stouffintte suntribune thursday april 27 2006 19 ardeninj what type of hedge to choose quite aesthetic a hedge can separate two areas like a living fence or it can border the property by bringing a natural element that is particularly pleasant to look at it can integrate architectural elements such as arbors arches and even an entrance gate leading to a section of your yard if you decide to install a hedge on your property you must first calculate the surface that you want to cover then determine the height and the width of your hedge next you must choose the type of plants which will best respond to your needs there are plants that grow rapidly and vigorously and other plants that grow more slowly there are also plants that grow to be quite large while others remain small thus these are the parameters that you must keep in mind when selecting plants for your hedge in addition their characteristics will allow you to calculate the distance required for planting the shrubs for example larger growing plants like cedar dogwood or rose bush es must be planted a meter apart to pro vide their root system with the space it will need to grow whereas smaller grow ing bushes usually need a distance of 45 cm from the center of one plant to the other selecting evergreens instead of leafy trees will often depend on your need for privacy but will also provide protection against the wind some plants like the black cedar are particularly interesting to use for a hedge for an original result you can install an exotic hedge or a fruit tree hedge a rustic rose hedge forms an effi cient barrier that is quite splendid to respond to different- needs or to vary its visual effect you can also plant a mixed hedge a rustic rose hedge aesthetically separates two land parcels the importance of walkways the rise that serves as a ramp leading to the main entrance blends in beautifully with the superb landscape around it when planning your landscape dont forget to take walkways into account most of the traffic occurs between the driveway and the main entrance to the house a secondary walkway can lead visi tors to the back door in addition other foot paths can provide access to the yard the shed the garden the doghouse etc the flow of circulation must be addressed according to practical and aesthetic criteria for the main walkway leading to the front door foresee a width of 1 to 125 meters allowing two people to walk side- byside comfortably you must also foresee enough space for remov ing snow without risk of damage to the walkway or to any bordering plants if you need to consider space to accommodate handi capped people or you simply want to plan for ah uncertain future you can replace traditional steps with an access ramp which can be a basic rise leading to the frontdoor the other walkways can be more or less dis crete depending on the effect you want you can choose a uniform mate rial paving stones or flat stones being the most commonly used you can also mix differ ent materials for a more varied visual effect for example a large uni form walkway leading to the front door con crete tiles surrounding the pool and patio areas and rustic stones or japanese steps lead ing to the garden or the shed its a matter of planning for walkways according to your taste and your needs when planning for walkways pay special attention to the path leading to your front door this one being the entrance to your home it should be highlighted with the addition of a few well- chosen plants sale on tries nursery stock colorado 40 blue spruce 00 ea buy 10 or more onlyw royal red maple austrian pine more l i i ig9 egotes 0isp ol glf fiisiis peking stone pos slabs mm your in ah allan block m bradstohe h smtea ockjoteppcojcaticm