stoufirille suntribune saturday february 24 2007 17 y general help i general help ii general help i general help join our dynamic customer service team school bus drivers 250 hiring bonus mm stay at home parent stop paying for daycare and bring your preschooler with you need extra part time work to supplement your income regular monday to friday hours provided too young to retire make this an important part of yourday competitive wages charter opportunities supportive team environment you must have a g license in good standing for 2 years and be fluent in the english language job fair irjetfiihp stock transportation 24 cardico dr gormiey jusf nbrtrvof stbuffvllle woodbine or 5m r off elgin mlills west of bayyievv ave tel 9058881938 v teaching opportunities teaching opportunities offre demploi a la garderie des moussaillons markham 16ieme avenue et woodbine une educateurtrice lela candidate devra etre dipi6mee en garde educative a lenfance ou equivalent et de preference ayant de lexpenence pertinente de garderie avec les enfants de 1 8 mois a 1 0 ans et avoir une tres bonne connaissance du francos ce poste a temps plein 12 mois de lannee disponible au mois davril ou mai 2007 offre un salaire competitif ainsi quun plan davantage sociaux priere denvoyer vos correspondances avant le 5 mars a nicole williams direcrrice telecopieur 9054702918 courriel moussaillonshormailcom telephone 9054774081 i general help ii general help cvmvdtan job fair 3 markham 98fis2 angus glen golf club and markham green golf club will be holding their annual job fair on february 17th 18th and 24th from 10am2pm at the angus glen clubhouse representatives from all departments will be taking applications giving screening interviews angus glen golf club is the proud host site of the 2007 canadian open please visit wwwangusglencom for more information now hiring for outdoor lovers full time positions students welcome 2400 mth per guarantee customer service sales advertising promotions no experience necessary good communication skills training provided company vehicle available call for interviews today wed is too late phone 4163320421 looking for experienced landscapers bryden landscaping inc is an award winning company established for 18 years our company offers creative designs and top quality construction our attention to detail and client service is why we continue to grow we are looking for quality team oriented people to grow with our company we currently require experienced landscape forepersons landscape labourers dz driver top wages will be paid commensurate with experience fax resume to 9056832681 or email bryanbrydenlandscapingcom check us out at wwwbrydenlandscapingcom herewegrow again full and part time customer service representatives needed we are looking for bright energetic customer oriented individuals bilingual frenchenglish a definite asset to join our team you must have knowledge in ms word and excel our rotating shifts are between 8 am 8 pm mon to fri and alternating sat from 12 pm 4 pm we are located in richmond hill with easy access to public transit please forward your resume to careersnationwideappraisalscom angus glen golf club is currently seeking an equipment manager for our north course turf department min 23 years experience salary doe contact ernie at eamslerangusglencom angus glen is also seeking greens keepers for a new golf course in the stouffville area all applicants are encouraged to attend the job fair at angus glen golf club on feb 1 7th 1 8th and 24th from 1 0am2pm please visit wwwangusglencom for more details delivery person full time days monday saturday no experience must have clean driving record apply in person to 5051 hwy 7 east markham or fax to 9059474631 homeworkers needed to assemble products mailing processing circulars enveloperstuffing online computer work up to 1 500avk no experience needed free information at wwwjohs- workathomecom reference 2301 ftpt- curves worlds largest fitness organization looking for manager trainee if you are energetic self motivated have an enthusiastic personality and love to work with people send resume to curvesmarkhamrogerscom or fax to 9058531370 perfect opportunity for someone returning to the work force pool company looking for experienced people in our service department for construction or landscaping please fax resume to jones pools 9058620812 experienced shipper required for markham distributor hs diploma exp w shipping software a must w forklift an asset email karenremingtonmedicalcom or fax 9054707787 school crossing guards needed for castlemore ridgecrest paid backup guards great pay1z50hr please call us today at 4166060901 i general help 11 general help raywal kitchens a wellknown manufacturer of quality kitchen cabinetry is looking fill both am pm shifts cnc machine operators general labourers experienced cabinet makers local dz driver 68 green lanejhomhill l3t6k8 fax4167337629 jobsraywalcom part time telemarketer needed hours 48pm 101 2 hourly positive attitude and versatile please call lsm insurance 9053009798 telemarketing mature individual required to book apptsfromat home excellent remuneration call for an interview at 41 64939560 exl2438 financial advisor itd houses for sale toj houses for sale home sellers find out what the home down the street sold for free computerized list with pictures of area home sales and current listings wwwareahomesalesreportcom or free recorded message 18003265582 id8060 remax omega realty 1988 lid homes hot list 10 best buys free list with pictures in your specific area free recorded message 18008081615 code 1146 find out what your home is worth online visit wwwyorkregionhomepricingcom remax omega realty 1 988 ltd 11 costly home inspection prtfalls free report reveals what you need to know before you list your home for sale wwwlnspectionpitfalllistcom or free recorded message 18003265582 id 3606 remax omega realty 1 988 ud business opportunities business opportunities educators daycare providers businessmen excellent franchise opportunity best of