i general help stouffville suntribune saturday aug 25 2007 1 7 i general help drug mart requires 2 fulltime merchandisers flexible hours competitive rates apply within attn sandra 5710 main st stouffville new school year approaching we require school crossing guards forseptember hollingham lockridge old kennedy bridle trail birchmount highgate fonda mindy castlemore ridgecrest kreighoff fred varley please call us today at 41 66060901 cedar brae golf club markhamsteeles staff required wau staff kitchen help first cook golf servicescourse maintenance own transportation required fax4162931214 email bevcedarbraegolfcom earn extra cash for christmas delivery contracts available from september to november delivering canadas largest newspaper to selected addresses monday to saturday in unionville markham call today for full details mr alden 18885211711 clublink is hiring golf club construction labourers competitive wages fax resume905841 7033 email rperryclublinkca advanced tent rental ltd has immediate openings for seasonaltent installers no experience required lots of overtime fax resume to 9056607425 full time individuals required for lawn maintenance land scape construction planting experience for busy garden centre experience an asset please fax resume to 9056424895 ii general help pharmacy techni cian part time for scarborough medical pharmacy retail phar macy experience knowledge of kroll required must speak cantonese fax resume to finch midland phar macy 4162974769 lllj houses for sale till houses for sale home sellers find out what the home down the street sold for free computerized list with pictures of area home sales and current listings wwwareahomesalesreportcom or free recorded message 18003265582 id8060 remax omega realty 1988 ltd brokerage find out what your home is worth online visit wwwyorkregionhomepricingcom remax omega realty 1988 ltd brokerage must sell fixer uppers bank foreclosures company owned properties distress sales free list with pictures wwwbankdistresshomesalescom remax omega realty 1 988 ltd brokerage mtfrkham- 3 bdrm bungalow double driveway backs onto park 399000 905- 4720714 647222- 0838 open houses 220 fred mclaren blvd markham 5 bed rooms 3i2 bathrooms 425000 sunday au gust 26th 16pm seorge416j195326 ii officebusiness space markham- 2721 bur oak avenue 670 sqft business retail in cor nell 950 month incl utilities steven frost 4165708447 woodbine steeles- small office space available to share fully furnished internet class a building 416- 5430566 m open houses ra open houses open house saturday sunday 24pm top quality 4 1 bedroom 5 baths shows to perfection 1 1 reston ridge markham near swan lake 569000 bo gustafsson sutton group sales rep 4167835000 business opportunities a sylvan learning centre markham low 6 figure financing email only thornhill sylvangtaca h apartments flats for rent 16th main- 1 bedroom basement separate en trance parking fire place no pets smok ing 650 inclusive 9052944021 2- bedroom basement bright spotless separ ate entrance laundry 4 appliances 950 inclu sive kennedy major- mac immediately 416- 8375027 denison kennedy- modern 1 bedroom basement separate entrance laundry park ing tic no pets 675 9054743237 highway 7 9th line- large bright legal 2 bedroom basement apartment fireplace separate entrance laundry all utilities 1000 month septem ber 905725263 main st- 2 bedroom private patio separat ed loft suits profes sional near go 1150 inclusive 905 2949699 markham rentals available- ie cornell brand new coach house 975 utilities includ ed call paula law rence norman hill re alty inc brokerage 905- 8875678 markham- clean 1 bedroom den base ment appliances laun dry parking near go amenities suits one nonsmoker pets 775 inclusive 4169855468 416- 8061050 markham- legal bachelor basement separate entrance laundry parking 600 inclusive september 1st 9054809868 markham- new spa cious 1 bedroom apt bright clean great neighbourhood laun dry appliances 850 immediate 416-904- 0641 i apartments j flats for rent job at home 48768 weekly assemble prod ucts mail or computer work free details w w w to p j o b r e viewcom write chrjobs372 rideau st 916a15 ottawa onkin 1g7 1-800- 3515120 mortgage loans ssmoneyss consoli date debts mortgages to 100 no income bad credit ok ontario- wide financial corpora tion 18883077799 private funds- 1st second mortgages no appraisal bad credit ok no fees oac pe ter 4164604594 apartments flats for rent markham 14th- 1 bedroom new base ment separate en trance parking laun dry nonsmoking 700 september 1 4169938001 markham denison- 2 bedroom basement laundry private en trance near ttc shop ping october 9052947613 markham elson modern new 1 bed room basement spa cious large windows quiet fireproof separ ate laundry entrance no smoking pets 416- 5239090 markham elson- 2 bedroom basement spacious separate en trance parking utilities nonsmoking pets sept 1st 9052011792 markham highglen 1 bedroom basement bright spacious separ ate entrance near all amenities immediate 4167129427 markham steeles- 1 bedroom basement separate laundry 700 no parking pets sep tember 1st 