Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), August 23, 1951, p. 6

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the tribune stouffviue ont thursday august 23 1951 claremont and pickering twp district mrs gray of western canada was the guest of mrs howard last week mrs stanley elson of toronto visited on sunday with mrs condy read the account of the big soft- ball tournament here on saturday which appears on this issues sports page mr and mrs rueben tyndall accompanied by mrs m tyndall and mr and mrs j coates spent last sunday with mr and mrs lockie at terra cotta the baptist circle will be held on tuesday afternoon aug 28 in the church commencing at 230 oclock the united church wms will be guests and will provide part of the program on tuesday of this week mrs g melntyre mrs p evans mrs g miller of stouffviue and miss mae melntyre of toronto will com mence a two weeks conducted bus tour through the new england states miss margaret mcnab who had intended being in the above party was obliged to cancel her trip owing to illness the goodfellowship class was held last tuesday evening at the home of mr and mrs fred carson theme of the program was friends and neighbours and con tributions were made towards it by mrs lackey mrs anderson mrs hill and mrs lehman a social hour was enjoyed at the close the employees of stiver bros held a surprise party for mr and mrs robert haslam at the home of john beelby on friday evening a pleasant evening was spent in games after which the employees presented mr and mrs haslam with a beautiful trilight lamp on thursday evening mrs haslam was presented with a walnut nest of tables from the staff of the mercer reformatory mrs haslam entertained this staff to an after noon tea on saturday the members of the wms held their august meeting last thurs day afternoon in the sunday school room the mission band members were guests and the program was planned accordingly games were enjoyed by the child ren followed by sandwiches cookies cake orangeade and tea the wms members have accept ed an invitation from the baptist circle to assist in the program next tuesday afternoon at 230 oclock in the baptist ss room misses isabel and jean gregg who disposed of some of their household effects last saturday afternoon at the auction sale from the home of their deceased parents have sold the double house and property to mr and mrs geo derusha the new owners are having hardwood floors put down on the main sections of the south ern half which they will occupy and have rented the northern half to mrs eva towner and son the misses gregg have purchased a house on windermere drive in suburban n w toronto while we regret the severance of one of our fine pioneer families mem ories of happy contacts through hknkv stkwakt boltox spkakkk at jlxiok farmer church service the christian faith should be to trust in the armour of god and he would build a wall of fire around our nation the speaker felt as a nation that we were putting too much faith in armament and a strong fortress whereas we should have a stronger trust in god and that we should be sending forth men to teach and to profess christ to every nation the annual ontario county junior farmer church service was held sunday august 12th at grace united church scugog island the four junior farmer organizations in the county were represented and a most interesting service was enjoyed by all the meeting was conducted by everson norton president of the ontario county junior farmers the scripture was read by doris risebrough vicepresident family and church relationships will linger with those living in and around the community we extend best wishes to isobel and jean in their new home mrs jim graham and mrs car son sr enjoyed birthdays last thursday aug 10 congratula tions to these two shutins who have spent many years in and around claremont mrs graham one of our two eldest folks is mother of a son stewart of clare mont and a daughter elizabeth of toronto she was born in scott township more than eighty years ago and has been resident here for the past thirtyfive years mrs graham is at present getting about with the aid of crutches mrs oar- son who was born in this district has been ill for some time mrs percy hardy has just returned from montreal where she visited with her great aunt miss susie parker miss parker will celebrate her 92nd birthday next month and is in remarkably good health considering her great years she is a member of the well- known parker family located in this district more than a half century ago her uncle was joseph parker who operated a hotel at glasgow at one time mr and mrs percy pugh and son bobby accom panied mrs hardy on the trip to montreal and while there visited with her grandmother mrs a brown who is 76 and other relatives on the occasion of his mothers birthday and his sisters return from suez egypt mr and mrs e g allman hold a family gathering at their home among those present were mr and mrs a hagerman and daughter suez egypt mr