Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), April 26, 1951, p. 3

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the tribune stouffville ont thursday april 26 1951 the stouffville tribune established 1888 member of the canadian weekly newspaper association and ontario quebec newspapers association member of the audit bureau of circulations authorized as second class mall post office department ottawa issued every thursday at stouffville ontario in canada 200 in usa 250 a v nolan son publishers notes and comments hockey in danger canada is in the midst of hockey playoffs and interest and excitement run high in a pastime that is typically canadian however of late years and especially this year real lovers of the game see a trend that is not good it is the roughness that has crept into the game while this has not been prevalent in the current markhambrantford senior playoff series this may only have been accidental because of the unbalanced competition hockey is a good game and it would be too bad if it were forced to go the way of lacrosse which was just as good a game at one time old timers will tell you that the game died because it became too rough and too commercial ized the spectators didnt like it and parents declined to have their children participating eventually the players werent available so long as hockey was played for fun a little money on the side and for the honor of the old home town it was decentlv robust as a spectator sport it was unequalled because of the speed at which it is played expert stick- handling and team work however in late years hockey has got into the big game and big arena class and it is a case of win or else the result has been that professionals have been tutored to stop the other fellow at all costs and holding high sticking tripping and charging have become a big part of the game big league clubs control a great many of the senior and top junior teams and they are required to play the same type of hockey recently the coach of the montreal canadiens said that a punch in the eye given by maurice richard canadian star to a detroit player was the turning point of the series that the canadiens eventually won what an admission is that hockey hockey had better watch where its going before its too late already attendances in practically all centres have fallen off sharply in the 195051 season shorter hours more pay shorter hours with longer pay seems to be the ambition of a good many canadians these days the 40 hour week while still not general is becoming more so every year as increasingly large numbers of work ers are demanding and obtaining the short work week we think that the 40 hour week is a good idea but only as an idea canada became the great nation that it is today be cause the pioneers knew how to work and were satisfied to put in long hours of strenuous labor only thus could the country be developed our nation is still a pioneer country with vast stretches of undeveloped territory with untapped resources with opportunities that few nations in the world today can offer can we continue to develop canada on a basis of a 40 hour week today we face one of the most serious world crises in history canadians must take their place with the other members of the united nations and through preparedness avert if possible the global war that threatens can we go all out for defence on the basis of a 40 hour week inflation is with us prices continue to spiral the de mand for some consumer goods is greater than the supply and with defence preparations increasing the supply of many items will become shorter we need to produce more and consume less for a time at least if we are to hold the price line can we fight inflation on the basis of a 40 hour week in all fairness we should point out that the short work week is not common far from it in the small towns of the nation except in the case of those workers who are employed by certain national firms it is utterly out of the question on the fai of canada it may be that canadians all canadians will be forced through the pressure of the international situation to work tremendously long hours to protect themselves let us forget about demands for a 40 hour week and get on with the job of developing this nation are we wasting our money on roads we are very much inclined to agree with the opinion of the aurora banner that the time has come for a new concept of road building and maintenance this can be said of stouffville and of the surrounding rural municipal ities the banner goes on to say are we building hoise and buggy roads in a day when the horse and buggy has been displaced by the motor car are we attempting to maintain those roads on a basis which is costly unsatis factory which leaves us with little more than we star ted stouffville like aurora is up against this road problem an everincreasing traffic which just cant be carried on the type of roads which are being constructed and constant ly impaired all about us while it appeared wise a few years ago to start a program of hardsurfacing in town it now appears that while the plan was all right the class of hard top road put down was not good enough to carry the traffic to which it is being subjected today stouffville this year will spend 7000 on roads in town and a good percentage will go towards repairing roads which have failed to stand up to the rigors of todays traffic we quote from the banner what is the answer its useless blaming the climate continually its no good saying this is an exceptional year every year queerly enough seems to be exceptfonal more and more in some parts of the country civic officials are beginning to realize that a longrange program of modernization of roads is necessary the thousands of dollars poured into gravelling of a road over ten years they have discovered finds them at the end of that period with a road just about the same as they started with all the money gone and nothing much to show for it in the mean time residents have suffered from the serious inconvenience of spring breakups bumpy roads and unreasonable deter ioration of vehicles the same amount of money spent on the construction of a good road in the first place would have provided all-year- round good travelling without the continuing necessity of heavy annual repairs it isnt suggested of course that the streets of a whole municipality could be turned from gravel to hardtop all in one year hut it would seem reasonable to suggest that each year some part thereof could he done through a longrange program the expenditure of a least part of the road budget on permanent roads might seem to be it tlwfoitccmb for parents only by nancy cleaver