m rtoujfyhlsurjbne jp thursday mrcfl007 j general help j general help general contractor requires construction workers forcommindustrial service technician for retail maint repairs min5yrsexp reqd for positions leave detailed message 4162920868 ext227 automobile purchaser needed to buy scrap vehicles 25125 paid per vehicle dave 4168775960 kids kids kids ages2 wanted fortv movie jobs no fees men women 1665 yrs needed for same no extras parents call 4162213829 rapid home service professioual house cleaners now hiring cleaning staff part time day shift only markham will train call 9054726042 h attention local company has 31 ftpt openings in customer salesservice 1700 baseappt great for students homemakers others flexible schedules conditions apply 9057310393 wwwearnparttimecom chimney repair person labourer experienced or willing to train must have drivers licence call bill 4167222224 help needed for production kitchen experience an asset markham area fax resume to 9054722639 tjl houses for salfi hd houses for sale home sellers rnd out what the home down the street sold for free computerized list with pictures of area home sales and current listings wwwareahomesalesreportcom or free recorded message 18003265582 id8060 remax omega realty 1 988 lid brokerage find out what your home is worth online visit wwwyorkregionhomepricingcom romax omega realty 1988 ltd brokerage 11 costly home inspection pitfalls free report reveals what you need to know before you list your home for sale wwwlnspectionpitfalllistcom or free recorded message 1 8003265582 id 3606 remax omega realty 1 988 ltd brokerage markham gem completely landscaped front back 3 patios private fenced yard backs to scenic treed ravine more details sat ikj open houses best value- stouffville sat sun noon4pm movein ready appli ances included 349000 148 alder- wood street 416738- 5723 business n opportunities jobs at home 48768 weekly as semble products mail or computer work free details wwwtop- jobreviewcom write chrjobs 372 rideau st 916 ottawa on k1n1g7refa15 students graduate debt free on 10 us per month email debtfreegrad extracashws for a link to online video presen tation townhouses for sale freehold town- home- mattamy- war ranty 3 bedroom 6 months old lots of up grades 9056424849 officebusiness space professional and or healthcare space available for rent in busy stouffville plaza available immediately 9056422010 for the past 20 years future stars sports photography 4 pegasus school images has perfected the ideal home based photography business our concept is simple yet successful we provide the training and support teds and you provide the enthusiasm and execution byouhaveeverdreamed ofbeingyouromboss wtynotcahustodayat 18t461s75onrisit outwebsitesat wmfuturfrstarsspxom orwwkpegasusocom i business opportunities business opportunities educators daycare providers businessmen excellent franchise opportunity best of the best in childrens enrichment education 2003 one of the fastest growing franchises worldwide over 200 franchisees appointed in 34 countries low investment excellent training contact imriversrogerscom visit wwwiastrackidscom professional directory remove your criminal records fast we do pardons us waivers dont be embarrassed 18002985520 govemmentpardonsca business services bookkeeping ser vices- starting a new business i can help reasonable rates call today 41 6803351 5 n apartments flats for rent 1 bedroom flat share kitchen suits female single mother wood bine major mack ref 6009057139603 16th bur oak- new 1 2 bedrooms or profes sional space close to amenities starting 1000 4168764038 404 bloomington- 1 large bedroom side of house parking gas fireplace must see 950 inclusive 416- 8060998 birchmount deni- son- 1 bedroom base ment apartment separ ate entrance laundry parking ac cable all included 750 available immediately 9054706166 brimley denison- 1 bedroom basement laundry 2 car parking satellite dish near amenities 750 9054770648 cornell coach house- beautiful new 1 bedroom 4 appliances nonsmoking pets 950 inclusive march 9054714337 cornell- carriage