twelve pages vol 62 no 18 the tribune stouffnriitle cs3v august 30 1951 markham townships new assessment court hears seventyfive appeals markham townships recently named independent court of re vision sitting on the 1951 supple mentary assessment heard 75 appeals on saturday all but one of them from the highland park subdivision the lone appeal which was not in this group was that of allan elllottlot 40 con 1 who objected against his 100 assessment on a garage mr wesgohn- was chairman of the court hearing which was adjourned until this wednesday there are some 140 supplement aryassessments in the highland park- subdivision and appeals were against assessments ranging from a low of 2200 to a high of 3000 about fifty of those appeal ing appeared at the court hearing and were represented by a solici tor chief complaint was that the taxes were too high v it was pointed put by the court that over 60 of the taxes being paid toy those appealing was school taxes i over which council had little ho jurisdiction dur ing the hearing assessor a flem ing recommended that the town ship- council institute tax payment on the instalment basis with one instalment to cover school taxes and the other the remaining tax items the county assessor was also present and strongly- urged the setting iip of the card system for- assessment byers honey among best byer bros comb honey carried off first prize at the cne- this year while the local- markham apiarists also took ribbons in a number of other classes the honey display can be seen in the coliseum new manager for clothing store harry goldens clothing store introduced a new manager to the public this week in the person of mr douglas pickering mr- pick- ering has jiad considerable exper ience in the clothing business with the gordon mackay firm arid also the jack u fraser organization born in hainilton he is a veteran of world war h with six years service more- than five of- these overseas he is married with a family of three arid will take iip residence here intown next week claremont native polio victim mr gordon gostick son of mr and mrs frank gostick of pick- eringjtwp has been removed from his home in toronto to the isolation hospital suffering an attack of polio mr gostick is a veteran of the last war is married yith a family of two he is twentysix years of age and is employed in an express office in the city only recently the family movedirito a new home and it was at first thought that he had possibly strained himself during the moving operations local horseshoe club enter competition at exhibition horseshoe pitching the sport that provides exercise and recrea tion for thousands will again be strongly represented at the can adiansnational exhibition in tor- ontothis- week senior four man club vteams will- compete each club may- send as many men as they wish but- only the four from each will compete teams from stouftville kitchener gait and lakeview are favored over tor onto clubs eairbank- cedarvale fairmount park riverdale beaches and such the best individuals will compete for cash prizes on labor day and are expected to draw the biggqst crowds bert campbell- coordinator of events- of the dominion horse shoe pitchers association- dis- cribes the last days events as a freeforrallv regardless of club affiliation or position any two can enter this senior doubles jam boree contest tribune a day later due to the labor- day holi day next monday the tribune- will be published on thursday rather than wednesday in order that the staff mayenjoy this annua holiday new town clerk gar brown served with paratroops i few villagers can sympathize because theydo not realize- what a- heavy load has been carried by the present clerk and treasurer george storey tout any other municipal clerk and treasurer understands ask some of these gnrfleld brown township clerks john crawford of whitchurch john ashenhurst of uxbridge lloyd johnston of pick ering or charles hoover of mark ham they know they are driven by the same hurrying round of council meetings bylaws statis tics tax rolls voters llstp courts f revision complaints of every nature debentures and partic ularly diminishing bank accounts iwhlle essential expansion and repair bills in hydro water and road departments steadily mount a clerk needs to have the financial exactitude of a banker the patience of job the faith and fore- sight ot a prophet and the persist ence of a bulldog in getting things completed stouffville is making rapid growth and her municipal work has expanded unbelievably in the past five years one man can no loriger- attend to all the work and council appointed a veteran in the vicinity of thirty to assist the present clerk while learning the routine garfield brown will then take over as clerk arid treasurer while- george storey will continue in charge of the water and light departments the tribune thought