- eo serv if you have a mortgage which you wish to dis pose of we can arrange a prompt sale on the best of terms for all mortgage prob lems call 22tf john ltd m boird realtor 197 wellington st e markham phone 2941431 member of ontario mort gage brokers association announcements 8 coming events bingo claremont legion hall every monday night air conditioned cash pri zes share the wealth top line and jackpot plus 5000 jackpot goes every night time 800 pm ad mission 100 10tf descendants of geo brownsberger and eliza beth lehman are invited to a picnic at glcnbrook park tsupper 530 saturday august 28 1971 note date change phone 6402785 maclean in loving memory of bruce maclean who passed away aug 18 1968 so many things have hap pened since you were called a- way so many things to share with you had you been left to stay every day in some small way memories of you come our way though absent you are e- ver near still missed loved and al ways dear sadly missed by wife mary betty bill and family helen and dennis and family 9 births grove art and linda nee manning are pleased to announce the birth of their daughter robyn eli zabeth 7 lb 4 oz checking in on aug ii 1971 at tor onto east general hospital hall bob and betty jeanne nee tran are pleased to announce the birth of a son scott jos eph 9 lbs i oz on august 9 1971 wilson nelson jr wishes to announce arrival of baby sister july 14 1971 proud parents nelson and diane 10 engagements mr and mrs willis wide- man are happy to an nounce the engagement of their daughter mary el aine to paul harrison schliclcr son of mr and mrs harrison schlicter of stoutfvillc the wed ding is to take place sept 24 1971 730 pm at wide- man mcnnonitc church horticultural so ciety flower show thursday today in the stouffville masonic hall tindall in loving me mory of charles s tindall who left us aug 19 1967 he left us quietly his thoughts unknown but left us a memory we are proud to own so treasure him lord in your garden of rest for when on earth he was one of the best sadly missed by his lo ving wife ida and loving daughter effie and son- inlaw orvan 2 grand children and 3 great grandchildren winger in loving me mory of a dear wife and mother mabel winger who passed away aug 23 1968 god took her home it was his will but in our hearts she liv- cth still sadly missed by husband henry daughters bern- ice jean ruth and sons clifford gerald and ray sincere thanks to our frond- of stouffville and markham for their kind prayers cards and flowers after our recent accident reuben and joy smith mr and mrs murray mil ler nee brunhild ramsey take this opportunity to thank their many relativ es neighbors and other friends for the showers had in their honor they were very happy events and the gifts most greatly apprec iated accommodation 17 houses for rent 3 bedroom brick bungalow call george harvie 640- 3131 gerry meharg ltd 18 rooms for rent furnished room to let abstainer 6402678 2 nice housekeeping rooms on don mills rd elderly couple preferred 8875768 rooms for rent cooking facilities girl preferred bstainer 2943466 even ings 20 apartments for rent bachelor apartment for rent in markham contact mrs weinstock 3627528 apartments stouffville west end 1 bdrm 14000 2 bdrm 16000 renting very fast only a few left 6403131 2972283 gerry meharr ltd realtor 21 wanted to rent wanted to rent barn with or without land rea sonable 6404022 wanted to rent garage or similar storage space reasonable 6404022 clergyman and wife re quire 2 bedroom house to rent immediately 640- 18h 212 reliable couple requir es a small house or farm house by sept 1 in stouff ville markham unionville irea 14931074 collect articles 22 articles for sale 22 articles for sale automatic clothes dry er excellent condition al so 50 ft- heavv duty cable 6500 6404498 silver bright asphalt al uminum paint for metal wood or masonary build ings- s barkey 6403360 antique 5 pc washstand set and copper boiler in excellent condition 1416- 2663983 oat grinder and motor wheel barrow and some tools some furniture mo ving 8956866 health foods local supply of natural foods natural vitamins herbal remedies agents for thuna health sup ply centre massage by appointment 2tf phone s4035cs 100 reward for return of saddle removed from barn on 3rd cone goodwood no questions asked 640- 4390 or 6404992 clearout sale of dishes furniture and other artic les at orval drewerys ba ker hill on the evenings of august 19 and 20 after six pm owner moving whiteelna sewing ma chine agent 129 main st markham village parts 5c service to all makes new and used machines for sale trades accepted phone 2942241 50tf 22 articles for sale roth tractor with lawn mower cultivator and plow attachments 10 hp 8523770 employment 27 help wanted primarily of intoreit to man parttime sales help wanted phone 2944465 wanted contractor wanted to dismantle 100x50 foot brrn at gormley write box 502 co the tribune pumps pressure systems- shallow well sc deep well construction pumps irriga tion pumps sump pumps if you need a pump call betz construction phone stouffville 6401424 43tf silos quantity of used concrete silo slabs 12x30 and reinforcing rods suit able for building 16 to 20 ft diameter silos located at brown hill ont for in formation phone