and mrs a milne ottawa mr and mrs f hickman london mr and mrs g allman mr and mrs f stronach dr and mrs n dales mrs h hukman all of toronto mr allmans brotherinlaw is employed by the chemical construction company of- new york and has been in charge of the building of a plant in suez egypt for two years claremont rest home a few vacancies are open for the care of sick and invalid people the best of care and attention given this home is approved by all doctors spacious lawns and verandas for relaxation reasonable rates ph claremont 4701 the claremont rest home is now being supervised by mr and mrs e austin late of sunny acres rest home gormley imvtvvvfnwfimmmvvt make your feed dollars go further with coop concentrates homegrown grains fed with concentrates make a balanced ration grains are deficient in minerals vitamins and certain protein when fed alone to poultry or livestock they do not provide maximum production the feeder who adds coop concentrates to his grains will have completely balanced rations for his poultry and live stock coop concentrates are specially made to supplement your homegrown grains all the essential vitamins minerals trace minerals and proteins are present in the correct quantities make your feed dollars go further by using coop concen trates the fanners own feed claremont coop claremont phone 38 f balsam and mt zion mr and mrs george lee and mr and mrs allen manderson returned home after spending a very pleasant holiday with mr and mrs raymond jones and fam ily at their cottage at lake keno- gann kirkland lake mr and mrs allan manderson and glenn attended the funeral of the late charles carruthers at markham last wednesday miss myrna jones is holidaying this week at a camp on lake couchiohing miss evelyn disney returned home last tuesday after spending two weeks with miss helen hoff man at pembroke about seventy relatives and friends gathered at the home of mr and mrs levi linton on friday night and presented miss jean linton with a shower of gifts prior to her leaving for africa as a missionary congratulations to mr and mrs cecil jones who celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary on sat urday aug 18 mr l jones of kirkland lake is holidaying with mr and mrs allan manderson mr and mrs cecil disney and family spent sunday with mr cecil maynard of schomberg mr and mrs rodd appleby spent sunday with mr and mrs donovan appleby at st cath arines rev and mrs beech and boys of st george are visiting for a few days this week with mr and mrs cecil jones a reunion of the wilson clan was held on saturday at the home of mr and mrs geo wilson relatives numbering 35 came from maxwell brooklin greenwood claremont and lakefield miss anna wilson spent the weekend with miss lorna rowe at claremont mr and mrs fred burgess of toronto spent sunday with mr and mrs t jordon sunday visitors at the wm har- bron home were mr and mrs archie pilkev of buffalo and mr and mrs v wright of west hill mrs f disney marion and evelyn visited sunday with mr and mrs albert cooper at brook lin ronald jones is holidaying with relatives at claremont- mr and mrs b jamieson and family spent sunday with mr and mrs lome parrott at ashburn 4000 in sheep ravaged by dogs roving dogs were blamed for the killing and maiming of 41 sheep on the farm of alec gray seventh concession pickering township over the weekend it was the heaviest sheep loss record ed in the township in many years mr gray who described the animals as shropshire sheep said 10 of his flock were killed or injured in similar attacks by dogs last month he estimated his total loss in the raids at about 4000 hvhtlvt the third annual canadian and first north american water ski championships will be one of the feature sports attractions at the waterfront of the 1951 canadian national exhibition in toronto top ranking surf artists will com pete for the canadian closed and open championships and the north american open from aug 27th to sept lstthe first olym pics of water skiing oosocooocxxooooc sanitary contractor septic tanks pumped drains cleaned and repaired 24 hour service c stunden 1tf richmond hill phone 320w stouffville sand gravel limited are prepared to supply your requirements of crushed gravel sand concrete gravel pit run delivered or at the bin plant phone 125 office phones 870 and 120 loooooooooooooooo phone 61j13 rouge street j van ness painter and paper hanger markham free estimates work guaranteed brougham mrs l matthews spent a day last week with friends in toronto mr and mrs al harvey return ed home after a pleasant holiday mr and mrs h robertson of toronto called on mrs lemmon on sunday mr and mrs v a knox and mrs matthews had tea on sunday with mr and mrs john knox of hampton mr and mrs mitchell of tor onto and mrs mcginnis of buffalo visited the latters sister mrs al harvey and family on sunday miss barbara mairs spent a few clays last week with her grand mother mrs d dawsen of clare mont congratulations to mr and mrs gordon hughson nee marjory wannopp who