stouffville suntribune saturday dec 22 2007 15 deaths deaths dawson cemetery monuments all arrangements made in your home no sales people to increase price we install at elmwood all markham stouffville area cemeteries payment plans available at 0 interest call philip dawson owner at 9055791 116 visit our website mmdawsonmonumentscom 33 personals 3 personals fig pets supplies t boarding puppies- cocka- poos schnoodles yor- kiepoos shipoos wheatonpoos pug- gles pugstons bull- dogxpugs pomshi shots dewormed guar anteed 9054784464 nj personals personal prayer to the holy spirit holy spirit thou make me see everything and show me the way to reach my ideal you who give the divine gift to forgive and forget the wrong that is done to me and who are in all in stances of my life with me i in this short dia logue want to thank you for everything and con firm once more that i never want to be separated from you no matter how great the material desire may be i want to be with you and my loved ones in your perpetual glory amen person must pray this 3 consecutive days without stating ones wish after the 3rd day your wish will be granted no matter how difficult it may be prom ise to publish this as soon as your favor has fi been granted pb our mother of perpetual help townhouses for rent rooms for rent wanted 14th markham- quiet clean walkout base ment room own bath cable laundry 400 professional non smoking 4167267835 markham- private bath quiet home parking furnished in ternet suits single nonsmoker pets 595 inclusive 416712- 9024 mccowan16th- fur nished room private bathroom shared laun dry and kitchen sweet lady 9052948078 4163886337 m bed breakfast unionville mark ham all rooms ensuite full english breakfast maid service free park ing nick 905479- 3862 9059479493 lost found lost- orange and white male cat has ex tra toes on all feet an swers to the name of sunny lost rouge- crest paradise frede- ricton road area de cember 16th reward please call 905-554- 1768 flj nannies fulltime liveout nanny housekeeper for 3 schoolage kids dl and car required leslie 16ih 905-882- 1085 daycare available reliable daycare- 16 years experience lunches snacks mccowan brimley de- nison area cpr first aid 9054755421 music dance instruction guitar piano instruc tion professional musi cian gift certificates for christmas give some one their musical dream 416247- 9555 vendors wanted vendors wanted markham- hwy48 16th large 2 3 bed room court location near amenities starting 1595 tony woods- view realty 416-219- 5665 stouffville- spec tacular 3 bedroom fin ished basement fenced yard access to walking trails 1750 tony woodsview realty 416- 2195665 toqilsnfed markham spring home show feb 29 march 1 2 2008 markham fairgrounds for information call judy at 9052942200x226 or emailjheffernanyrmgcom articles for sale a king or queen ortho pedic mattress set new in plastic warran ty cost 1600 sacri fice king 550 queen 295 6472715483 bedroom cherry- wood bed dresser mirror chest night- stand new in boxes dovetail construction cost 7000 sell 1500 diningroom 11 piece cherry new cost 8000 sell 1900 6472715483 beveled glass top ta ble with wrought iron base 4 matching wrought iron chairs with ivory upholstery 65000 call 905-832- 1258 carpets- i have sev eral thousand yards of new stainmaster 100 nylon carpet will do living room hall for 38900 in cludes carpet pad in stallation 30 yards steve 9058980127 or 9055089423 wwwsubuibancaipetscom hoist v3 complete home gym 100000 52 inch rca tv com plete with encased cus tom wall unit for sale 150000 call 905- 3039081 hot tub spa covers- best price best quality all shapes colours call 1-866- 5850056 wwwthecoverguyca hot tub spa- 2007 model fully loaded full warranty new in plas tic cost 8000 sacri fice 3900 call 416- 7790563 john deere 14h lx176- selling only blade attachment or plow 36 brand new 6472272021 pets supplies 1 boarding puppy obedience agility rally tricks classes lifes ruff dog training markham wwwlifesruffca 9052015050 trg cars wanted a a pays up to 5000 for scrap cars and trucks 7 24 4166844663 100 1000 cash for cars dead or alive free towing 7 days per week 4168931594 8662562883 