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please fax your resume to 4162916792 or email mcordickclintarcom or call 41 62911 61 1ext 222 homeworkers needed to assemble products mailing processing circulars envelope stuffing online computer work up to 1 500wk no experience needed free information at www-tobs- workathomccom reference 2301 bookkeeping position available for service related company located in gormley experience with payroll simply accounting and all aspects of financial report ing including pst gst workers comp receivables etc comprehensive remuneration package available please fax resume to 9057602405 or email to kfordnaturescallca 3kclean4me wwwclean4meca 9052012313 now hiring v experienced cleaners j must have car 0 nordtfi compensation 0 car arownc e3 cppd excrikm cotnptomttofi now hiring lawn cutters affordable maintenance serviced snow plow drivers year round position experience an asset must have drivers licence own transportation call 9058877492 cvnaitam own angus glen golf club is currently seeking 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8003515120 well established profitable temporary sign business growing sales and part of grow ing international fran chise large customer base easy to operate huge potential call magnetsign for informa tion at 18002198977 ext2 or visit wwwmagnetsignscom 1 apartments flats for rent 14th kennedy- new bright high ceiling 1 bedroom basement own laundry non smoking pets 700 in clusive 9054795102 16th48- 1 bedroom newly decorated base ment separate en trance cable parking ac nonsmoking pets 700 inclusive immedi ate 9054716692 9054759341 416- 9959441 16th 9th -cornell- new- subdivision large 2 bedroom call george 4168764038 16th 9th- bright 1 bed room bay windowap pliances washer dryer 900 inclusive first last 9054729241 16th fincham- 1 bed room basement apt partially furnished shared entrance kitch en laundryroom park ing yrt 650 non smoking pets even ings 9054725647 available immedi ately- large profession ally finished 1 bedroom basement off raymer- ville appliances cable nonsmoker pets 9509054715412 n apartments fiats for rent i apartments j f ats for rent skilled technical help experienced se curity alarm service technician knowledge in access digital cctv home com mercial alarms salary commensurate with ex perience full benefits company vehicle email resume to hwoodnessse- curityca or fax 905- 4777129 brimley denison- lovely large 1 bed room basement all pri vate laundry non- smokers 700 905- 4800451 cornell- 21 bdrm coachhouses rent 950 june aug paola lawrence norman hill realty brokerage 905- 8875678 cornell- brand new bright 1 bedroom coach house laundry park ing available immedi ately 899 inclusive 4168375027 country peace 8k from markham main 2 bedroom separate en trance immediate 1325 inclusive 905- 2941825 highglen markhanr rd new 2 bedroom basement apt separ ate entrance non smoking pets immedi ately 750 inclusive 4169049489 hwy7- 1 bedroom ground floor 3pc bath ac cv satellite park ing laundry 900 inclu sive 9052945682 hwy16 village gate- 1 bedroom basement apartment 600 non smoking suits neat professional 416-918- 7532 hwy7 mccowan- large bright 2 bdrm basement apt separate entrance parking ac laundry nonsmoking inclusive 850 6478937900 kennedy 16th- 2 bedroom basement separate entrance ap pliances ac laundry no pets immediately 4168879834 kennedy highglen- new 2 bedroom base ment separate en trance laundry park ing nonsmoking im mediately 905947- 17026478857557 markham- cornell 9th 16th- new 1 bed room coach house parking 950 416-457- 9428 markham- room bathroom quiet home parking furnished in ternet suits single nonsmoker pets 595 inclusive 416712- 9024 markham hwy7 48- 2 bedroom above store newly finished separate entrance amenities immediate ly 9052943138 416- 8853103 markham hwy7 hwy48- renovated one bedroom apartments available pick your own paint colours pool gazebo sitting area laundry parking close to all amenities avail immediately from 980004166786937 john markham steeles- brand new 1 bdrm separate entrance parking close to school ttc non smoking pets nego tiable laundry 9054722069 4165682642 mccowan 7- new 12 bedroom basement private entrance laun dry parking nonsmok ing 700 850 inclu sive 9059402279 mccowan 14th- 2 bedroom basement separate entrance laundry ac parking no pets smoking 905- 4728461 mccowan 16th- 