chilken and money by nancy cleaver money is important in a childs world as well as in an adults how does your child get the money he wants by asking you for every cent at the time from an allow ance from gifts from relatives by earning it another vital ques tion which you as parents should consider is how does your child think of money his ideas arc bound to be colored to a great extent by your own attitude to it in your home do mother and lather work together as partners in planning the family budget are you good managers do you spend too freely are you on the miserly side do you act as if money is the most important thing in life which can buy everything you want or do you look on money as a tool to be used wisely in building a good life parents keep coins out of a babys reach so he wont put a copper in his mouth the danger of choking is too great money fascinates a small child he likes to handle it put it into little piles pretend to count it it is fun to play store with real money but being a child he is apt to hide it in asafe place and forget where he put it or lose it altogether children soon learn that grown ups attach special importance to money little margaret finds her mothers purse on the bureau one day and takes the compact out to play with it mother is amused at the powder on her chin the next day margaret is delighted to find coppers to play with loose in mothers purse the child is sur prised when mother is annoyed and scolds her for touching her money mother and dad should not leave purses or change lying around the house a small child with no real idea of stealing may be used by an older neighbours child to take this money out to him then they both can go on a spending spree with the vounger child warned not to tell children realize at an early age that money gives them the power to purchase candy or ice cream or other desirable treats children learn to handle money through their own experiences that is why an allowance begun about the time a child starts to school is so important even if it must be a small amount five or six- cents a week junior should receive a definite sum at a certain time on a set day he can do as he likes with this money his allowance is not taken away as a punishment nor is he forced to set aside part of his money as savings when children are given an allowance they do not have to whine or bargain for spare cash parents should not pay money as a reward for good behavior or high marks neither should a child be paid for home chores these are part of the childs contribution to the family welfare but payment can be made for extra tasks quite apart from regular home duties it is unreasonable to ask a child to save for technical training or a college education a child dis covers that he must deny himself the pleasure of buying one thing if he wants to save and have the fun of purchasing a different object impatience is a youthful char acteristic and saving has to be for a goal which can be reached before too long the total amount of savings for a young child should be small the lesson of discipline is lost if the child borrows the additional sum be needs from an indulgent parent pay as you go is a sound slogan copyright ist enticing farmers into socialism the canadian farmer is not a socialist he is a capital- he wants to own his own farm his stock and his im plements he wants to be his own master to go and come as he likes and to manage his business in his own way yet if a socialist or a communist government were to come into power in canada it would probably find farming the easiest industry to socialise it would be the easiest because farmers more than any other class of people are being organized and led along the socialist path of collectivism and government control the farmers are intrigued by the glowing promises of socialism not under that name but under such attrac tive names as producercontrolled marketing regulated production and the like they have been told that they can have all the advantages of private enterprise all the inde pendence and freedom of action they want and still enjoy the certainty of regulated markets supported prices and no bothersome competition what a paradise no socialist talks to the farmer about taking over his land requiring him to take out a license to grow this or that crop or penalizing him for disposing of his crop at his own good pleasure all they tell him is that other people should be control led that he and his fellow farmers should be able to control the marketing of their own products and thereby assure themselves stable prices at profitable levels of course it is understood that in order to bring this about there would have to be some form of organization or a multiplicity of organizations with rules and regulations and authorities to enforce them but he is told that these rules and regulations will be made and directed by farmers in the interests of farmers and a fatherly government will always be on hand to give them whatever help and author ity they need by such blandishments as these the farmers are being enticed into all kinds of schemes that promise them con trol of the markets for their own products but which in the end will cost them the control of their own business and reduce them to the status of hired men on their own farms whether they work or not these controls are wrong in principle because they aim to give groups of farmers monopolistic control of essential foods the right to own land is given by society to farmers because society believes lhajfc such ownership is the best way of keeping the land in production and supplying human ity with its needs but that right never contemplated the farmers creating monopolies in foodn and holding the consumers up for monopoly prices no democratic government ever did or ever will allow the producers of food to dictate the price at which it shall be sold voice of prophecy bible questions and answers question does not the sixth commandment thou shalt not kill make it wrong to kill animals answer jesus interpreted it as forbidding murder which is the unlawful taking of human life see matthew 1918 question i have heard that two chapters of the bible are exactly alike please tell me which ones answer no two chapters of the holy bible are exactly alike but there is little difference between isaiah 37 and 2 kings 19 question does the bible say anything about christians marry ing unbelievers answer read the whole seventh chapter of 1 corinthians and notice also the principle laid down in 2 corinthians 6 14 be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighte ousness and what communion hath light with darkness 7 question who printed the first