the tribune stouffville ont thursday july 26 1951 your sow is like a cow yes in many ways your sow is like a cow both must have the right amount and the right kind of balanced ration during gesta tion to assure big thrifty offspring and plenty of milk to feed them besides keeping themselves healthy and up in condition and when it comes to brood sows you can depend on purina sow and pig chow to do the right nutritional job helping build big healthy litters and getting them off to a fast start keeping the sow in top condition place your confidence in purina sow and pig chow for conditioning your sows order a supply from us today at the store with the checkerboard sign pullets that are big well- developed at the time of the first egg can mean extra profit two ways no feed wasted in completing growth after first egg is laid a longer and hardier laying life more eggs over a longer period the right combination of growth ingredients to help you get these big pullets formula 1028 has been added to 1951 purina growing chows order a supply today purin growing chows if youre raising hogs for that fall market theres nothing like purina hog chow concentrate or purina hog finisher complete to hustle those hogs along to market onehalf month earlier than before both feeds are real meat builders wellfortified with proteins vitamin b 12 and anti biotics for more rapid uniform growth and greater feeding efficiency purina hog chows what are the three basic jobs of any laying ration why fin ishing body growth body maintenance and egg produc tion of course and its around these three fundamental re quirements that all purina laying chows are built no matter what your egg market or your grain supply may be theres a purina feed to fit each situation all backed by the purina research farm remember when you buy purina you buy eggs in the bag purina laying chows lake cottage goes up in record time one of the numerous cottages under construction around the lake is the log styled summer residence of mr and mrs peter boccia toronto the large cottage measures some 20 feet wide by 30 feet in length and although the workers could find time only on the weekends to do the construction job the owners expect to be living in it within a few days the work will be entirely finished in two weeks time and was erected this far in two days the workers laying the roof boards are from left to right mr peter boccia mr sam magnac mr bob harding and mr joe nadon stiver bros stouffville crash into cnr two suffer shock when their car crashed into a locomotive of a southbound freight friday night at a level crossing one mile north of pefferlaw harry m morrison 19 of 32 wallace ave toronto and shirley cole 17 of queensville suffered only shock front end of their auto was wrecked as it hit the cnr engine just in front of the tender the impact was felt by engineer j arland of allandale and he brought the 42car train to a halt morrison and miss cole were examined at the scene by dr ames of beaverton and were later removed to york county hospital newmarket for observation provincial constable cliff lewis and ted craig investigated morri son told them he had seen the train as he approached the cross ing and headed for the south ditch too late to avoid a collision whats in a nome what about these how many people as they travel the winding road that twists- and turns around the edge of mussel- mans lake take a glance at the numerous cottages that dot the roadside and try to figure out the meanings of the names that are plainly visible over the doorway of almost every summer home these names in some cases show both the originality and intelligence of the residents as much thought must have gone into the selections nestled among a number of willow trees on cedarvale blvd is the cottage of mr and mrs david turner and they have selected the name of willowdeen to be posted in bold lettering above their doorway mr and mrs a w pycraft on the south shore who used to go from place to place around the lake with a tent selected the name of dunromin for their cottage mr and mrs e hodkinson also on the south shore christened their summer home trails end mr a baving- ton who lives on rosehill drive showed originality in selecting lettuce loaf as a title for his home wahnita brigadoon linger- long and restawhile are all names that make interested tourists ponder for a time in their mind in order to figure out the character of the residents who occupy these cottages if you are one of the few cottagers who have so far failed to have a name inscribed over the doorway of your summer home be sure to do so before the end of the summer it not only adds to the appearance of your home but also aids the paper boy who goes by the names in order distribute your copy every city home has a num ber so should every summer cot tage have a name weddings leadbetter kerswill melville united church was the scene of a very p etty wedding when muriel emma may kerswill daughter of mr george kerswill and the late mrs kerswill became the bride of charles lewis lead- better son of mrs c leadbetter and the late john leadbetter of markham rev roscoe t chapin officiated mr clarion baker pre sided at the organ and accom panied mrs tim clarke wha sang the lords prayer and ill walk beside you given in marriage by her father the bride wore a gown of white slipper satin with sweetheart neck line and a full skirt ending in a circular train a halo of satin trimmed with lilydfthevalley held her fingertip illusion veil she carried a cascade of red roses and white lilies with babys breath miss doris kerswill sister of the bride and miss florence leadbetter sister of the groom attended the bride they wore lace and net strapless gowns in pink and blue with lace jackets and full skirt their halos to match were trimmed with lily-of-the- valley and they carried a cascade carload groceteria hunts fruit cocktail 28 oz tin nabob jelly powders and puddings 3 pkgs stokeleys fancy honey pod peas 15 oz tin chicken haddie ls memphis belle florida grapefruit juice 48 oz tins hillcrest sweet mixed pickles 16 oz jar sweet treat pineapple juice 20 oz tins 2 for sweet treat crushed pineapple 20 oz tin mayfair spiced beef loaf 12 oz tin ungers meat balls 15v2 oz tin ungers braised steak 5vz oz tin zero dessert mix pkg carnation milk tall tin hillcrest toilet tissue 3 for clarks pork and beans 20 oz tin kelloggs corn flakes large shredded wheat 2 packages freshie drink makes 10 glasses for morning treat coffee ground the way you want it 1 lb orders taken monday delivered tuesday orders taken thursday delivered friday leave your name a the store if weve missed your collate at iff ffitiinti7ithrri- t mmwhw whm aas ymi in i w- wmm of pink and white roses with carnations and babys breath mr norman kerswill brother of the bride was groosman mr gordon kerswill and mr russel weeks were ushers at the reception held in the church basement mrs giles kers will aunt of the bride received wearing navy blue sheer with natural accessories the grooms mother assisted wearing powder blue silk and lace with navy accessories both wore corsages of pink roses following the reception the happy couple left for northern ontario the bride wearing a pink dress with hat to match and white shortie coat and accessories they will reside in markham two of cambrays hockey players wed ivan tamblyn member of the cambray hockey club and one of the four brothers on the club which won rural b hockey honors last winter middleaisled it recently with the former audrey trent of aurora daughter of mr and mrs arthur trent this unit ed in marriage two great sports families for the brides three brothers edward austin and clark trent likewise members of the cambray club while her father was manager all seven took part in the ceremony it was an unique event edward trent also took the marriage vows last week with the former jean ferguson o stanley theatre stouffville ont theatre policy showing each evening 730 and 930 pm saturdays evening starts 7 pm matinee 2 pm friday saturday july 27 28 y and plus renegades of s0n0ra starring allan lane eddy waller monda y tuesday july 30 31 q never do nothin you wouldnt want printed on the front page now hes afraid to buy his morning paper mm yes jutty holliday wigiam hgldeh wednesday thursday august 1 2 its all about airline stewardesses jane j van f siwyman- johnson 3 howard barry keel sullivan ml mil 1 3 ii 1 1 mmsmest il oqoorj