markham 416 2942462 122 early canadian reed or gan in working condition with lowbacked upholster ed stool made by sher lock manning organ co london ontario best cf- fer reply to box 503 co stouffville tribune wanted saleable ar ticles for the victoria square and district lions club annual auction and rummage sale to be held sept 18 1971 for pickup call john mccague 887- 5409 don boynton 887- 5348 john lee 8846601 hid gift giving ideas from the trlbane office supply store birthday books hand somely bound in attractive covers gold imprint themes of good fortune or friendship a practi cal gift with a lasting use fulness only 100 12tf 54 main street stontfrule phone 6402100 skilled help wanted experienced lathe operator and experienced vertical boring mill operator ak ron standard canadian division stouffville 640- 1412 or 2972686 intermediate accountant for general accounting po sition combination of for mal training experience preferred please contact mr a richardson emerson electric canada ltd 2971030 mechanic with license also body shop helper good working conditions in wellequipped shop hospi tal plan medical plan company pension plan many other benefits top wages for the right man apply doug ramer neil patrick motors ltd 6403450 28 help wanted primarily of interest to women experienced hairdres ser wanted 6401099 rn for nursing home your choice of days and hours 6403061 typewriters adders calcs cashregisters desks files chairs new used rentals service discount prices open tues wed thurs bill hamilton brooklin 6554179 44tf nursery school super visor for altona nursery school duties to com mence september half day program contact mrs lloyd britton 6403551 automotive 40 farm items for sale wanted 32 motor cars for sale quantity of hay for sale 35c per bale 45c deli vered phone 6400052 57 cadillac 100 phone 6402752 1961 mca good engine bad body 6404782 57 volkswagen 575 call 6403251 shavings for sale bulk bv the truck load deliver ed 98s7995 84 custom combining broo klin area and radius of 25 miles ph 6553885 94 dune buggy 10000 also 283 motor 57500 phone 8881083 afer six 1969 super b 383 magnum 3 speed automatic dark green excellent condition phone 2941075 after 6 pm 1965 pontiae parisienne convertible rebuilt ex cellent condition phone 6401986 61 vw 40 horse 1200 cc very good mechanically excellent transportation 185 or best offer 6404022 1965 dodge v8 power bra kes power steering auto matic radio front and rear speakers new brakes good tires good running order 6553736 1966 pontiae parisienne 2 door hardtop radio pow er steering and brakes very good running order contact ted cadicux at cadieux studio or phone 6402034 or 6403232 m az pa or a fine used car see ej wldcman at pine hill auto 4002 sheppard ave e agincourl 2913743 6403720 before ton bay see our fine selection of guaranteed ok used cars and truck 35tf giles chevolds 6401610 2971391 33 trucks for sale complete wet line for tractor trailer dump pump fits spiccr 6852g transmis sion phone 6403417 we are buyers of ontario oats barley and mixed grain i3tf master feeds stooffvlllc 6101191 farm service deaij v y horses or 1 and crippled 0 cattle picked up promptly for direct line call long distance and ask for zenith 32800 at no cost to you radio dispatched trucks for better service ed peconi sons ltd 14tf woodtule ont licence no 324c67 custom combining mike baker cultivation 123 6403323 evenings dead or crippled farm stock picked up promptly phone collect hampton 4162632121 38ti margwill fur farm rr 5 bowmanvllle licence 328c71 custom work hay swathing plowing cultivation 124 phone 6403067 6402607 silo filling straw baling and stocking lorne west 8875216 1963 international van new battery and starting motor good tires would make excellent camper phone 6403144 are you sensitive to the needs of older persons there is an opening for a secretary- bookkeeper re ceptionist at parkview home phone 6401911 specializing in oxygen packed minnows worms frogs in season brasseur baits 1 mile n ringwood hwy 48 811 open year round bridge table covers coasters to fit table up to 34 sq store damaged your cards will glide over the smooth fabric surface but the cover will not slide off your table due to the unique foam rubber back ing reg price 495 sale price 195 the tribune main st w stouffville 6402100 29 help wanted male female brussel sprout pickers and packers wanted ph 6404795 organist and choir lea der for st andrcws-chal- mcrs presbyterian church uxbridge duties com mence september write po box 944 uxbridge ont 122 rubber hand stamps one line 3 long 240 two line 3 long 340 three line 3 long 495 all sales taxes and postage are included on these prices write to jockit stamp co 496 gilbert ave toronto 10 ont 114 trade and sve or sell foe cash brices furniture barn wants used furniture and appliances 4784175 41u carpet liquidation sale by order of various carpet manufacturers and carpet cleaning companies we have been instructed to dispose of thousands of all types sc sizes of carpeting shags twists commercial indooroutdoor carpets and drapery material priced from 77c per yard to 799 underwood broadloom mills opposite markham shop ping centre markham open wed thur fri 10 am to 10 pm sat 8 to 6 95 sale ends aug 28 