stoufviuesuntribunen thursday dec 1 200525 111 i it ii saving a life easier faster on sale saturday pec 3 to friday dec 9 2005- by chris traber staff writer you will be able to learn and apply lifesaving cpr easier and faster follow ing the launch of new emergency care guidelines and a soontobe released dvd cpr or cardiopulmonary resuscita tion is a technique to restart a heart during cardiac arrest in the past the method called for the responder to apply 15 compressions or downward thrusts on the victims chest for every two rescue breaths the recommended ratio is now 30 compressions applied harder and faster between two breaths heart and stroke foundation of canada spokesperson elissa freeman said the 2005 guidelines for cardiopul monary resuscitation and emergency cardiovascular care launched this week by the foundation suggests the enhanced cpr methods create more blood flow through the heart to the body and buys a few critical minutes until emergency crews arrive touted as the most significant change since cprs inception in the 1960s the latest instruction does away with a pulse check and advises the responder to press on the victims chest with 30 quick deep pushes between two breaths to inflate the lungs push hard and push fast ms free man a thornhill resident said research proves these compressions create more blood flow it buys more time until ems and defibrillation gets there the new guidelines also suggest responders compress the victims chest between 15 and two inches minimum when youre in cardiac arrest youre essentially dead she said dont worry about cracking a rib cpr is an integral link in the chain of survival ms freeman said calling 911 cpr ems and defib rillation a controlled electrical shock to the heart is the best chance for sur vival she said between 35000 and 45000 canadi ans suffer cardiac arrest annually and less than 5 per cent survive she noted eighty per cent of cardiac arrests happen in the home cpr and defibril lation within three minutes can increase survival rates up to 74 per cent the foundation provides cpr train ing for more than 300000 canadian each year finding time to learn the technique is the main complaint for those who are untrained for information call the foundation 18884754636 in newmarket 9058536355 in richmond hill 9057094899 or check out wwwheartandstrokeca i pure chocolate chips sultana js ih3sins in ib natural or red 110100g istachios ii i i il imhi i i fpusa installed winter tir sweetened or unsweetened selected varieties coconut 351 00g lb loose pack pitted dates 331 00g ib nutmeg ginger or ground cinnamon plus tax- uniroyai tiger paw ice snow p19570r14 installation balancing valve sterns lifetime inspection is included irithe price of your tires and our gm expertise we have tires for all yburdriving needs merckens light dark or white chocolate i moulding 9 wafers 621 00g mm when it gomes towtnter road conditions noonells better qualified than the goodwrench tire experts to know which winter tires help your gm vehicle handle better and stop up to 40 more efficiently trust your safety to the experts aluminum rims suffer from salt and corrosion ask us about steel rims today giimfiysiff i bfgoadric snmgeswne niinenlal coooteah ceneraitke 1 our easy delicious almond bark 2 scoops 4 cups light dark or white merckens wafers 34 scoop 2 cups almonds in a double boiler or a microwave melt wafers oh low heat stirring occasionally when wafers are fully melted add almonds and stir note a large measuring cup placed in a pot of water on stove top is an easy substitute for a double boiler be sure water does not come in contact with melting wafers pour mixture onto a cookie sheet that has been lined with wax paper or sprayed lightly with nonstick spray cool in refrigerator until hard approx 1hour turn cookie sheet over to release almond bark and cut or break into small pieces christmas variation use our new candy cane sprinkles or crushed candy cane for a delicious and festive looking treat off swiss herbal organika vitamin event oni off 1 f l- chevrolet i- nrnvrriaf i m buick c3mcz wsfmii 1 1 if sulix ir store locations markville shopping centre 905 4757220 8 scarborough town centre 4162960287 0 fairview mall 4164987541 iwftm tuppitn u rpitow4 ommrt onty of j vtmi tmi rd 6 t tfilt 4ir if rqutd otf f advw to c t4wgm bttvt vt joodwtttiil tire experts too on wednesday seniors students i save 10 on their total shopping bill r excluding specials gift certificates l t 8y aid xrc st ytnfatjhjtomimfcy wwwbulkbarnca r ill ml f i i i 1 i 1 ml 2 ti f h