house apartment for rent 825 hydro fridge stove non- smoker 9054715015 cornell- new 1 bed room coach house apartment 5 applianc es nonsmoker pets immediate 925 inclu sive 4168761994 country peace 8k from markham main 2 bedroom separate en trance immediate 1375 inclusive 905- 2941825 highglen mccowan- 2 bedroom basement laundry parking sep arate entrance ac cable no pets 750 904722892 main st markham- second floor 1 bed room bright own en trance deck parking new paint and carpet ing nonsmoking pets 790 inclusive also ground floor bachelor 690 immediate 905- 8877512 mortgage loans money consoli date debts mortgages to 100 no income bad credit ok ontario- wide financial corpora- ton 18883077799 beat the big banks 1st and 2nds private lenders all credit is ok better option mortgage corp 9056831900 1- 8885better own your own home no money down we help hundreds of fami lies each year call now 18669930099 wwwartisanfinancialca apartments j flats for rent markham main street- two 1 bed rooms 2nd floor park ing go 650 750 9054712121 john murray markham- 1 bedroom basement parking cable utilities separate entrance nonsmoking pets available 750 4162876000 markham- denison 1 bedroom den separ ate entrance cable parking 750 inclu sive nonsmoking pets immediate 9052010958 markham- room bathroom quiet home parking furnished in ternet suits single nonsmoker pets 595 inclusive 416712- 9024 markham 14th- spa- cious basement 212 bedrooms near mall ttc schools 800 9054718397 markham 16th- upper level 1 bdrm suits single laundry cable parking walk go april 1st 795 12 hydro 416618- 05544163304111 markham 16th lovely 1 bedroom sec ond floor smaller 3 floor building non smoking pets april 9004167047500 markham hwy7- 2 bedroom basement separate entrance laundry nonsmoking pets 850 inclusive immediate 905201- 89254162713283 markham hwy7 hwy48- renovated one bedroom apartments available pick your own paint colours pool gazebo sitting area laundry parking close to all amenities avail immediately from 98000 4166786937 john mccowan 407- 2 bedroom basement 1 bachelor laundry non-smoking- pets 9054779844 after 4pm 4167125567 mccowan 16th- 1 bdrm basement private entrance 1 parking 900 inclusive mar 1st 9054720026 evenings mccowan 16th- spa- cious 2 bedroom base ment parking laundry cable internet school transit nonsmoking pets 4164175523 mccowan hwy7- spacious 2 bedroom separate entrance wood fireplace ac laundry cable non smoking pets 825 in clusive available april 1st 9052010797 mccowan steeles- 2 bedroom basement separate entrance parking laundry ttc 750 inclusive non smoking pets 9052940636 steeles kennedy fresh paint 1 bedroom 800 inclusive park ing transit no pets smoking 9054795081 stouffville 1 bed- room apt very clean parking 725 hydro first last close to go 905640w7 stouffville rd bayview- private coun try 1 bedroom home on estate lot 925 imme diate nonsmoking 4165504472 siartments ats for rent stouffville- 3 bedroom or 2 bed room familyroom walkout basement diningroom livingroom large kitchen 2 bath rooms 1250 inclu sive 9056421967 stouffville- 2 bdrm apts appliances sep arate entrance immedi ate 800 net 9056403333 stouffville- 2 bed- room basement appli ances separate en trance 780 immedi ate 9057075706 stouffville- 2 bed- room separate en trance 950 all inclu sive with parking cable close to yrt and schools non smoking pets immedi ate 9056407725 stouffville- base- ment 2 bedroom fair- gate home nonsmok ing pets 1000 inclu sive april 1st 9056428594 stouffville- bright 2 bedroom basement apt parking separate entrance no smoking pets wireless internet available march 1st 900 inclusive 9056402214 stouffville- by go train large bright bachelors 675 medi um 650 inclusive parking 4168845987 stouffville- large bright 1 bedroom apt eatin kitchen fireplace laundry separate en trance no smoking pets 41 6571 3647 stouffville- main st 1 bedroom 2nd floor near go station 950 inclusive non smoking pets 416- 4979730 stouffville- main 9th large 2 bedroom 1st floor parking laundry storage near amenities 990 9056496427 stouffvillle- clean 1 