stouffville suntribune thursday june 7 2007 27 m lllkll ivkx iavaa i 4 41 a i lltfiaaata ii 1 1 4 vi ii 1 1 n i b i j ii a h i m fi prtsent mattamy homes huge community garage sale participation by over 40 homes saturday june 3th 2007 8am 12 pm 9th line main street follow the signs in please join us once again for the annual gigantic claremont community yard sale saturday june 9th 2007 800am 200pm piease stop by the remax first office for complimently beverages goodies annual event sponsored by mary roy team remax first realty ltd 905426751 5 wwyvmaryroycom gigantic garage sale june 9th 10th8am 22 mccowan lane stouffville rd at mccowan brand new department store closure merchandise furniture home decor mirrors picture frames 600 1000 thread sheets comforters porcelain dolls gar den accessories patio sets grandfather clock can dle holders vases group of seven prints panasonic cordless phonesthousands more too much to list m giant rougehaven community garage sale markham sat june 9th 800am off markham rd south of hwy 7 lots of participants lots of stuff big garage sale june 9 8 am noon wood- side court markham off ramona several households full range of articles furniture to books kitchenware toys and sports equip ment rain or shine 6668 main st east- an tiques collectibles and more rain or shine saturday june 9 8am- 2pm bristol ponds es- tates sale- 3032 bristol sands cres hwy 47 2nd concession home decor clothing gocart saturday june 9th 8am2pm contents sale 43 risebrough circuit june 9th 10th 10am- 4pm furniture art housewares much more markham billy joel cres markham rd hwy 7 gently used items sat june 9 markham 93 bishop cres markham rd 16th sat june 9 8 am 1 pm toys applianc es books clothes markham- sir lancelot drive woo- ten way north sat june 9th 8am2pm raindate sunday june 10th markham south 16th west mccowan- 27 long island cres june 9th 8am 2pm books silk flowers glass crys tal jewellery household much more markham- 1 henriet ta st bur oak and kennedy sat june 9 812 household items and lots more markham- 30 mint leaf gate off 16th ave sunday 8am- 2pm toys home de cor furniture more markham- 65 sarum cres saturday june 9th 930am3pm toys furniture paintings vending machines electric gochair markham- 66 68 walkerton mccowan hwy7 june 9th 9am bikes antiques furni ture collectables housewares markham- annual jo seph st street sale hwy 7 markham rd saturday june 9th 8 am noon books toys household items and more markham- huge 20 marcus crescent mccowan north ray- merville saturday june 9th 7am1pm housewares childrens toys electronics furni ture more great pric es markham- multifami ly garage sale satur day june 9th 800am1 00pm 3 sir kay dr markham- multifami ly 4009 19th avenue off warden or kenne dy saturday june 9th 8am2pm markham- sarah jane court saturday june 9th 8am annual street sale rain shine great variety markham- saturday june 9th 8am 3 ben- damere cres ray- merville north house wares furniture decor craft supplies toys clothes adult baby over 1000 items moving 505 caboto trail 9th 10th 9am aquarium tanks acces sories furniture small appliances ceramics plants oil paintings crafts moving sale- satur day june 9th 9am- 1pm 25 long island cres furniture dishes collectables tools moving must sell 96 hyundai ecert may tag stacked washer dryer fridge stove bunkbed some free items saturday sun day 9am 9322 kenne dy road 16th north 9054799898 i i stouffville- san- dale elm road neigh- bourhood sale behmd tim hortons june 9th 8am2pm furniture baby households 1 1 street sale bethes- da rd between mccowan kennedy saturday 8am2pm tvs aquarium lawn mowers breadma fumiture i 1 trail of the woodsj kennedy aurora rd north east corner downsizing bring your truck sofas tvs ta- bles accessories 23s of contents must go 4 david wright court saturday june 9th rain date june 16th i 9am3pm unionville- 10 loweswater ave hwy 7 warden june 9 10 15 16 9am6pm furniture electronics housewares clothing i toys lots of good deals all in excellent condition great price unionville- 28 mark- haven road off fred varley saturday 8am housewares toys i books videos clothes more unionville- 40 ln1 gleborough crt war- home improvements landscaping dicoh co dicon construction concrete interlocking stonework fencing decks additions renovations drawings permits 4168415082 renovations4uea additions flip houses for resale finished basement dry wallingtaping interior designing decksfences gsheds patios interlock steps call 9054449944 or 6477225354 or visit us wwwrenovations4uca pond work excavating clean it dig a new one install or repair weeping beds 9056420545 days or evenings paving scania home improvement inc your renovation specialist basement bathroom kitchen renovations call now 9055541602 multlseas paving company asphalt paving walkwayscurbs decorative paving interlock sealers street print bonded insured interlock pavers free estimates f777s- tel 416 7436017 gmaili annamulttsealnet wwwmultisealnej i den apple creek sat june 9 800am1 00pm kids toys and books sports i eqp housewares elec- tronics table saw i unionville- neigh- borhood street sale ritter normandale delhi caledonia 16th kennedy sat june 9th 8amnoon toys lawn furniture housel hold piano etc unionville- street sale radcliffe road warden apple creek sat june 9th 8am- 1pm furniture toys barbies household etc i en placing a classified anelpcle all of ww ese elements for at message that sells start the ad with the item service or job you are advertising provide as much information as you can the more information the better the response always include the price of the item use large type white space borders or graphics any thing that will make your ad stand out to get maximum exposure run your ad for multiple days there are hew readers every day use only standard abbreviations to avoid confusion most important call 1 8007433353 to place your ad economist sun sbfitribune check your ad yrmg classifieds request that advertisers check their ad upon publication as we cannot be responsible for more than one incorrect insertion thereshallbeno liability for noninsertion of any advertisement liability for errors in ads are limited to the amount paid for the space occupying the error please be advised that all advertising content is subject to the approval and policy review of management of yrmg classifieds the erabanner the liberal vaughan citizen markham economist sun stouffville suntribune georgina advocate rights reserved to decline rework or properly reclassify an ad at any time yrmg caitilii sotretc ctiriier ranadicnnc society viu cancer relay for life relaispcurlavne a celebration of survival a tribute to the lives of loved ones and a night of fun friendship and fundraising to beat cancer tnlion af classifieds cancer never relay for life 2007 canadian cancer society markhamwhitchurchstouffville unit new event in stouffville willowgrove 11737 mccowan road stouffville june 1516 2007 7 pm 7 am yrmg wil 8m3lksttrtt survivor sponsor print media sponsor radio media sponsor aoxvqrove quolrty outdoor eipenooc event sponsor lebovic weserve enterprises food sponsor supporting sponsors register as a team captain participant or as a cancer survivor or volunteer online now at wwwcancercarelay go to event locations then click on ontario and then go to event locations again to register for stouffville event you can also register in person at 227 main st n markham or by calling the markhamwhitchurchstouffville unit at 905 2945925 ext 224 or email cchu ontariocancerca canadian sodiit register early space is limited cancer canadienne society du cancer lets make cancer history cancercarelay