economist sunfsuntribune saturday april 1 2006 21 open house sun 14pm unionville spectacular unique showpiece for pool- lovers quality built approx 3400 sqft bright openconcept california style living in the city minutes to transit schools main st unionville shops 7 407 to view call rochelle covant c21 heritage group ltd 905 7647111 i business opportunities promote your busi ness opportunity to over 4 million adult readers in south central onta rio book your adver tisement in over 80 me- troland community newspapers 416-493- 1300ext276 sduguaymetrolandcom mortgage loans ssmoneyss consoli date debts mortgages to 100 no income bad credit ok ontario- wide financial corp 1- 8883077799 business services a us entry waiver or remove your criminal record gone in 60 seconds wwwcanadianpardonsca 18002985520 n apartments j flats for rent highglen mccowan- 2 bedroom basement laundry parking sep arate entrance ac no pets 9054722892 tax financial directory are you afraid ol income tax we can help maximize your rotund mate sure you dam as of the cacsuaens and crofts that you are enssed so we also provide accounting bookkeeping services business bans 4 budges corporate tax pieparaaon payroll and reiated services call us today al 4164123625 diiipclwramm8a fchetram6iedger5com ledgers tht numbers lee good h apartments flats for rent brimley denison- 2 bedroom basement separate entrance parking 4 appliances internet ac laundry nonsmoking pets im mediately 850 9059461640 brimley highglen- legal luxury 2 bedroom basement satellite laundry parking separ ate entrance 900 in clusive immediately 90551 30803 6478807561 i apartments flats for rent cornell- coach house apt new 1 bdrm immed 900 rent with house 2700 for both wwwmyhousepixcom 9059469856 416- 7096109 denison feather- stone- 2 bedroom base ment separate en trance parking laun dry nonsmoking pets 825 inclusive 41 67320879 9059100007 dennison kennedy- 2 bedroom separate entrance parking laun dry appliances non smoking near amenities 750 inclu sive immediate 9054809863 hwy7 between mark- ham rd mccowan 1 bedroom 2nd floor ap pliances immediate s700 utilities 416 2379 main 10th line- 1 bed room on main st newly renovated immediately 4167339905 4165496377 markham rd 14th- new bsmt apartment avail please contact 6472952025 after 7pm markham- hwy7 9th line 1 bedroom sep arate entrance walking distance to hospital nonsmoking pets im mediately 675 inclu sive 9059109991 4166702341 markham- 2 bedroom basement apt new clean furniture available immediately 9052017369 markham- 2 bedroom basement separate en trance laundry parking 4 appliances ac 850 inclusive 416- 5201389 1 apartments fj flats for rent markham- 2 bedroom basement separate entrance laundry park ing appliances non smoking pets immedi ate 904797539 markham- beautiful main floor 1 bedroom pool barbeque fire place laundry non smokingpets may 1st 9054719734 markham- brimley denison spacious 1 bedroom basement separate entrance near transit 600 non smoking pets 9054757948 markham- grand cornell brand new 1 bedroom coach house appliances parking nonsmoking pets 8754167595848 markham elson- 2 bedroom new base ment apt separate en trance near amenities available immediately 4 162761948 9054723840 markham steeles- newly renovated 1 bed room basement separ ate entrance parking laundry nonsmoking pets immediate 9054719471 markville area- 1 bedroom basement separate entrance parking laundry fa cilities 700 non smoking pets 9054796595 mccowan 14th- 2 bedroom basement parking laundry en trance bus schools no pets immediately 9052018035 mccowan 16th new bachelor basement separate entrance laundry appliances parking nonsmoking pets immediately 4163994663 h apartments j flats for rent mccowan highglen- new 2 bedroom base ment separate en trance laundry park ing nonsmoking pets immediately 905479- 3181 raymerville mccowan- fully- equipped 2 bedroom basement apartment near schools bus shopping 1000 may 1sl4168711065 raymerville mccowan- 2 bedroom basement separate entrance large kitch en laundry cable ap pliances 850 inclu sive nonsmoking pets 9052015176 4168365620 steeles mccowan- 1 bedroom basement full washroom new ap pliances near ttc nonsmoking pets 4165682642 stouffville- 1 bed- foom apt in country school house beautiful surroundings franklin fireplace laundry no smoking pets 880 may 1st 9056407899 stouffville- 2 bed- room main floor stor age workroom whardwood fireplace parking laundry air porch dishwasher 1150 inclusive 9056407308 stouffville- bright 1 bedroom basement nonsmoking pets suits single 750 inclu sive june 1st 9056404301 stouffville- bright studio basement sep