ssss8sssss8sssss help wanted villa aid to assist with housekeeping services part time cook full time cook with diet experience full time part time rna part time receptionist please call union villa 2972822 highway 7 unionville ontario ezsegszev se 31 employment wanted custom made wrought iron free estimates ph after 6 2945066 44tf available w ton truck and owner for haul ing and moving phone 6402377 811 lawn mowers repaired or overhauled workmanship guaranteed 20 victoria st or 6403905 122 34 trailers for sale trailer automobile utility cargo type larger size new tires 20000 or best offer 6404022 37 snowmobiles arctic cat snowmobiles sales and service also 1971 440 puma demonstrator milk porter co ltd rri locust hill 2944361 122 sale sale alouette snowmobiles xl20 sachs powered 59500 reg 74500 sale ends aug 31 watsons esso goodwood 122 39 boats marine supplies 60 hp evinrude motor 14 ft fibreglass boat and trai ler 6402843 car top 12 ft springbok aluminum boat for sale clean and in good condi tion 9500 102 manitoba st stouffville farming 41 farm machinery equipment washer high pressure detergent type excellent condition call 8526545 or 8527332 mccormick 6 ft direct cut combine pull type 35000 doug taylor 294- 3677 massey 30 tractor com plcte motor job 45000 al so new holland baler good condition s55000 6400052 40 farm items for sale wanted tractor industrial engines cyl head reconditioning and repair crankshaft recondition ing and repair rad repair and replace ment clutch assembly and disc for most makes brake lining and ma terials for most makes piston and sleeve assem blies rings valves guides gasket sets bear ings seals etc we have complete ma chine shop service avail able starter generator mag and carb service avail able new pyramid replace ment parts for most makes of shovels and cranes wo also stock new and used parts for cat and int tc ac tractors only stacey tractor parts ltd hwy 48 rr 2 stouffville phone 2944353 custom combining 6492915 ph used farm equipment 75 acres mixed straw when massey ferguson model combined will bale if ncc- supcr 12 gra essary phone 8875659 combine 3200 for salc8 acres second casc modd n 10 ft crop alfalfa ready to cut combine new john grove 6402697 19 j wheat straw for sale baled in the field hwy 48 north of markham 293- 6698 straw good clean bar- icy straw for sale apply mcrvin rynard rr2 uxbridge 8523546 for sale cedar rails 70c each delivered two furrow ailis chalmers plow with snap coupler hitch 300 3 furrow massey harris drag plow 7500 six foot triple k cultivator nsed one year 190 phone 6403211 after 6 oclock case model 660 13 ft grain combine in ex cellent condition 4500 john deere model 45 10 ft grain combine 1000 massey ferguson model 60 7 ft pull type combine complete with hydraulic header 500 123 b eq e lorkin uipmenr 41 farm machinety 9 ft cultivator dotole disc harrow hay wagns hay elevator 7 ft mower t international baler engije massey seeder 6495423 42 livestock for sale flock of breeding ewe- 6404154 60 pigs for sale phone 640 3682 for sale buckskin geld ing western game horse experienced rider 8526461 for sale 100 rabbits rab bit cages feeders and wa- terers ph 9424817 before 300 35 chinchillas for sale 1 stock and equipment 294- 4545 or after 8 pm 294- 0532 palamino pony 3 year old broken rides well sood home preferably wih children 2943399 horses thoroughbred mare in foal and standard bred gelding with paper t cart and harness blankets etc 8956866 gelding dark chestnut s30000 western saddle and bridle well studded 10000 boys bicycle 2000 640- 1669 board horses next to conservation area nany trails western lessons av ailable 3500 monthly strawberry fields 540- 4509 accepting limited num ber junior boarders i4 gormley private sublc with indoor arena liint course jump ring 6001 english riding and jum ping instructions evcniigs toronto 9205700 vri 2 year old filly part ari- bian unregistered 5 yetr hunter gelding strong fait horse 5 year mare part arabian part quartet- horse beautiful to handli personally owned and rat sed phone 8881136 chestnut gelding 7 yr old registered saddle horse friendly disposition and good manners ideal pleas ure horse reasonable buckskin gelding a reli able 142 hand pony trai ned english and western has ribbons in both ideal childs or womans horse sensible and well manner ed reasonable 2971814 1 holstcin heifer due aug 18 6403427 43 livestock wanted phone 4168526371 j quaker valley farm saddlery repairs saddles halters blankets all types canvasses tents 8 tarpaulins etc 94 harold coward box 972 uxbridge ont services 45 building trades and household directory superior auto body collision repair refinishing 2tf stonffrllle 6401051 ken jones i rrj markham hwy 48 5 miles n markham atean skjino windows doors sidini awnings railings free estimates stouffville home improvement ltd m01im 50f brook designs builder custom carpentry additions alterations kitchens rec rooms stf free design estimating claremont 6492mi signs 1 j s taylor heating contractor phone stssffvllle 401ms furnaces oil burners j4u duct systems- hot water boilers slouff rd kennedy rd 2973910 8875262 dry wall bob wood sons dry wall insulation acoustic ceilings mi11is 47tf

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