stonffville suntribune thursday december 8 2005 31 daycare available daycare available infant spaces available in our quality somes childcare spaces available with our fully trained and licensed caregivers from infant to school age imll education professional a better beginning that lasts a lifetime fprniore irijro call kelly joririeila 96541314 j i daycare wanted ju daycare wanted own home pay care with we offer training and ongoing support a regular pay cheque payment for statutory holidays and child sick days some equipment resource materials craft supplies northofhwy7 9054799671 weewatch enriched home child caw wwwwccwatchcom vendors wanted vendors wanted attention vendors spaceavablable markham spring home show february 2426 2006 food beverage classic march 1719 2006 york region wedding show april 9 2006 for information please call 18882117288 and ask for events management auctions auctions estate auction sale sundaj december 11th 1100 am 3845 durham york 30 pickering selling the estate of frank woods 1990 gmc blazer 4x4 140km one owner as is 50 big screen tv 19 hp craftsman riding tractor with bagger almost new klipse speakers sur round sound extensive industrial commercial tools barely used or new in boxes household furniture large assortment of tools ridget pipe threader ridget pipe stand arc welder 2 hammer drills collectables scaffolding construction lights rolotiller directions highway 7 to durham york 30 north for 14 km to railway tracks house is 5th driveway on right north of tracks 3845 durhamyork 30 county of pickering auctioneer maurice mitchell jones brock seven auctions 759 douglas st oshawa 9054248276 cell 9055711848 terms cash mastercard visa debit card no cheques accepted auction sale at the ballantrae community centre a sale full of collect ibles over 400 small items 3 old hand made rugs approx age 1920 to 1940 dining room suite 1970s electronic tread mill royal doulton figurines antique glass and china robert clarkson auctions 9056406411 wwwclarksonauctionscom trucks courteous staff available for your pickup articles for sale i garage j yard sales downsizing must sell quickly designer furnishings livingroom diningroom bedroom including 4 poster queen light formal din ing suite armoire paintings decorative items lots of small items china rd fig urines crystals gour met kitchenware- a few antiques saturday 10th sunday 11th open 9am 19 boros link road ballantrae golf at 48 stouffville area computer video dvd transfer from slides 8mm vhs wed dings editing add mu sic free pickup deliv ery visa mastercard paul 4165874796 ii pets supplies 1 boarding adorable puppies- goldendoodles whea- tonpoos cockapoos schoodles peeka- chues boston terriers great family pets shots guaranteed 9054784464 puppy obedience agility classes lifes ruff dog training markham 905-201- 5050 4165683222 wwwlifesruffca 1 articles for sale ii articles for sale dining suite- cherry- wood double pedestal table 8 chairs buffet hutch brand new cost 11500 sell for 2900 4167790563 downsizing full house see garage sale section for details 19 boros link road bal lantrae jmu cars tor sale 1992 bonneville ssei burgundy 4 door automatic certi fied etested 1100 90s333644 ielu cars for sale bill massages 1993 pontiac sun- bird- 4 door 237000km must sell as is 500 obo 9052015053 2002 dodge caravan 4 quad chairs 60000km 14000 4167711635 chuck ii vans 4wheel drive 2000 ford e150 white cargo van- 6 cyl as is good condition 7000 obo 9056404064 estate sale- 20 wil son street markham sat 10am4pm furni ture 32 tv books 1993 mazda 626 households 416729- 7074 gift store closed for business lots of stock available for sale in cluding cards fig urines frames party accessories etc con tact 4166775526 for information hot tub spa covers- best price best quality all shapes colours call 1-866- 5850056 wwwthecoverguyca leather sofas brown leather love- seat brown chinese dining table 8 chairs buffet 4169267551 mirror sliding doors any size delivered in stalled example 36x 80 172 including in stallation free custo mizing 4166188805 moving sale- satur day dec 10th 10am- 2pm 127 the fairways angus glen furni ture household christ mas items pool table- 1 slate solid ash all accesso ries new in box cost 6700 sell for 2300 9053762073 sony ps2 xbox modchips installed while you wait we re pair ps2xbox free estimates 905-947- 4624 domestic help available friedas cleaning service- residential commercial experi enced since 1970 905- 4707975 cell 416-894- 2871 house cleaning we are better than ever in house cleaning- 15 years exp 10 years in commercial package deals available for of fice house cleaning 4167069284 home improvements home improvements renovations full ser vice great prices kitchens bathrooms basements more free estimates con sultation 416-890- 14134164190009 garbage removal hauling aa always cheapest garbage removal free estimates sen iors discount home business lowest 1 8666787274 ifrl handyperson kitchens bathrooms ceramic tiles finished basements interior painting and handyman services jnr 647- 2281712 moving storage 45 hr 2 movers truck 24 trucks avail able 4166029849 triumphmovinggroupcom a moving truck 2 men houses apartments and condos small large local or long dis tance short notice and negotiable rates ken 4166585307 moving- houses of- fices apartments arti cles assembling and disassembling furniture low prices quality service 4166273805 7 flooring carpeting winter specials on carpet hardwood stock executive car pets co free esti mates sanding refin- ishing vange 416-417- 5087 adult entertainment a paradise massage- 7170 warden ave unit 20 denison 9am9pm 9054758826 gentlemens re- treat- elegant ladies for discreet encounters special day rates out calls only 647201- sexy grand opening- yu yu spa asian beauty 145 royal crest unit 40 warden 14th 9054707478 lana- independent es cort 33 yrs old very pretty petite and sexy lady thornhill 1 oammidnight 9058896211 new japanese girl good massage 3300 mcnicoll unit a8 scar borough birchmount steeles- lovely oriental ladies 12pm 8pm 4163354088 classified deadlines tuesday edition help wanted deadline monday at 12 noon word ads deadline monday at 2pm thursday edition help wanted deadline wednesday at 12 noon word ads deadline wednesday at 2pm business professional directory deadline tuesday at 5pm saturday edition help wanted deadline friday at 12 noon word ads deadline friday at 2pm business professional directory deadline thursday at 5pm to place your ad call 1800 7433353 w j i sjjpt ballantrae location weekends in december drysd ales the christmas tradition over 1 00 acres to choose cut the perfect tree fresh cut trees handcrafted wreaths garland tractor horse drawn wagon rides tree stands tree baling shaking refreshments wwwdrysdalesca hi v 830am500nm www 1 ludbrooktree farm quality scotch pine spruce balsam fir and precut fraser fir free hot drinks and hay ride on the weekends open every day from 900am to dusk location 6550 aurora road stouffville north west comer of aurora road durham road 30 phone 9056403704 bazaar tear00m satdec10th 10am3pmat bethesda lutheran church 20 union st unionville nof7wofmainst come get crafts f baked goods a tasty s homemade lunch a closer look at usiness the york region business times is about what matters locally the interesting people issues and success stories in your business community if you sell a product or service to other businesses why not put your message where it will be read by a local audience we offer business-to- business advertising at very affordable local and regional rates