the tribune stouffvilje ont thursday march 1 1951 the stouffville tribune established 1888 membber of the canadian weekly newspaper association and ontario quebec newspapers association member of the audit bureau of circulations authorized as second class mail post office departmert ottawa issued every thursday at stouffville ontario in canada 200 in usa 5250 a v nolan son publishers notes and comments car ash trays should be used the ontario department of lands and forests has issued a timely warning for automobilists to exercise more care in disposing of cigar and cigarette butts and hot pipe ashes pointing out that the time is not far away when snow will no longer cloak the roadsides the bulletin says dur ing the winter months many drivers get into the habit of tossing lighted cigarette butts out of the windows of their cars this might seem harmless on fireproof pavement or snowcovered ground but the same practice carried over into the summer months results each year in many forest fires with the consequent destruction of valuable wood lands and priceless wilderness beauty the bulletin adds that the danger is not confined to rural highways but can be hazardous even in towns and cities there is always the possibility that burning tobacco embers might lodge in a pedestrians eye set fire to cloth ing blow back through the rear window of the vehicle or of the car following unknown to the driver and set fire to the upholstery consequently the department urges all motorists in the interests of their own safety and that of others and as a means of preventing forest and grass fires to acquire the ash tray habit right away and suggest to their pas sengers that they do likewise pigs and motor cars canadian farmers want price control on what they buy according to the resolutions passed by some farm organizations they would like to buy motor cars for ex ample at a price which was kept from rising it is a noble ambition everyone would like to buy what he needs at a low price minister of finance douglas abbott points out that a great deal of the material which goes into motor cars for sale in canada comes from the united states some of it comes from other countries as rubber from malaya motor cars in particular come in completed form from britain mr abbott begs to point put that he has no authority to control the price at which malayan rubber growers would sell their product or the price at which someone in the united states will sell special motor car gadgets or the price at which manufacturers in britain will sell cais it will do no harm for canadian farmers to think about what has happened over the price of bacon because the british government has tried to put on price control and refuses to buy bacon from canadian producers at more than a certain figure canadian farmers are finding them selves without a contract market for their pigs it is a poor rule which does not work both ways if canadian farmers are going to get price contrql on what they buy they will have to put up with price control on what they sell if the canadian government is going to control the price of what is imported from other countries then the british government has a perfect right to control price of what is imported from canada the strain of hospital bills the forgotten man of the middle class who is in the predicament where his income neither relieves him from the anxiety of bills nor entitles him to aid from public sources will be gratified with the thought that is being turned in his direction by the ontario minister of health dr phillips has indicated that his government is ponder ing the problem of assisting those who are neither wealthy nor indigent to pay their hospital bills as dr phillipsstated it is the person with an average income who is severely hit when sickness strikes him or members of his family hospital bills cause little worry to the affluent person or to the indigent the care of whom is assumed by the province and the municipality but to those who belong to neither group the costs of hospitaliza tion with all the additional expenses of surgery medicine and nursing impose a frightening strain that seldom is borne without disastrous consequences psychological as well as financial various medical and hospitalization insure ance plans have in recent years ameliorated this situation for those in groups to whom they are available and for those who can afford them but there are many who are not in this position and even for those who are partly covered the increased costs of hospital care cause great concern such aid as is devised for this group will also help the hospitals to meet their operating costs and avoid annual deficits dr phillips at the moment is unable to divulge details of the plan he has in mind but it appears that he envisages the possibility of the federal government contributing to it whatever attitude ottawa may adopt the fact that thought is being given to this problem will be most welcome to a great many people in this province there is indeed encouragement for them in dr phillips expressed opinion that some assistance for the paying patient is under con sideration the telegram local council being questioned on industrial expansion moves are being made in a great many municipalities surrounding stouffville in an effort to steer as much of the present industrial expansion and decentralization of industry into their locality as possible whitchurch plan ning board is seeking to interest industrial concerns in locating in the township the town of uxbridge has even gone so far as to form a company which will erect a factory to be sold to some industry markham village is working through their chamber of commerce in an effort to attract more industry only last week the stouffville municipal council was in receipt of a telegram from a government industrial agency asking for information concerning the chances of locating industry in stouffville the civic improvement committee of the local lions club has been urged to con tact the toronto industrial commission with a view to inducing more firms to settle here the potential value of this industrial expansion in easing the climbing educational costs has been cited many times many ontario industries are centred in the toronto area that it would be to the advantage of the province if more of the small municipalities had industries which would offer employment to their young people these now flock in great numbers to the already crowded centres of population and especially greater toronto of recent times another criticism has been offered that the concentration of industries in the the old