bible in america answer john eliot printed the new testament in 1661 and the whole bible in 1663 both in an indian dialect this was the first bible translated and printed in a new language for purposes of evangelization it was also the first bible printed in all the americas q where in the bible is the expression out of the frying pan into the fire a it is not in the bible but the frying pan is mentioned twice in the scripture leviticus 2 7 and if thy oblation be a meat offering baken in the fryingpan it shall be made of fine flour with oil and leviticus 7 9 and all the meat offering that is baken in the oven and all that is dressed in the fryingpan and in the pan shall be the priests that offereth it q why doesnt the bible say something about health as welj as about the soul a it says a lot about health and right living 3 john 2 be loved i wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health even as thy soul prosper- eth romans 12 1 i beseech you therefore brethren by the mercies of god that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice holy acceptable unto god which is your reasonable service 1 corinthians 1031 whether therefore ye eat or drink or whatsoever ye do do all to the glory of god see also 1 thessaloniaiis 523 1 corinthians 927 1 corinthians 619 days of yore from the files of the stouffvule tribune 28 years ago during the coining summer some 5000 russian mennonites will come to canada and will settle in waterloo lincoln and york coun ties these so called russian men nonites left germany about 1740 and settled in russia they pros pered only to have their estates seized by the soviets in 1917 and many were left destitute the russian government is favorable to their leaving the country to which they must never return miss flossie barkey and mr and mrs leslie williamson were visit ing their patents in town from toronto of all the words of mouth or pen housecleaning sounds the worst to men the reid memorial mission band of the presbyterian church held a notable meeting on saturday after noon miss miria somerville of unionville one of the vice- presidents of the toronto presby- terial wms being present on tuesday of this week r j rogers district representative of the dept of agriculture was in stouffville and delivered to princi pal boadway at the public school the seeds potatoes and eggs for which the children made applica tion and which is furnished free of charge by the ontario dept of agriculture to all schools holding a school fair among the star owners this spring are albert paisley of the east end jacob hoover on albert street also mrs david hoover of peaches corners and batt bros on the 9th line what is spring without an over land where can you get the same value for so little money over land body is strong and durable as any 1800 car todd scott from an old minute book stouffville january 8th 1ss9 to the members of the stouffville association for the apprenhension and prosecution of felons gentle men we your committee beg to submit the following annual report we have had a large amount of work for the present year and have been fairly successful on the 5th of july on information of mr george robinson who stated that he had a quantity of pork stolen we were successful in securing the conviction and imprisonment of the parties cost to the society 1475 on the 15th of october on information of w b sanders who stated that his store had been broken into and several articles stolen we were also successful in securing the arrest and conviction of the parties cost to the society 870 on oct 23rd on information of mr henry johnston who stated he had a number of fowl stolen isearch was made but no trace of the parties could be obtained cost to the society 30 cents on the 18th of november on information of thomas fairies who stated that he had a quantity of barley and oats stolen from his barn we had the supposed guilty party arrested but on being brought before the grand jury they found no bill so the matter stands cost to the society so far 250 july 21 1889 mr israel clubine made the following statement that on the night of friday or the morn ing of saturday the 16th i had a one year old heifer stolen from lot 5 in the 4th con of whitchurch color strawberry with white spots in forehead we sent parties in search but they did not succeed in finding anything but she came home shortly after cost to the society 425 courage does it from the bowmanville statesman we learn from the histories that we are a courageous people learn ing also from the histories by what close turnings we sometimes won canadians tend to be more fearful now than ever before such cour age as we have lacks the solace of ignorance from muzzle loaders to guided missiles by way of crop disasters blizzards and floods we have shakily practised survival surviving demands other things besides courage it demands skills hard work selfless cooperation speed foresight leadership but the cotter pin is courage canadians seem likely to have opportunities to improve their growing reputa tion for it wonderful spring from halifax chronicleherald every gardener can rake up rubble with a better will if inspired by the pungent smoke of a bonfire in so doing he has the satisfaction not only of seeing the appearance of his own place improve but of realizing that he is providing enter tainment for every youngster on the block lest he become too engrossed in his raking these small visitors will distract him regularly by igniting sticks in the bonfire and doing their best to spread it over a greater area all these things are part of spring and what a wonderful time it is david thompson explorer who died in 1s57 was the first white man to descend the columbia river from its source to its mouth loves grows old love that is hoarded molds inti we know some day the only thing i ever had is what mother gave away her kindness is never used but hidden all alone will slowly harden till it is as hard as emery stone it is the thing im always told that i will lose onw day the only thing i ever had is what mother gave away aw depleting the forests from the vancouver sun our main inheritance from a bountiful nature is our forests we are using it up at a prodigal rate and we are not doing nearly enough to maintain it in perpetu ity mr kenney points out that 20 million acres were worked over by the loggers last year but only 10- 000 acres were replanted this spring biggest peninsula arabia is the largest peninsula in the world with an estimated area of 1350000 square miles parkins two barbers you will like boadways barber shop 7 highway unionville quality no work wailing

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