arate entrance ag parking laundry cable cv nonsmoker no pets 550 inclusive 9056421211 stouffville- main st 1 bedroom 790 hydro suits couple first last no pets may 1st 9056400977 apartments 1 flats for rent stouffville- large 1 bedroom basement fridge stove parking separate entrance 800 inclusive immedi ately 4162306567 stouffville- large bachelor apartment second floor bright 9ft ceilings newly decorat ed 725 inclusive parking 4168845987 stouffville- new 1 bedroom basement near go appliances parking fireplace non smoking pets 925 in clusive 9056420325 unionville- luxury 3 bedroom basement 6 appliances laundry pri vate entrance parking immediate 1350 in clusive 9059469724 uxbridge new townhouse apart ments air conditioned 4 appliances patio gar den parking storage 9058524777 furnished apartments markham- furnished new basement bache lor ac internet laun dry parking non smoking pets single 695 references 9059408610 unionville main hwy7- bachelor apt furnished ground floor 1 parking separate en trance 700 416-877- 16204168775169 condominiums for rent hwy7 bullock- adult gated condo 1 bed room 1 bath sunroom 5 appliances amenities include indoor pool ex ercise room 1200 cable utilities included no pets june 1st call 9054716927 ext231 for more information houses for rent houses for rent markham stouffville all include appliances central air fireplaces utilities extra hvw79tthsemifmrmft stouffvihemijlard- bedimdetached 1525june 1 16tmvejrncham- detached famrm fin basmentcenvac1600 june 1st cornell- 3 bedim townhouse fin basement 1350 june 1st please call 9054716927 ext 231 for more info 16th mccowan- 4 bedroom brand new lr dr hardwood gar age immediately 1900 utilities 416- 8570932 cornell townhome- 1330sqft 140sqft balcony 2 ensuite bed rooms den garage 2 car driveway spacious view immediately 1450 9054717463 www4rentbyownerca cornell- brand new 3 bedroom semide tached appliances close to amenities may 1st 1395 utilities 4163154955 cornell- new 3 bdrm det immed 1800 rent with coachhouse apt 2700 for both wwwmyhousepixcom 9059469856 416- 7096109 hwy7 48- charming 3 bedrooms 2 baths hardwood ac mature trees 12 acre lot 1475 april rent free 9052949164 markham carlson- 58 george st 3 bed room detached double driveway 1500 tutilities prefer long- term 4168173583 musselmans lake- bright 3 bedroom 2 baths totally renovated in 1999 walkout fin ished basement ce ramics french doors 1300 9056406304 stouffville- bright house 2storey 2 bed rooms family living diningroorn parking 1250 hydro 4168845987 stouffville- lovely 3 bedroom 3 bathrooms close to school friendly neighbourhood june 1st 1525 905642- 3504 townhouses for rent hwy7 mccowan- 2 storey th- 3 igr bdrm 4 appl ac park im mediate 1300 4167166673 rooms for rent wanted 9th 16th- bright clean master bedroom wensuite suits female professional first last references 525 9052019524 markham village- own bathroom quiet home parking suits single nonsmoker pets furnished 595 inclusive 416712- 9024 markham 14th- fur- nished room shop ping bus laundry cable no parking pro fessional male non smoking 350 4167267835 mccowan 407- large bedroom ensuite bathroom walkin clos et suit female profes sional view photos wwwviewitca271 01 i shared accommodation hwy7 48- fur nished unfurnished room main floor fe male to share kitchen appliances 495 9054713261 hwy7 robinson- share house w2 ma ture males parking laundry yrt 450 in clusive negotiable also 2 bedroom base ment patio laundry etc 750 647234- 5363 im bed breakfast unionville mark- ham all rooms ensuite full english breakfast maid service free park ing nick 905479- 38629059479493 cottages for rent peterborough wa terfront cottage ren tals- clean modern great fishing beach start at 550 week wwwlancasterresortcom 18773910110 rjg pools supplies poolliners best prices largest selec tion quality work war ranty free estimates glenn 18003793827 or visit dvcpoolscom caregivers experienced filipino housekeepers nannies caregivers- needs em ployer sponsors 1-866- 8980849 nannies a nannies available wanted- experienced reliable free overseas sponsorship millenium caregivers 905727- 3884 email mcclonaibncom brsacismsfiisaisehaarfsba media gporijsor scotiabank group event sponsor supporting sponsor cutter i xjtj tadtftm society fr dotr relay for life relate pour la vie canadian cancer society relay for life june 2324 2006 markham museum 9350hwy48 markham join us for 12 hours of fun friendship and fundraising to help make cancer history for more information visit wwwcancerca and follow the relay for life links to the markham event or call the markham whitchurchstouffville unit at 9052945925