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entrance 678 no pets smok ing laundry immedi ate 9054790754 brimley steeles 1 bedroom basement separate entrance laundry parking cable 700 inclusive ttc immediately 905- 4779389 cornell coach house- beautiful new 1 bedroom 4 appliances nonsmoking pets 950 inclusive march 9054714337 cornell- coach house apt new 1 bdrm 5 appliances immedi ate 950 inclusive wwwmyhousepixcom 9059469856 416- 709109 i apartments m flats for rent country peace 8k from markham main 2 bedroom separate en trance immediate 1375 inclusive 905- 2941825 denison brimley- 1 large basement apt separate entrance ca parking non smoking pets 775 in clusive 9059439828 highglen markham road- 2 bedroom base ment separate en trance laundry cable no pets immediate 4168418786 905- 2019813 kennedy 16th- 2 bedroom basement separate entrance ap pliances ac laundry no pets immediately 9059481973 416- 8879834 kennedy denison- 2 1 bedrooms kitchen separate entrance laundry parking available immediately nonsmoker pets 905- 9479377 markham main street- two 1 bed rooms 2nd floor new floors paint applianc es parking go 650 750 905- 4712121 john murray markham- base- ment 2 bedroom sep arate entrance open concept kitchen living- room suits couple nonsmoking pets 9054716086 markham 14th- 2 bedroom basement separate entrance parking close to transit 750 inclusive 416- 2196119 markham 16th lovely 1 bedroom sec ond floor smaller 3 floor building non smoking pets april 9004167047500 markham hwy7 hwy48- renovated one bedroom apartments available pick your own paint colours pool gazebo sitting area laundry parking close to all amenities avail immediately from 98000 4166786937 john markham steeles- 2 bedroom basement kitchen bath separate entrance parking ttc yrt 850 including utilities cable 416-902- 2074 mccowan 16th- 1 bdrm basement private entrance 1 parking in- elusive available im mediately 905472- 0026 evenings mccowan 16th- 1 bedroom basement separate entrance hy dro parking suits sin gle 550 non-smok- ing pets 905470- 5131 mccowan denison- 1 12 bedroom base ment parking separate entrance cable 800 inclusive 905201- 7234 mccowan denison- 2 bedroom basement separate entrance cable nonsmoking pets april 1st rea sonable rent 647281- 7311 mccowan denison- 2 bedroom separate entrance laundry park ing nonsmoking pets available april 1st 8009054717371 mccowan denison- renovated 2 bedroom basement separate entrance appliances ac laundry april 1st 7509052940459 mccowan hwy 7- 2 bedroom basement newly decorated laun dry separate entrance parking nonsmoking pets 9054722768 midland steeles- 1 bedroom basement laundry 2 car parking satellite dish near amenities 750 9054770648 apartments flats for rent mccowan major mackenzie- renovated 1 bedroom basement separate entrance ap pliances utilities non smoking pets immedi ate 725 905-887- 2701 mccowan steeles- 2 bedroom basement separate entrance parking laundry ttc 750 inclusive non smoking pets 9052940636 new plush extensive 2 bdrm looking out over 10 acres only 5 min away from 404 and markville large dining- 100m kitchen wappli- ances livingroom fireplace bathroom laundryroom 2 private entrances a must see 9058875448 stouffville- 1 2 bedroom 845 995 parking immediate april 1st clean quiet building 905642- 06334162277776 stouffville- apart- ment in clean quiet building no pets leave detailed mes sage at 9056401727 stouffville- spa- cious 1 bedroom base ment no smoking par tially furnished all in clusive parking back yard negotiable 416- 9486617 stouffville- 2 bdrm apts appliances sep arate entrance immedi ate 800 net 9056403333 stouffville- bright 2 bedroom basement apt parking separate entrance no smoking pets wireless internet available april 1st 900 inclusive 905640- 2214 stouffville- by go train large bright bachelors 675 medi um 650 inclusive parking 4168845987 stouffville- large 1 bedroom basement 850 inclusive laun dry cable no pets smoking must see 9056406937 stouffville- large bright 1 bedroom apt eatin kitchen