stouffville suntribune thursday april 27 2006 25 2 general help w general help i general help the most trusted name in seniors housing cook prepare appetizing and nutritious meals for seniors at our rouge valley retirement residence in this parttime position you will prepare meals according to menus and special diet requirements you must have proper certification and be willing to work a flexible schedule experience with seniors is preferred reference me72mf772 we also have fulltime and parttime nightshift opportunities for personal support workers reference me72mf5 please email your resume quoting the appropriate reference number and job title in confidence to careerschariwellrettca to learn more about our organization and available opportunities to join our team please visit our website at wwwchartwellreitca in general help become a member of a company- committed to j providing- the v bestpossible j care and service jpjseniors across canada houses for sale h k i or r hpii v to ft operations manager warehouse and distribution alicq industries a leading lighting manufacturer and distributor has a vacancy for an operations manager in our fast paced markham location strong leadership skills indepth knowledge of warehousing operating procedures procurement and distribution are pre requisites for this position please send resume to 2600johnst207 markham ontario l3r3w3 fax 9053056191 or by email to adminalicoindustriescom we thank all applicants but only those selected for an interview will be contacted subaru markham subaru is seeking a fulltime defailer shuttle driver good pay and benefits offered call lenny at 9052090002 or fax resume to 9052099391 dairy queen ft or pt staff candidates must be available to work a variety of shifts including weekdays week nights and weekends 785hrto start apply in person 6030 hwy7 east markham markham road hwy 7 homeworkers needed to assemble products mailing processing circulars copy mailing pc disk program up to l500wk no experience needed free information at wwwcanadianfromhomfctobscom reference 7301 labourers for a landscape construction co area of markham richmond hill own transportation a must good wages call 4169902209 or 4169904406 experienced line cooks dishwashers full time seasonal required immediately meadowbrook golf and country club warden and stouffville road area please fax resume to 9058875804 or email clubhousemeadowbrookgolfnet thank you for your interest only candidates selected tor an interview will be contacted no phone calls please markham batchers dispatchers james dick concrete scarborough location requires experienced batcher dispatcher knowledge of command alton system is desirable send resume to adam haddad at james dick construction ltd fax 41 63351 808 or email ahaddad jamesdickcom gta lawn care in unionville now hiring grass cutters call 4165691355 experienced fence installer immediate opening call pat 9057733382 experienced labourers for interlocking construction company full time year round uniform provided 1217 based on experience fax or email resume 908817210 adminservconca required immediately no experience necessary helper for duct cleaning call 9054726587 warehouse helper mon to fri duties include deliveries some heavy lifting involved must be physically fit apply with resume 145 royal crest ct unit 14 markham ft barn help wanted horse operation experience references 9058880927 rapid home service professional house cleaners now wring full time part time cleaning staff will train day shift call 9054726042 exciting opportunities in security concierge reld attractive salary min2yrsexp please fax your resume to 9054749060 skilled help required renovator requires person with drywall tiling plumbing experience call pat at 4162940801 m houses for sale west pickering rouge detached 3 bedroom home buyers agents welcome wwwbytheowner com34268 open house april 301 5pm 325k 647 2876295 lid houses for sale oc private sales markham- peter street fully renovated bungalow basement apt 850 66x131 lot 399900 no agents 4168975804 drapery workroom looking for experienced individual full time lo cated in markham call 9054750943 fax 9054754987 21per hour company needs home workers to fill our simple work sheets 8003515120 wwwcouponworkcom markham- 70 cran- dall drive mccowan 16th well maintained 4 bedroom backing on conservation area open house sat sun 25pm 9054711321 apartments j for sale affluent mill pond area- 1 bedroom den 1 yr wunderground parking open concept 227300 416918- 7406 lu houses for sale find out what your home is worth online visit wwwyorkregionhomepricingcom remax omega really 1 988 lid home sellers fr find out what the home down the street sold for free computerized list of area home sales current listings free recorcted message 18003265582 id8060 remax omega reaty 1988 lu ii officebusiness space gormley- woodbine stouffville 404 up stairs small bright offic es 350800 sqft rea sonable farking