ct auto salvage top dollars paid for unwant ed cars trucks vans call chris 647-881- 7801 cash paid for scrap cars and trucks we also sell parts don mills steel 905887- 5821 wanted scrap vehi cles cash on pickup quick removal call kenny 4164335161 247 domestic help available experienced clean ing lady- will clean your house wcare quality satisfaction guaran teed 4167044586 first maid quality re liable cleaninq service most homes 6999 per service 25 years experience 416-831- 7399 fi pets supplies 1 boarding kitten connection unionville- adorable kit tens for adoption vac cinations for 1 year de- wormed spayed neu tered at appropriate age 299 inclusive 90s4776895 house cleaning a absolutely best cleaning crystal cleaning for homes of fices we bring supplies insured bonded 6475002260 classified holiday deadlines for saturday december 22nd issue deadline lliursday december 20 atnoon for wednesday december 26th boxing day issue deadline friday december 21st atnoon tuesday december 25th 8 wednesday december 26tti office closed for friday december 28 issue deadline thursday december 27th atnoon for satsun december 2930th issue deadline friday december 28th ih ihmm mlmrm appliance repairs painting and decorating appliance and tv repairs absolutely best prices free estimates warranty credit cards professional repairs of tvs flat screen ridges freezers stoves dishwashers microwaves washers dryers air conditioners 9052018181 or 4162666122 bills painting merry christmas peace on earth painting papering markham unionville since 1979 9052945415 bill frechette wetjbasements ctarife flespcftbu ilbtcrcfoafo mmummmm the oostmtot cranri spoccspcdofists top maux 1 866r48819f 221 9981 vvwwwetbasemenk hqme improvements 4 mertopied replacing free estimates installations electrical light you up and plug yowin local electricianlicensed inspections available domestic industrial and commercial service upgrades standby generators installed pfpa gstimsts call don 9056403704 or 64783941 82 derek 4168358846 flooring tuesday january 1st 2007 office closed scarborough countertops 4162997144 mm carpet repairs sales installation carpet bums buckles stains hood damage to carpets etc carpet sales linoleum sales inst for kitchens baths over 20 yrs experience 416 3994868 or 905 3031388 1 stm we do it acl vndagrowid complete finished basements ufe t 905 2017734 c 647 8851772 ih wwwbasementspacesca guaranteed teace of mind snqwplowing ratnting andvdecorating house cleaning a spotless cleaning for homes offices we bring our own supplies insured bonded 4164648057 home improvements renovation for all fair price with excellent workmanship free esti mates call alvan 416- 8389296 dura painting interior exterior residential commercial free estimates full bonded rsst call mike borrelli tr 9052949653 or 4166889191 mr plow snow removal single driveways 350 double 450triple 600 season runs from nov lst07toapr lst08 call tony 4163199263 4163304306 9059891428 office farmers almanac predicts heavy snowlast chance one week soecial seniors save 20 others 1 0 last chance to book before dec31st i green machinf i i i fall cleanup landscaping snowplowing christmas light installation 1 free estimates 1 4168074033 p greenmachinelookca bi garbage removal hauling 1-866-mr-trash- 18666787274 always cheapest gar bage removal fast free estimates 7 days all loading cleanup seniors discount busi ness homes call john i electrical services electrician certi fied new wiring and electrical renovation small or large call winston at 416-822- 0275 moving storage a- moving trucks for houses apartments condos small large local long distance short notice negotiable rates ken 416-658- 5307 wwwnetworkmoversca i flooring 1 carpeting hardwood floor spe cialists installations re- sanding stains for es timate call jim 416-284- 6243 or 41 6561 9502 adult entertainment a cut above the rest- fun passionate very attractive escort for the connoisseur gent 6472088091 aaa all asian girls es cort- chinese korean japanese 247 out- calls only ring for web site 6472215858 lana- independent es cort 33 yrs old very pretty petite sexy lady yonge steeles 10am midnight 4162620503