fireplace laundry separate en trance no smoking pets 4165713647 stunning never livedin 1 bedroom 12 ceilings wali amenities must see 990 inclusive cable internet 4162302197 unionville- new 1 bedroom main floor patio separate en trance laundry suits professional asking 1200 inclusive non smoking pets 9052026064 houses for rent markham- 3 bdrm 212 baths ac cv fireplace garage 3 mins- go 1650 utilities 4164324217 markham- 4 bed- room 212 baths close to amenities denison middlefield 1500 ut- lities april 1st 9054717265 markham steeles- 4 bedroom detached 212 baths ac garage laundry parking 2 min to ttc 1200 60 utilities immediately 6478360466 mccowan 19th- 4 bedroom farmhouse or 1 bedroom 11530 mccowan rd available immediately 905640- 6278 mccowan denison- 3 bedroom detached ca 1350 negotiable 70 utilities april 1st 9056040549 64781 83767 4165053326 stouffville- brand new 4 bedroom 5 ap pliances 1600 utilities april 1st 4169136285 births births suits a qbh dufton- a new baby sister for big brother nigel madelyne diana jane was born march 7 2007 weighing 6 lbs 15 oz proud parents are chad and samantha nee johnston of edmonton thrilled grandparents are george and dianne dufton of stouffville and peter and debbie johnston of jacksons point along with greatgrandmother muriel schinzel of stouffville deaths deaths mcwiluams constance lucy nee gray- in loving memory of connie who passed on sunday march 11th 2007 at markham stouffville hospital in her 83rd year she will be missed by her sons gordon alexander linda robert gray walter james her 8 grandchildren and her brotherinlaw lionel donations in memory of connie may be made to the canadian cancer society jj3 my kind of florist focus on flowers letlowers say it for you s flowers for all occasions 9054717000 116 main st n markham oust 4 minutes from the hospital ll in memoriam 1 in memoriam mcquaker marilyn louise boyle in loving memory of a wonderful wife mother and nana who left us march 15 2004 beautiful memories are wonderful things they last till the longest day they never wear out they never get lostr and they can never be given away to some you may be forgotten to others a part of the past but to us who have loved you and lost you your memory will always last love and miss you husband dave daughters rhonda dave brenda brad son william sharon grandchildren david kathleen azierena amber in loving memory of mel emmerson who passed away march 1 7 2006 deep in the heart lies a picture of a loved one laid to rest in memories frame we shall keep it because he was one of the best forever loved by wife margaret children grandchildren and greatgrandchildren houses for rent stouffville- 2 bed room newly renovated and cosy quiet area new windows through out immediate 1200 inclusive 9056420765 unionville- warden hwy 7- 4 bdrm wwalk- out basement double garage nonsmoking pets 2350 utilities 6478282565 townhouses for rent m shared accommodation female prof seeks same to share house in cornell area parking amenities ph41 6-878- 2141 after3pm si bed breakfast unionville mark ham all rooms ensuite full english breakfast maid service free park ing nick 905479- 38629059479493 3 bedroom brand new end unit 2000 sqft back to ravine immedi ate 1650 homelife bayview realty inc brokerage 905-889- 2200 call didi wei sales person cell 6473888971 cornell markham- 3 bedroom 212 bath 2 family rooms 5 appli ances ac 3rd floor master wfireplace balcony 1595 905- 4724702 denison feather- stone- 3 bedroom den near transit nonsmok ing 1400 utilities april 1st 905201- 90046474087426 ll coming events win tickets to kingfest york regions premier outdoor music festival june 23 and 24 two sets of weekend passes are up for grabs at yorkregioncom entry deadline mon mar 19 lost found found- 6 weeks ago small box with 2 hang ing lamps stouffville near tim hortons 9056408411 y card of thanks card of thanks i wish to thank friends and neighbours for cards letters phone calls and prayers during my surgery and recovery all were greatly appreciated orvalfretz