all in clusive 9058875939 business opportunities fool idea easy set up earns 100200 day even works while im asleep free call 24hr recorded mes sage 18776815361 become the robin hood of real estate and save property sell ers thousands own your own business no license required exclu sive territories act now imaontario haynet millionaire mom or desperate housewife ceo income and enjoy quality time wyour chil dren team of women entrepreneurs seeks 3 successminded indi viduals ready to run your own business 9054717670 promote your busi ness opportunity to over 4 million adult readers in south central onta rio book your adver tisement in over 80 me- troland community newspapers 416-493- 1300 ext 276 sduguaymetrolandcom mortgage loans money consoli date debts mortgages to 100 no income bad credit ok ontario- wide financial corp 1- 8883077799 apartments flats for rent 16th 48- spacious basement separate en trance fireplace dish washer laundry 800 inclusive nonsmoking pets suit mature pro fessional rose 9054722010 416- 5796268 16th48- 1 bedroom basement separate en trance cable parking ac nonsmoking pets 700 inclusive immedi ate 9054716692 9054759341 416- 9959441 9th 16 ave- newly renovated 1 bedroom basement separate en trance laundry parking 4 appliances 800 in clusive 4165098157 divorce free report reveals what you need to know about what happens to your matrimonial home before during and afleradivorce free recorded message 18003265582 id4906 remax omega reasy 1383 lu u housing wanted looking to buy- markham bungalow preferably with base ment apartment but not necessary preap proved to 300000 flexible closing 905- 4718875 lots acreages markham hwy 7 york durham line ag ricultural land for rent approximately 16 acres contact pat at dmsi 9054727300x229 h apartments 9 flats for rent brimley denison- 2 bedroom basement separate entrance laundry parking no pets 800 inclusive 9059469587 coach house- available immediately cornell beautiful bright 1 bedroom ac 925 inclusive 905910- 9996 coach house- cornell newly built 1 bedroom 5 appliances 950 in clusive no pets im mediately 905471- 3182 dennison mccowan- 2 bedroom basement separate entrance 2 parking new applianc es 695 immediately 4166244314 fabulous brand new coach house located at hwy 7 and ninth line all features includ ed 1 bedroom kitchen living room walkin closet new appliances parking and more please call shaun at 905093365 highglen mccowan- 2 bedroom basement 1 or 2 people 1 parking laundry separate en trance 41 67991 533 highglen mccowan- 2 bedroom basement laundry parking sep arate entrance ac no pets 9054722892 main floor bachelor apt- private entrance parking patio all inclu sive goodwood 750 9056408851 markham cornell coach house- open concept appliances parking cable 850 inclusive june 1st 4167022155 markham- 2 bedroom basement separate entrance laundry park ing appliances non smoking pets immedi ate 9054797539 markham- 4 mary- dale ave 2 bedroom basement separate entrance parking cable laundry non smoking 875 9054722350 markham- hwy 7 48 clean 1 bedroom basement appliances laundry separate en trance 840 may 4164592730 markham- kennedy 14th 1 or 2 bedroom basement huge family- room side entrance parking nonsmoking pets immediately 9054797030 markham denison- 2 bedroom basement separate entrance no smoking pets cable 9052017820 416- 8941296 after6pm markham elson- newly built 2 bedroom 2 bathrooms base ment parking laundry nonsmoking pets 8759054720429 mccowan denison- 2 bedroom basement separate entrance parking laundry cable ac internet may 1st 9054809550 j apartments flats for rent markham elson- 2 bedroom new base ment apt separate en trance near amenities available immediately 4162761948 9054723840 markham elson- new 2 bedroom base ment 750 separate entrance parking ttc school immedi ate nonsmoking pets 9052090982 416- 904147 markham steeles- 2 br basement 800 in- clu close to all amenities 905-471- 1840 mccowan 14th- large 2 bedroom base ment separate en trance ca cvac 800 inclusive may 1st 9052945543 4166278681 mccowan 16th- 1 bedroom basement den separate en trance laundry appli ances parking non smoking pets 800 905940651 mccowan hwy7- 2 bedroom basement newly decorated separ ate entrance non smoking pets suit pro fessionals 905472- 2768 mccowan hwy7- 2 bedroom basement separate entrance in cludes utilities non smokingpets may 1st 4165677035 mccowan manhat- ten- 2 bedroom ac separate entrance parking new applianc es nonsmoker pets 800 immediately 905480492 mccowan raymer- ville- 2 bedroom base ment separate en trance laundry cable nonsmoking pets 950 inclusive 416- 9044397 905-294- 4397 mccowan raymer- ville- large 1 bedroom basement private en trance parking non smoking selective pets 8009054729425 mccowan steeles- 2 bedroom basement separate entrance laundry near ttc route 750 immedi ately 9052948318 4166702765 mccowan steeles 2 bedroom basement apartment separate entrance parking sep arate