the best in childrens enrichment education 2003 one of the fastest growing franchises worldwide over 200 franchisees appointed in 34 countries low investment excellent training contact imriversrogerscom visit wwwfastrackidscom graduate debt free on 10 us per month email debtfree gradextrachasws for a link to online video presentation jobs at home 48768 weekly as semble products mail or computer work free details wwwtop- jobreviewcom write chrjobs 372 rideau st 916 ottawa on k1n1g7refa15 professional directory remove your criminal records fast we do pardons us waivers dont be embarrassed 18002985520 govemmentpardonsca mortgage loans ssmoneyss consoli date debts mortgages to 100 no income bad credit ok ontario- wide financial corpora tion 18883077799 apartments flats for rent 14th9th line- 1 large bdrm basement separ ate entrance parking nonsmoking pets suits professional s850 mar 1st 416- 4075231 il apartments 1 flats for rent 14th 9th line- bright 2 bdrm basement separ ate entrance parking immediately non smoking pets 4165669951 16thburoak- new 1 2 bedrooms or profes sional space close to amenities starting s1000 4168764038 a beautiful spacious unionville basement walk to main pond nonsmoking pets suits single 625 9055130360 brimley denison- 1 bedroom basement apt separate entrance 700 no pets smok ing immediate 9054790754 claremont- 1 bdrm ground level newly renovated bright hard wood floors full kitchen 750 utilities 416- 8194119 905-649- 67237057549363 claremont- 1 bed- room apt for rent 700 month heat hydro parking included luisa 9056499998 markham 14th- spa- cious basement 212 bedrooms near mark- ville mall ttc- schools 8009054718397 apartments flats for rent houses for rent houses for rent unionville steps from main st large bright renovated 2 bedroom apt must see 1200 don 9054774501 wwwbriaiianeca markham wootten way 3 bedrm townhouse condo 15 baths mar 1s11 75 parking includes cable cornell- 3 bedrm detached 25 baths famrmfire- placecas1550apr1sl hwy 7 9th line 3 bedrm semi famrmfireplace 1300aprfl1 raymerville- 3 bedrm detached homes famrm fireplace 1400aprs 1st fornvxe info please call 9054716927ext231 cornell coach house- beautiful new 1 bedroom 4 appliances nonsmoking pets 950 inclusive march 9054714337 cornell- new 1 bed- room coach house apartment 5 applianc es nonsmoker pets immediate 925 inclu sive 41 68761 994 country peace 8k from markham main 2 bedroom separate en trance march 1st 1375 inclusive 905- 2941825 highglen markham rd- 2 large bedroom basement 112 bath rooms laundry park ing separate entrance nonsmoking pets 4168230099 highglen mccowan- 2 bedroom basement laundry parking sep arate entrance ac cable no pets 750 9054722892 markham- 1 bedroom basement parking cable utilities separate entrance nonsmoking pets available 750 4162876000 markham- denison 1 bedroom den separ ate entrance cable parking 750 inclu sive nonsmoking pets immediate 9052010958 markham- highglen mccowan 2 bedroom basement apt separate entrance parking march 1st 875 9054809736 416- 4191483 markham 16th- upper level 1 bdrm suits single laundry cable parking walk go april 1st 825 12 hydro 416618- 05544163304111 markham 16th lovely 1 bedroom sec ond floor smaller 3 floor building non smoking pets april 9004167047500 apartments flats for rent markham hwy7 hwy48- renovated one bedroom apartments available pick your own paint colours pool gazebo sitting area laundry parking close to all amenities avail immediately from 98000 4166786937 john mccowan 16th- 1 bdrm basement private entrance 1 parking 900 inclusive mar 1st 9054720026 evenings mccowan 16th- 2 bdrm basement separ ate entrance applianc es nonsmoking pets 850 utilities april 1st 9054794604 mccowan 16th- spa cious 2 bedroom base ment parking laundry cable internet school transit nonsmoking pets 4164175523 mccowan denison- renovated 2 bedroom basement separate entrance appliances ac laundry april 1st 7509052940459 mount albert- main- floor of bungalow ref erences needed first last 1300 inclusive no pets smoking 905- 8416580 steeles kennedy fresh paint 1 bedroom 800 inclusive park ing transit no pets smoking 9054795081 stouffville rd bayview- private coun try 1 bedroomhome on estate lot 925 imme diate nonsmoking 4165504472 stouffville- 1 2 bedroom 845 995 parking immediate march 1st clean quiet building 9056420633 416- 2277776 1 apartments 9m flats for rent stouffville- 3 bedroom or 2 bed- room familyroom walkout basement diningroom livingroom large kitchen 2 bath rooms 1250 inclu sive 9056421967 stouffville- bright clean 2 bedroom base ment separate en trance parking back yard 900 inclusive nonsmoking pets 9056404459 stouffville- bright 2 bedroom basement apt parking separate entrance no smoking pets wireless internet available march 1st 900 inclusive 9056402214 stouffville- bright clean 1 bedroom base ment suit single non smoking pets 700 immediately 905640- 4301 stouffville- by go train large bright bachelors 675 medi um 650 inclusive parking 4168845987 stouffville- large bright 1 bedroom apt eatin kitchen fireplace laundry separate en trance no smoking pets 4165713647 stouffville- main st 1 bedroom 2nd floor near go station 950 inclusive non smoking pets 416- 4979730 stouffvillle- clean 1 bedroom apt with balcony for rent in building near shop ping 9056401170 warden hwy7- 2 bedroom basement separate entrance laundry parking non smoking pets 850 immediate 416-721- 4431 ii9 2007 by ifcrarl region district school board can you integrate an international student from mexico into your family and provide a caring comfortable and secure environment an englishspeaking home a private or shared room and three meals per day opportunities to participate in family life and local activities remuneration 2000 per night per student urgent- homes needed within the vicinity of glad park ps and whitchurch highlands ps for mexican international students between the ages of 1112 from march 27april 9 2007 contact jennifer recine at 9058830047 ext 306 or jdinifcrrccincjffiyrdsbcriuonca jtjfm region learning connections