home town by stanley q g on the home sweht home frcjt pt itfifjiar for parents only by nancy cleaver days ofjjyore from a ojy of the uxbridge journal 75 years ago goodwood house good wood ont having recently taken the above hotel i have had it thoroughly refurnished and refitt ed in the most comfortable and attractive manner rooms for com mercial travellers good stabling and attentive hostler the best brands of wines liquors and cigars john saunders prop psychomaney or soul charming how either sex may fascinate and gain the love and affections of any persons they choose instantly this art all can possess free by mail for 25 cents together with a marriage guide egyptian oracle dreams hints to ladies etc 1000- 000 sold a queer book address t williams co publishers phila delphia the new baptist church in tor onto has cost 97000 it is to be the handsomest building in the city the organ cost s7000 and is the best in the dominion it is thought that the church will not be in debt the members sub scribed freely and they hope that an appeal to the people will wipe out a remaining balance numbers complain of the poor dim light coal oil gives of late and that it smokes the glasses hors- man co hardware merchants uxbridge have just received a lot of american kerosene oil which gives a clear and bright flame does not smoke the chimney and gives satisfaction try it for a sick room all prefer to use it as it is free from odour losses sustained by having sheep killed by dogs john forfar 4 george dowswell 407 anth ony morris 560 v forsyth 4 tribune 27 years ago last week the sutton line of the cnr was storm bound from tuesday until saturday afternoon no trains passing that way of any kind owing to the big snow and wind storm on saturday after noon three engines and a plow opened the way and business was resumed as usual on monday with the passenger train whitchurch council met at the township hall vandorf on the 18th with all members present and the reeve morgan baker in the chair on account of large additions to the work of the clerk and treasurer an increase of two hundred dollars per annum was granted frank stiver local grain and seed merchant has purchased the 100acre farm on the 5th of mark- ham at the rear of col deacons property from mrs jas caseley stouftville pitch holes are said to be partic ularly bad and plentiful on the roads in this section just now due to so much snow some of them are deep enough to take a horse up to his earns while in places they are so close together the horse and driver lose sight of each other while the driver is emerg ing from one hole the horse is disappearing into the next dip 22 quarts milk for 100 at stouff ville creamery get tickets from our driver or at creamery miss nora macklem of lemon- ville is spending a few days with her aunt mrs lemon baker home marketing in england by george abell its a beautiful day out the sun is shining the birds are singing and people are thinking of long holidays by the lakes or sea shore yesterday and the day before it rained hard and we were thinking of what cemetery lot would look best but today is another day i rather like having no snow to shovel or wade through for while rain is a nuisance in the winter its generally only on an average of two days a week people are all digging their gardens and getting ready for spring which of course is probably a long way off yet flowers root stock etc are very plentiful and cheap a nursery man who lives near me came and planted seventy crysanthemum roots and for digging the ground etc the charge was fifteen shill ings or a little over 2 so would not complain of over charging the fresh green vegetables are in plentifui supply now outdoor brussel sprouts and winter cab bage which is planted in the late summer are a good crop the let tuce from greenhouses is plentiful although rather dear at 15 cents a small head a standard salad or green food is water cress which is farmed in ponds all year long these water cress farms are usual ly quite large some have as many as thirty or forty ponds from about 75 to 200 ft long depending on location while of course there are many florists and vegetable shops to retail these crops this is the land of street loaders and as they are called in london barrow boys regular spots such as laneways wide places in the side walks etc are used as regular stands for years by the same people and often passed down from father to son the flower sellers stalls at this time of year are gay with daffodils tulips snow drops and violets from the fields of the scilly isles in the atlantic which ship tons of fresh flowers here nearly every week of the year stalls sell ing vegetables and fruits are also quite colorful with tastefully arranged displays of tangerine oranges appies and all kinds of vegetables which are washed till they shine one odd thing about the beets in this country is that they are always sold ready cooked to slice and eat market days in this area have continued on the same day each week for five hundred years and are no longer as in canada a place for farmers to retail their produce as everything is controlled and must be marketed through govern ment channels the only farm pro duce for sale is a small amount of young livestock or poultry gen erally bough by drovers instead market consists of a variety of stalls selling clothing seafood oysters and cockles hardware silk stockings bolts of cloth and whatever you need one chap sell irig crockery and alarm clocks told me last saturday that these stallholders all follow regular mafket days that fill each week for them in this area the market towns are kingston guildford romford reigate dooking and children axi flowers one of the gifts which my parents gave co me which i apprec iate greatly is a love of flowers an older woman once told a friend i am so thankful that as a small child i was allowed to help plant and care for bulbs for winter blooms and flowers for the garden a gardening hobby is one which may be begun in very early years and can be enjoyed throughout life the seed catalogues arrival is a real event in many homes the lovely colored pictures of vegetables and flowers are most attractive even if they are almost too optimistic a little child can learn the names of many favourite flowers and also the different colors by playing a little game of finding flowers or colors with an older member of the family when mother and dad are making plans on paper for the garden if there is a small boy or girl in the family do include the child in the discussion if at all possible promise the child a small piece of land for his very own let him draw his