905472- 954441 64341997 markham steeles- 2 bedroom basement separate entrance parking laundry 825 negotiable immediate 9054716043 mccowan 7- new 1 bedroom basement private entrance laun dry parking nonsmok ing 700 inclusive 9059402279 mccowan denison- 2 bedroom basement separate entrance parking laundry non smoking pets septem ber 1st 850 9054710118 4169859834 mccowan denison- 2 bedroom new base ment separate en trance and more sep tember 1st nonsmok ing pets 905554- 5521 mccowan highglen- new spacious hard wood 1 bedroom den basement separate entrance 675 inclu sive immediate non smoking pets 905- 4727420 647-801- 3455 mccowan hwy7- new above ground 1 bedroom separate en trance parking all ap pliances laundry ac nonsmoking pets suit single couple october 1st 950 inclusive 9054724074 mccowan hwy 7- by mall 2 bedroom basement apt separ ate entrance laundry 9509052091186 mccowan raymer- ville- 2 bedroom base ment separate en trance laundry cable nonsmoking pets 950 inclusive 416- 9044397 daytime 905- 2940135 evenings mccowan raymer- ville- large 1 bedroom basement private en trance parking non smoking selective pets 800 inclusive 905- 4729425 houses for rent houses for rent announcements announcements mccowan steeles- 1 bedroom basement cable ca own en trance 700 inclusive parking nonsmoking pets 9054725603 mccowan steeles- new 2 bedroom separ ate entrance parking laundry hardwood modern bathroom non smoking pets 4166164209 middlefield deni- son 2 bedroom base ment apt kitchen ap pliances separate en trance parking 850 inclusive september 9054710339 middlefield high- glen- new 2 bedroom basement separate entrance parking near schools shopping nonsmoking pets 890 9052019258 steeles birchmount- 1 bedroom livingroom basement separate entrance close to day care schools yrt 500 including utilities 4167868303 steeles old kenne- dy- newly built 1 bed room basement no pets smoking 700 in clusive 9054771090 4169061324 stouffville main street 2 bedroom apart ment 650 hydro no pets 41 6561 2289 stouffville- 1 bed room basement separ ate entrance cable nonsmoking pets sept 15th days 905- 6403727 evenings 9056401831 john stouffville- 2 bed room main floor 4 ap pliances livingroom dining room sunroom nonsmoking pets suits adults 1000 50 utilities 905-640- 5408 stouffville- clean large 1 bedroom inlaw in estate home private entrance nonsmoking pets suits professional 900 9056400573 stouffville- main street 2 bedroom apt above fitness centre parking 800 sept 15th 6473333887 stouffville- main 9th large 2 bedroom basement parking laundry storage near amenities 910 9056496427 stouffville- wal- mart luxury 1 bed room wo basement separate entrance laundry cable parking nonsmoking pets 9056405101 unionville- 2 bed room basement separ ate entrance laundry parking appliances nonsmoking pets oc tober 1st 800 9059488201 unionville- 2 bed- room basement separ ate entrance 5 appli ances parking immedi ately 950 inclusive 9059439968 uxbridge- 1 bedroom basement no smoking pets newly renovated available immediately first last 800 inclu sive 9058323608 warden hwy7- 1 2 bedrooms basement ac laundry nonsmok ing pets 800 1200 inclusive 9054793178 markham stouffville rmtauecre slseptt settlement park- townhouse 3 bedrm ca 1550sept1st ironwood ores- stouffville 3 bdrm detached ca 1500 immecsate christian reesor semidetached 3 bedrm ca 1525sept1st 10 rent rebate off first month please cat for more details 9054716927 ext 231 dr kevin lee pediatrician is pleased to announce that he is relocating his practice to 3950 14th avenue markham suite 105 9053051700 all new patients welcome yonge elgin mills 2 bedroom basement separate entrance laundry go non smoking pets 850 inclusive 905787- 8548 houses for rent brimley denison- 4 bedroom 212 bath rooms double parking renovated hardwood near amenities 1500 immediate 905471- 4620 downtown stouff ville- 3 bedroom s1300 2 bedroom 1100 separate entrance laundry parking large backyard close to schools shops 9057154507 hwy7 robinson- main floor 3 bedroom bungalow 2 bathrooms appliances laundry deck whot tub non- smokers responsible pet owners sept 1st 1350 416707- 2072 in ballantrae- 3 bed room farmhouse 4 new appliances 1200 firstlast heat includ ed hydroextra 905- 8525335 905-862- 8062 markham- beautiful 4 bedroom near schools amenities no base ment 1400 utilities october 1st 905554- 0450 markham hwy 7- 3 bdrm semi close schools transit shop ping 1300 utilities sept 14165619690 stouffville 25 bedroom in town fridge stove included family room w fire place first last 1200 9057911098 stouffville- bright house 2storey 2 bed rooms family living diningroom parking 1300 hydro 4168845987 stouffville- de tached house double garage 1650 non smoking pets credit check references re quired sept 1st 6474281134 i townhouses for rent hwy7 wootten way- attractive 3 bedroom 5 appliances close to amenities 1350 oc tober call 905472- 6675 rooms for rent wanted country- single fur nished use micro wave small fridge own shower nonsmoking pets 500 sept 1st 9056491645 markham- private bath quiet home parking furnished in ternet suits single nonsmoker