2 bdrm basement separ ate entrance applianc es nonsmoking pets 850 utilities available immediately 9054791604 mccowan 16th- new 1 bedroom basement separate entrance nonsmoking pets 700 inclusive imme diately 9059401205 9053058076 mccowan 16th- spa cious 2 bedroom base ment bright clean separate entrance ac laundry cable parking nonsmoking pets immediately 416- 7711640 mccowan denison- 1 12 bedroom basement den parking separate entrance cable 800 inclusive no pets 9052017234 mccowan denison- 4 bedroom 2000 sqft 212 baths cvac ac 1350 70 utilities 9052016771 mccowan denison- luxury 2 bedroom basement new kitch en fridge stove non smoking pets 850 9052941123 416- 6173225 mccowan hwy 7- renovated 2 bedroom basement new appli ances separate en trance parking non smoking pets 9054722768 mccowan raymer- ville- 2 bdrm basement separate entrance laundry parking non smoking pets immedi ate 900 inclusive 9052943971 middlefield deni- son- new 1 bedroom basement appliances separate entrance laundry ac nonsmok ing pets immediately 4163581707 stouffville rd bayview- private coun try 1 bedroom home on estate lot 900 imme diate nonsmoking 4165504472 stouffville down town- newly renovated large bachelors one wwalkout private deck parking 750 inclusive 4168717003 stouffville- 2 bed room basement separ ate entrance applianc es no pets laundry 890 inclusive ist last 4162193573 stouffville- apart ment in clean quiet building no pets leave detailed mes sage at 9056404727 stouffville- bright beautiful 1 bedroom basement fireplace separate entrance laundry parking non smoking pets 800 9056428225 stouffville- 1 bed room senior apart ments stove fridge and parking 78500 monthly call 416492- 1510 stouffville- 1 bed room walkout base ment no pets smok ing children may 1st 800 includes cable 9056408565 stouffville- main st 2 bedroom apt very nice wood floor no pets first last 2 parking 927 incl 9058845452 after 6pm stouffville- new 1 bedroom basement separate entrance near go patio fire place laundry non smoking pets 950 inclusive 905642- 0325 stouffville new large 1 bedroom quiet country home near all amenities private en trance deck gardens parking laundry fire- place air conditioning 5 appliances ideal for single professional 1000 inclusive se curity deposit required leave message 905- 6405392 stouffville mlake- 2 bedroom bal cony immediate 1325 incfusive separate laundry parking love ly view lesley 9056401200 i apartments j flats for rent woodbine hwy7- excellent 2 bedroom basement 900 utilities nonsmoking pets suits profession als must see 9059409177 furnished apartments farmhouse semi detached in rouge park 2 bedrooms 2 acres nonsmoking pets suits professional 1300 4168032140 houses for rent detached- 9th hwy7 finished base ment 3 bedroom bath rooms appliances near amenities 1550 9054708108 even ings 905471 21 51 fincham- 3bedrm detached fin base ment fireplace 1300- may1 unionville- 3bedrmtownhouse condo fin basement fireplace 1300 junel for more info calk 9054716927 exl 231 goodwood- 3 bed rooms main floor available end of may 1200 utilities non smoking pets 9056402209 mccowan 16th 4 bedrooms finished basement 2 kitchens 5 bathrooms immacu late near ttc 416- 4094928 stou ffville- 1800sqft bungalow 2 bedroom 1 bath large living areas woodbum- ing fp insert all appli ances gated sideyard double garage corner lot near all amenities go station 1400 june 1st 416464- 9734 stouffville- 2 bed room newly renovated and cosy quiet area new windows through out immediate 1150 inclusive 9056420765 townhouses for rent 16th48- 3 bedroom finished basement 2- full bathrooms 5 appli ances parking may 9052947165 1350 utilities 2 3 bedroom- available march april may woodbine 16th ave well kept units mins to hwy 404 1103- 1311 hydro gas appliances some wgarage ca first last credit check re quired call savitri ar range viewing 1 8774649675 ext 2706 monfri 9am5pm hyiyorkca cornell markham- 3 bedroom 212 bath 2 family rooms 5 appli ances ac 3rd floor master wfireplace balcony 1595 weiss realty susan taylor 9054724702 wooten way north hwy 7- condo 3 bed room 112 baths 5 ap pliances ac parking cable 1375 9054710092 leave message rooms for rent wanted 16th fincham- room for rent shared kitchen and bathroom 500 nonsmoker pets 905- 4725647 16th mccowan- large clean bright quiet fur nished room 425 share facilities major appliances nonsmok ing pets 905471- 2359