own plans make a few suggestions of vegetables and flowers which are easy to grow if seeds are started early indoors let the youngster help in caring for them turning the boxes toward the light and watering the plants flowers make a very special appeal to girls but boys too my be quite proud of the flowers ihej have grown jiemselves lessons of finishing up on a task carefulness and patience may be all learned in gardening it is good too yor a child to feel that he has his oxu share in this family enterprise the ability to arrange flowers in an artistic way is a real art maay people make the mistake of crowd ing too many flowers into tme vase a mother who has a know ledge of flower arrangements can teach her daughter how to make a pretty tabie centre anyone wbo wants to learn more about flower arrangement may find information at a public library children love to pick flowers for a sick or shutin friend or for someone who has shown then special kindness a small boy or girl should have the opportunity to discover the joy which comes from giving others pleasure a mother who had sent her little girl to an invalid with a bouquet of sweet peas from the garden said to her daughter when she return ed home smell your fingers the small girl immediately noticed the faint but lovely perfume of the sweet peas the mother said to her a kind act done to another person whether it is giving flowers or anything else always leaves some fragrance on the fingers of the giver copyright no war service mennonites in alberta repeat the mennonite brethren church in albertahas reiterated its stand on noncombat duty in any future war involving canada the action came at the churchs twoday peace conference at near by- coldate members of the mennonite faith as conscientious objectors did not join the canadian forces for com bat duty in the second world war a church official said in a state ment that the mennonites will again cooperate fully in any future war but will not partici pate in combat duty it is against our religious beliefs to bear arms and kill a fellow man we would do anything else to help canada in a war epsom but only the first three handle any amount of livestock now the oniy farmers i have seen selling their produce are french men and spaniards the come into the south coast ports like south end dover brighton and up the thames to every town village and hamlet for 100 miles walking up every street with huge loads of cooking and table onions tied on long strings hanging over their shoulders i know what spanish onions should be like now for these boys with the little berets wooden boots and droopy cigarettes certainly have good ones we also get a few american turkish or goodness knows what rug salesmen and they really are persistant the day i see a mark- ham or whitchurch farmer driving a pickup truck loaded with eggs and dressed chicken down the street is the day i am waiting for though editors mail the editor stouffville tribune dear sir i learned only today that your paper published a statement of mr mcleod secretary of the milk truckers association that the pickering transport cooperative had the wrong attitude i am one of the four farmers concerned and have a few words to say to that in the firsts place the law says that farmers can truck their milk cooperatively in the second place we were not compelled by anybody to join the coop i joined the coop and so did the three others of- my own free will as i joined the british navy of myown free will in september 1939 in order to preserve exactly this freedom if any compelling is being done it is done by the ontario milk control board upon repre sentatives of the truckers which forbids us to join a free associa tion of free men in a free country instead this government board compells us to ship our milk on an independent truckers truck and thereby prevents us from saving hundreds of dollars the independent trucker can go to florida for my money i am a dependent farmer and have to stay home to milk my cows twice a day seven days a week a lot more might be said about the statements of mr mcleod but lets make it short and put them where they belong in the bull oen yours truly r j mcquay rri whitby ont the forward march of science has caught up with blondes blonde hair was until recently much sought after for use in humiditv control devices seems it was highly sensitive to moisture change but minneapolishoney well researchers have now dis covered they can control humidity much better with electronics than with human hair fyact i neve mite larger cities would simplify the task of enemy bombers if there were to be a war the dissemination of industry is on that account being advocated and not without reason in earlier times mills were located on streams through out the province and communities grew up around them that is why so many towns are located in valleys valleys where the millwheels used to turn but where millwheels exist no longer electric power replaced them and became available wherever wires were strung great industries were established and swallowed little ones or drove them out of business places which once were hives of industry were left with few industries or none many great industries saw fit to establish themselves in or near great cities it is easy to say that this proceedure is wrong on the other hand it is natural the larger centres afford a great pool of workers from which industry can draw a great closein market to which industry can sell a reminder of this fact is the annual report of the toronto industrial commission with its wellknown slogan the middle third of the entire canadian market lies within a 100mile radius of toronto that is a difficult argument for small places less favorably located to meet an endeavor used to be made to meet it by granting fixed assessments and bonuses now illegal some towns had unfortunate exper iences with these artificial aids t6e ttttte you put into a government annuity but small amounts with compound interest mean independence for the years when you want to take if easy government annuities are backed by the resources of canada no medical examination required thousands of canadians not covered by pension plans have taken advantage of a lowcost government annuity to guarantee their future security others covered by pension plans use a government annuity to supplement their retirement income annuities branch department of labour miiton f gregg slinittrr moil ihli coupon ledor postage fbee a mocmamara ittputy mmflir annuitif branch l department of labour ottawa i pi nd no comf1ete information about canarfon govornmonl arnufc name i mint cimmf