bedroom apt with balcony for rent in building near shop ping 9056401170 uxbridge- newly renovated two 2 bed rooms 725 775 hy- dro fridge stove park ing 9058524412 woodbine hwy7- basement separate entrance all amenities 800 immediately 9054791563 houses for rent bright 3 bedroom corner bur oak ken nedy 1800sqft 4 years master bed room ensuite garage ceramic tile carpet fire place 1685 905-999- 9371 march april country setting 2 bedroom fireplace 1 acre freshly painted east of stouffville no pets 1200month utilities ross gallo 9056401200 hwy7 mccowan- renovated 2 bedroom raisedbungalow large familyroom large basement wlaundry 1100 inclusive non- smokers pets 905- 2942604 maple- clean 4 bed- room house 3100sqft garage ac no pets smoking near transit go march 1 1900 414101756 markham- 3 bdrm 212 baths ac cv fireplace garage 3 mins- go 1650 utilities 41 6432421 7 markham- long- short term rental fully furnished 4 bedroom detached home with double garage 16th avenue 9th line 2500 month including all utilities to view on line wwwmaryanne- macdonaldcom or call 9055540062 houses for rent mccowan 407- 4 bedroom house inter locking driveway non smoking pets 1600 utilities 9054779844 after 4pm 416-712- 5567 stouffville- 2 bed- room newly renovated and cosy quiet area new windows through out immediate 1200 inclusive 9056420765 stouffville- 3 bdrm spacious main floor 6 appliances 112 baths treed property 1600 inclusive nonsmoking pets immediately 9056425893 warden hwy 74 bdrm wwalkout base ment double garage nonsmoking pets 2350 utilities 6478282565 i shared accommodation richmond hill- look ing to share a town- house christian fe male 399 month emaogracie6805 hotmaflcom 41 6276- 1388 anniversaries anniversaries robert alma watt are celebrating their 50 wedding anniversary open house sunday march 4th 24pm locust hill united church friends relatives welcome best wishes only townhouses for rent uxbridge- beautiful 2 bedroom townhorhe freshly painted 1 025 utilities mo 1 bonus month rent 1-866-677- 3344 rooms for rent wanted markham hwy7- beautiful room wen- suite hardwood near amenities nonsmok ing pets 450 cable internet 9055542600 4169317269 shared accommodation aurora rd 48- new executive bungalow on golf course to share with 1 professional in door parking cable pri vate bathroom no pets smoking 800 available immediately 9056429765 by ycilrik region isfcsrtcst sciocm bosbardl can you integrate an international student from mexico into your family and provide a caring comfortable and secure environment an englishspeaking home a private or shared room and three meals per day opportunities to participate in family life and local activities remuneration 2000 per night per student urgent homes needed within the vicinity of glad park ps and whitchurch highlands ps for mexican international students between the ages of 11 12 from march 27april 9 2007 contact jennifer recine at 9058830047 ext 306 or jennifcrrccincffjvrdsbcduonca learning connections sunday april 15th 2007 10am 4pm premiere ballroom convention centre 9019 leslie street n of hwy 7 richmond hill jjjfe everything you need to plan your dream wedding fashion shows door prizes free parking admission 5 prepurchase tickets online at yorkregioncom click on whats on participating exhibitors 39chbv4u canadian tire creative memories creative visions photograph ej entertainment ltd flashpoint productions garters by gaye jot makeup artistry mobilemedispa flfobres clothing for men oceans travel cruises ltd paul anthony photography personalized innovations rosattnds cake artistry the bahamas tourist office the dream wedding planner the perfect wedding guide the summit golf country club toronto star treat yourself cakes catering tuxedo royale formalwear liooofa kind limousines exotic car rentals inc many more presented by come and fill out a ballot for your chance to win a a 4 night stay cape santa maria v or a 400 gift certificate courts melanie lyne m santa maria yririg wwwyorkregioncom for more information call amy hughes at 18882117288 ext 216 in partnership with umiversalwebdilsigs