its readers should become acquainted with their clerkelect who com menced duties the beginning of june garfield david brown was born in new westminster british columbia but received all his schooling in toronto his pater nal grandfather was robert scott brown who started as a hand type setter with the moose jaw timesharold and retired as adver tising manager on leaving high school garfield took a business course gregg following which he attended prairie bible institute- at three hills alta for two years then he came east to join the staff of the robt simpson co in tor onto eleven years ago mr brovvh joined the army as a dispatch rider transferring to the can adian airbourrie infantry para troops although in the canadian paratroop force these boys wore american uniforms and american parachute wings paratroop- train ing includes mountain ciihibing ski instruction and amphibious training garfield brown saw service in the pacifice theatre of war with the american forces he was later senttback to canada for discharge as- medically unfit and was dis charged in april 44 the heavy pack carried by paratroops and endurance marches caused a re currence of a disability dating back to training days in the states when he fractured a vertebrae when he made a ad landing for a short time after discharge from the- army mr brown was employed by imperial oil in tor onto so was the girl he later mar ried and they now havea family of three small girls nancy susan and bonnie lee bonnie lee was continued on page seven over 2000 attend spday arena service thee evangelistic campaign ba the stouftville arena is once again the centre of interestfor this and the surrounding community the ice surface has been covered ivith seating accommodation a plat form large enough to seat a choir of 85- that represents all the churches andthe visiting singers also all the ministers of the com munity is erected at the east end of the arena it is banked with cedar trees and baskets of flowers which are replenished under the leadership of the horticultural society a large illuminated- cross stands high in the background of the choir one thousand people attended to- launch the campaign on the opening night and during the following week there was an average attendance of 500 the second sunday evening a cava cade of cars and pedestrians merg ed towards the arena arid 2000 people crowded to 6ne of the great est religious services this com munity has known in hiany years the address was a masterly pre sentation of prophecy relating the words of the book of ezekiel the plight of ijhe nations- the move ment of the jews back to palestine arid the- insidious workings of russian communism the speaker had a thorough grasp of his sub ject arid presented it forcefully the congregational singing in itself is a thrilling arid inspiring experience the kings radio quintette with the choir under the leadership of eldon lehriian gave challenging messages in song clarion baker at the organ and miss charlene everest atthe piano give wonderful leadership in the service of praise rev quinten everest of south bend indiana is the visiting evangelist his- messages are powerful- and challeriging his deep sincerity his clear funda mentalinterpretation yith his unbounded vitality give to ins hearers the gospel message in compelling power saturday night will be a great youth rally and sunday- nightwill be the closing dont miss hearing tbisgreatpreacher and also being a part of this igreat cooperative campaign df evangelism in this community j j i lttdytobeajie bboncobet returns from korea r- a few weeks ago gunner eldon cober eldest grandson of mr and mrs elmer fergu- i son of stouffville returned hoine from- korea where he served in the rjdla on the united nations special force aslconpbrpii to check on was j american visitors friends will be interested to learn that- rev arid mrs fred hainer of bogota n jt were in town recently renewing old acquaintances and reviewing familiar- scenes of younger days mr hainer is a son of the late rev c hairier who lived r and preached in stouffville and mrs the only- comment that- the- young 20 year old overseas ilsoldier had to say was that he was lucky to toe alive at one time he came face to face with 1 death while travelling along a i rocky road as the truck a few feet ahead was blown up by enemybombs as well as the one following the assistant sitting beside hini was serious- ly wounded but cober cairiej outwithout a scratch gunner cober received part of his training at petawawa and then wasshipejed to camp shilo in manitoba for a brief training period the special force received last minute fnstructibris at fort lewis washington before they set j sail for koreafivedays after their arrival at- the korean battlegroii fi i oup was thrown into eldon althc s of age injjune tip h scales at over 200 pburids ibefore seeing