laundry immedi ately near ttc 905201771 middlefield steeles- 2 bedroom basement apartment separate entrance separate parking 850 9054727784 raymerville mccowan- 2 bedroom basement laundry parking own entrance all inclusive no pets smoking 4165101953 raymerville mccowan- fully- equipped 2 bedroom basement apartment near schools bus shopping 1000 may 1st 416711065 raymerville mccowan- 2 bedroom basement separate entrance large kitch en laundry cable ap pliances 800 inclu sive nonsmoking pets 9052015176 416365620 scarborough- neilson mcclevin spa cious 112 bedroom basement separate laundry entrance cable appliances park ing utilities 416724- 1938 stouffville- 1 bed room basement suit nonsmoking single 745 inclusive imme diately call isola 9056407818 i apartments fiats for rent stouffville- 1 bed room basement separ ate entrance no pets smoking parking any time 9056403639 evenings weekends stouffville- 1 bed- room new home suits single 850 inclusive call judy esmonde sutton group town country 905640888 stouffville- 6258 main st clean 1 bed room 750 hydro first last no pets im mediate 905640- 0977 stouffville- large 2 bedroom apartment bright 9ft ceilings 1050 also bachelor 700 inclusive parking 416845987 stouffville- main street large 2 bed room basement walk to go separate en trance parking appli ances professional nonsmoking pets 8754163467571 stouffville- new 1 bedroom basement near go appliances parking cable non smoking pets 925 in clusive 9056420325 unionville- bright renovated large 1 bed room walkout base ment steps to mark- ville go and parks centralair parking ap pliances laundry no pets smoking may 1st 7754168887438 unionville- luxury 3 bedroom basement 6 appliances laundry pri vate entrance parking immediate 1250 in clusive 9059469724 unionville- new 1 bedroom wfireplace ground level baywin dows french garden doors- laundry parking nonsmoking pets- 9004169897800 unionville- newly renovated 3 bedroom main floor hardwood new kitchen 5 appli ances garage patio 1350 june 9053051542 uxbridge new townhouse apart ments air conditioned 4 appliances patio gar den parking storage 905524777 warden steeles- 1 bedroom basement parking ac nonsmok ing pets 675 inclu sive suits single im mediate 905470783 warden steeles- large new 1 bedroom basement separate entrance laundry cable 850 inclusive may 9054757190 woodbine 16th- next to schools 2 bedroom walkout kitchen no smoking pets immedi ately 905887585 furnished apartments markham- furnished new basement bache lor ac internet laun dry parking non smoking pets single 675 references 905940610 houses for rent houses for rent 16th9th line- new 3 bedroom detached ap pliances garage 1600 1 bedroom coachhouse 900 4162751666 coach house- cor nell new 1 bedroom 2 appliances no pets im mediately 900 9052010447 416- 271142 hwy 7 east mccow- an- 3 bedroom bunga low great sunroom finished basement 1600 may 20th 9054702092 hwy7 48- bungaiow 1 bedroom kitchen liv- ingroom appliances washer dryer parking 9054711230 hwy7 robinson- upper 2level furnished 3 bedroom wo to deck waterfall garden 1750 inclusive 905- 4714723 stouffville- lovely 3 bedroom 3 bath rooms fenced yard garage friendly neigh bourhood june 1st 1525 905642504 unionville- freshly renovated large 2 bed room 2 storey upper walk to markville go and parks centralair parking appliances laundry no pets smok ing may 1st 1250 4168887438 townhouses for rent 16th hwy48- bright 3 bedroom 5 appliances ca 1475 utilities nonsmoking pets june 1st 905474- 1654 9th 16th- new 2 bed- room 212 baths near go appliances gar age no pets 1250 4165730776 weston rutherford townhouse end unit near amenities ttc 400 appliances ac 1400 sept 1st 416- 836152 b houses wanted for rent nice family looking for house to rent stouff ville claremont area 3 bedroom good ref erences 905640515 rooms for rent wanted 16th mccowan- large clean bright quiet fur nished room 400 share facilities major appliances nonsmok ing pets 905471- 23594162214646 9th 16th- bright clean master bedroom werisuite suits female professional first last references 525 9052019524 markham steeles- 1 large furnished bed room basement laun dry ttc no pets smoking immediate 4756478311714 mccowan highglen- room in furnished house clean residen tial cable phone inter net utilities parking close to bus 500 905209028 i shared accommodation green river shared country house 100 acres minutes to 7 48 nonsmoking pets 4509052941287 stouffville- base- meht with 1 2 bed room recroom bath room share upstairs kitchen immediate 416948617 bed breakfast unionville mark ham all rooms ensuite full english breakfast maid service free park ing nick 905479- 38629059479493 recreational vehicles tent trailer- sleeps 5 good condition 1975 lextra ld6 best of fer 9054792961 boats supplies 1990 18 prince craft fishing boat 90hp evin- rude motor trailer boat cover paddles fishfind- er 8500 705-436- 7280 lost found found- cat orange tabby 7 mccowan area 9052941031