were married on saturday afternoon aug isth the many friends of mr d l mairs are sorry to hear that he is eonfied to bed due to severe lame ness mr and mrs t anderson of toronto and mr and mrs glover visited mr and airs howard mal colm on sunday mr and mrs kenneth pascoe and mr and mrs ivan booth spent a recent weekend at niagara falls mr and mrs harold tordiff and sons and mr and mrs wm tor diff all of barrie visited the latters sister mrs l matthews one day recently misses heather and freda ritchie of toronto spent a week with their grandmother mrs b ritchie mr and mrs sherlock of tor onto visited with mrs harvey sr one day recently miss pearl carlton of toronto accompanied by mrs brooks called on friends here recently mrs gordon returned to her home in toronto after spending a couple of weeks with her sister mrs wm ellicott mrs ellicott accompanied her home mr and mrs d l witter and daughter joan of montreal and mrs r w witter of toronto visit ed with mrs l matthews one day last week a number of friends from brougham called on mr and mrs tink of courtice on sunday after noon the august meeting of the womens institute was held in the form of a picnic at greenwood park on tuesday aug 7 with a fairly good attendance sports and races were enjoyed by the child ren and the adults members of a swimming class gave a good dis play of their ability the august meeting of the wms of brougham united church was held at the home of mrs john keoler and took the form of a picnic with the mission band and baby band a short business period with the pre sident mrs harold barclay pre siding was followed by an impromptu program of musical numbers and recitations by the members rain prevented the holding of games and sports out side for the children but a very pleasant social hour was spent while the hostesses served lunch brougham community hall was decorated with a latticed arch white and pink ribbon streamers and white belts interlaced with autumn flowers for a reception given on august 11th in honour of mr and mrs robert ouellette nee evelyn grace woodward who were married on july 28th david norton was the organist at the reception and inez cameron of oshawa rendered two solos guests at the reception were from tor onto kettleby mount dennis whitby oshawa ajax cochrane and detroit the august meeting of the womans association of brougham united church was held on thurs day afternoon aug 2 in the township hall when the ladies of cherrywood and whitevale assoc iations were tin guests the devotional period was taken by mrs kenneth hastings mrs ross carter mrs hagerman and mis judson pugh members of the whitevale associations a vocal number by two cherrywood mem bers mrs petty and mrs milne accompanied at the piano by mrs geo todd was enjoyed the guest speaker was mrs t fallaisc pre sident of the oshawa prcsbytcrial after the meeting a very enjoyable lunch hour followed weddings hughson waxxop on saturday august 18th marjorie ethel wannop daughter of mr and mrs clifford wannop of brougham was united in mar riage with gordon james hughson son of mr and mrs j c hughson of pickering rev h lackey per- formed the ceremony j the bride given in marriage by her father wore a gown of pink brocaded satin and tulle with a fingertip veil she carried a nose gay of gladioli surrounded by pinkj roses and pink tulle her sister and only attendant mrs clarence crawford of pickering wore a floor length gown of blue brocad ed satin with her headdress being a wreath of blue velvet leaves she carried a nosegay of gladioli and roses surrounded by blue tulle mr dennis smith of scarboro was best man the home of the brides parents was decorated with asters and gladioli for the reception the brides mother received the guests wearing pale blue crepe with white accessories she was assisted hy the grooms mother who wore figured crepe with black access ories for travelling to points east the bride wore a brown checked suit with white shortie coat and white accessories on their return they will reside in brougham the canadian ladies softball championships will be held at the 1951 canadian national exhibition in toronto the best distaff dia mond aces in the dominion will play off for the national champion ship another of the top fastball features at the cne ipoeooeooooooo jilet theatre stouffville ont theatre policy showing each evening 730 and 930 pm saturdays evening starts 7 pm matinee 2 pm friday saturday august 24 25 is8 stm rqyrqgers king of the cowboys v vtriggi tfie smartest horse kibe movies oss epu bmc picture kentucky jubilee monday tuesday august 27 28 wednesday thursday august 29 30 plus a story that could shake tomorrows headlines i margaret dane l0ckw00d clark jmtmsr qan6ekmis i althuft rank oicaniatiom tieientatton for the pf corner store claremont complete line of fresh fruits fresh meats vegetables groceries dry goods shoes clothing etc open daily 8 am til 10 pm w j lewis sons delivery service phone clare 1401

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