action but on- his return home he weigd in ati47xori2the homeward jrip he f travelled f- from japan to vancouver by plane arid then took the train on the last leg of his journey he is convalescing from shock at the present tiriie lome boadway arrived in haines mbtherwas mrs bj stouffville on i tuesday from hoover who resided on church st south the couple have lived in the united states since 1905 for the past eight years mr hainer has been pastor of the first bap tist church hohokeri nj- which is on the hudson river- directly across from new york city li has the distinction of being the most densely- populatedarea in theujs one square riiile housing riiore than 50000 people the hotlarid- ameri can ocean liners dock there r receritlya cunard lirier ddckeu arid jambng the passengers was the wife of the governortgeneral of canada the visitors impressed by the- riewbuildings in stouffville it seeiris like a real hustling centre as compared with chehalis washington where he spent- the summer with his uncle poljday baseball here next monday afternoon labor day stouffville red sox will play canibray in the memorial park at 3 rpmv- in jthcir first meeting of the current trf- conntj leagne playoffs there will be a refreshment booth we on the grounds this friday evening at 6 pm little britain will be some of theother townswbassed herfffor thclrflretgamc of the through they told the tribune gwil amount oi ing overther a believed davis st mhles ide it was si nearly doi last- year cqmplairit was against j varineek of who was alleged to be- septic tank serving sey holds and iwhich was da township roadway by c overflow addition to public nuisance eh g for years cler coulfcilf then itetime sbmethijl don advised ts remt mi taken- carjqni council mccarrpris qounj hollv the welfari fisftws horticull 1 forplimibers while no actionj markhariif township consideration at their meeting to theiucensirigs bers operatingjintheimf the matter iwas j plae council- by the townshi maintenance inspecttw that hebelieyed a lice ontario provincial police detach nient stationed at vandbrt 4vill bef it v asked by whitehurch township l0flsi08r council- to check on truck traffic i in the munioipali and endeavor to curb the overloading which is alleged tobe the practise of many of the trucks coming from the gravel hill pits this was the decision of whitchurch council following considerable discussion on the matter at- the regular meet ing on thursday evening maybe we should put a set of scales in suggested councillor r c baycroft it was stated r there was a load limit on these secondary roads we can get a10 fine yithout the scales cornmentedceuncillor sidlegge it would cost a fortune vtp keep roads iip for this kind stated iclerk jbhii cra tt caught one trucke part of his load alorit the other daytout there l as much of that- sort i last year- said deputy- tiinbers x the payment of 24000 authorized to wsh aridefsonslp 22 rcoria 4 f or- ix sheep killed py dogs frome tf protection for thelt r 5 are a clot of plumbers ccminginjiereti the township just to pla inwlth unsatjsfactor stated s stretch of heai ay north of is alreadyjbem year the cost woi telylqoimeffif uljagreec appued inunediatel m briefihscussic ldi id of the season take- jh commi mi s52i ead about xt ik kv fioorirn abe shifts- gcorgo abcllof stonffv tomvham or acariadianvf riend bf burs here a fewdaysjafibtheylleft ions of m iml the sameithingswheh ounded iji lis that nasi a countervtosay irt refrigeraitor3 -vy- meat should reason neva be playoff series cietycarriedbf irsocietys next ndisplay westranriex of- the lastyear the captured first morieyi ony entire four shown local girl in thorncliffe harness racing that fishstbressare sndallv white stone inrieigedgep inknpwnto oifarjfroriiy v ie over twenty different 1 ish usually cut- up shfilfr lobsterjfcradsys etcread these tempjiigfmb tected oplyfrpinlffi flies dustdlnta freeto come andlgbl admitted thereiis- really atkef thereglsul eaehandtheif dirt- ing tiistrictv the interested inisucl another point tloned was an unfortunate expei is5 iatteik good luck wishes are given mrs blanche- hornsby her sons kerry and wayne before entering race- mrs hornsby is a veteran of har- ness racing at dufferln before the war in mishap of- day mrs grace creig wasthrowh when harness broke in stretch mrs hornsby is the former blarice vlack of stbiuffvlue j and has always excelled bi hr athletic acnievements- places that serve tea and cake they alldp iness will fbl are clean arid wel i appetizing food k at leastgfia would be put but of fbsinesisi an hour by the oritariosanl continued on page nwsbk the bowling results of lasts day nights mixed doublesmei follows rhigh for three wlns7e goodman and mrs jlejsgeadil awa second for t snowball and mretcaflboa stouffville high for twmwins hillsmr and mrsthaif courtihlgh for oriewfi mrs geo jjlddlet6n