pets 595 inclusive 416712- 9024 markham- room for rent furnished kitchen privilege cable nop smoker near transit 500 month 905294- 2642 i shared accommodation lakefront aurora stouffville- spacious bedroom share house laundry parking cable internet pets welcome parasailing fishing 4162739141 i bed breakfast unionville mark ham all rooms ensuite full english breakfast maid service free park ing nick 905479- 38629059479493 boats supplies deaths deaths 1985 24 grew 240 cuddy cabin 230 merc cruiser stainless steel prop pump out head fresh water holding tank ice box seats 8 comes with tandem trailer with elec winch must be seen re duced to sell 950000 phone home 905-476- 9696 or cell 905-715- 9973 j pools supplies poolliners best prices largest selec tion quality work war ranty free estimates glenn 18003793827 or visit dvcpoolscom lost found found dog- shihtzu yorkie no collar or mi cro chip found east of stouffville contact 905- 4204666 found- young white and orange cat very- slim vivian rd ken nedy rd 9058366324 lost- mans university school ring silver blue stone reward 905- 6405358 jones kenneth jr kenny peacefully after a long illness on thursday august 23 2007 at markhaven in his 60th year kenny is survived by his sister kathryn joneslamb doug niece danielle nephew tarren and aunt edith kenny will be missed by his life long friends richard duguay dennis tosse danny langouis thanks to the staff volunteers and residents at markhaven especially stephanie bill thanks to the dialysis unit doctors nurses volunteers at york central hospital thank you to mobility bus york region for their dedicat ed support thank you to fr michael deacon mike hayes from st patricks catholic church and thank you to dixon- garland funeral home for all their support friends will be received at the dixon- garland funeral home 166 main street n markham rd markham on monday from 24 79 pm funeral mass at the church of st patrick 5633 hwy 7 markham on tuesday at 10 am cremation in lieu of flowers donations to cnib diabetes or kidney foundation would be appreciated ij in memoriam j in memoriam smith kenneth dertton in loving memory of ken who passed away aug 29th 2002 treasured thoughts of one so dear often bring a silent tear thoughts return to scenes long past years roll on but memories last lovingly remembered by mom dad joanne susan and barry personals tired of being a guest at someone elses wed ding contact misty river introductions and find your someone spe cial 416 7776302 wwwmistyriverin- troscom ij nannies experienced livein nannies caregivers car ing for children elderly special needs 905-775- 9273 wwwyorkcancareca daycare available marras mini school- excellent care all ag es phonics program nutritious meals trans portation receipts cpr 4166277646 dj tenders 3d tenders ty tenders request for proposal proposal p0732 closing date september 14 2007 100 pm local time description assessment of the fiscal economical implications of the regional growth management strategy proposals are invited from qualified firms to provide an assessment of the fiscal economical implications of the regional growth management strategy all in accordance with the terms of reference noted in the requestfor proposal package only proponents with successfully demonstrated past experience in outlinearea of expertise required and a proven track record with the region will be considered a nonrefundable fee of twentyfive 2500 gst included is required for each set of documents which may be purchased from the finance department supplies and services 1st floor 17250 yonge street newmarket on l3y6z1 on or after august 24 2007 all queries regarding the proposal shall be directed to janet hill cppb senior purchasing analyst supplies and servicestel 905 8304444 ext 1 669 email janethillyorkca note during the week of august 2731 2007 contact garth stiebel ext 1 688 email qarthstiebelyorkca all regional municipality of york advertisements fortenders rfps rfqs and rfis may be viewed on the internet at fmacrobutton htmlresanchor wwwbidnavigatorcom subscribers to this service can download a nonreproducible copy of this rfr please note that the rfp package and submission envelopes must be ordered by phone or be picked up from the financesupplies and services branch of the regional municipality of york priorto submission submissions of documents obtained from the bid navigator website will not be considered as original documents and will not be considered in the regions rfp process all company information name address phone and fax must b provided upon purchasepickup of this document please state document number when purchasing or inquiring about this request for proposal sealed proposals clearly marked with the proposal number and the closing date andtime will be received by the lowest or any proposal will not necessarily accepted the region reserves the right to award to other than the lowest proponent mrt appleby director supplies and services finance department mu- the regional municipality ofycrk xzi 17250mnge street 1st floor yormreoon newmarket ontario l3y6z1 tfi bill rsch regional chair