6 economist sunsuntribune saturday sept 3 2005 suntribune a metroland community newspaper 34 civic ave 3rd floor stouffville on l4a 7z5 publisher ian proudfoot editor in chief debora kelly business manager robert lazurko director production interactive media john futhey advertising director distribution director marketingpartnerships retail flyer sales nicole fletcher advertising director classified real estate events management gord paolucci circulation barry black director circulation systems lynn pashko director debra weller york region printing general manager bob dean world is witness to events in israel palestine as an impassioned observer of the gaza pullout returning confiscated land was the right thing to do it was purely a matter of economics the gost of protecting 8000 settlers in a sea of impoverished palestinians was unsustain able the world is watching and waiting for a complete withdrawal from all occupied lands and that includes tire more strategic west bank it was a winwin for the israeli govern ment after holding on to occupied land for 40 years they got paid to give it back i hope it leads to goodwill and the foun dation of a lasting peace jack cardozo thornhill caution while canning re painless preserving aug 28 liberal readers should note some of the recipe suggestions described in this feature could not only be painful but fatal the article suggests preserving peppers in oil or canning pesto with tuna and seal ing the jars at room temperature any informed and experienced seasoned home food canner will tell you this approach to canning is extremely dangerous and could lead to botulism a nasty painful and frequently fatal form of food poisoning according to the united states center for disease control more than half the cases of botulism in the us come from improper home canning of food any lowacid food including peppers must be prepared according to tested recipes and packing techniques and processed for a prescribed period of time in a pressure canner fish and seafood such as tuna require particularly careful preparation and extend ed processing times home canning is a wonderful way of pre serving summers bounty but if done improperly can kill i would implore any readers contemplat ing taking up the hobby to educate them selves on the best and safest techniques buy a good modern cookbook on canning chris c thompson newmarket measurements lost in translation endofsummer notes as the silly season ends and the serious season begins motorists crossing into new york state from montreal on 187 are greeted by a large sign announcing speed limit 100 metric 60 english does anyone else long for the days when all our measurements were in english an approaching hurricane katrina was reported in canadian media to have wind speeds of var iously 257 or 2735 kmh depending on whether american meteorologists estimated its winds at 160 or 170 mph our media are vigilant and assiduous in converting all english measurements into metric attacked by a bear that stood 10 feet tall in your daily newspaper it becomes a 3048m beast fell off a 30foot cliff you plummeted 9144 metres yet the same news papers sports section will reli giously insert the notation all fig ures us every time an athlete signs a contract is it somehow easier to convert figures into metric than it is to convert currency into canadian dollars if this is just a plot to annoy cranky old readers i can testify that its working but as hank pointed out last year on corner gas that exem plar of canadian culture not pro duced by the cbc ask a young woman how tall she is and shell answer in feet and inches not 1646 centimetres ask her how much she weighs and youll get no answer in either language toldyouso no 1 mere weeks ago this space argued that the corpse is irrele vant to the vast majority of canadians beloved only of liberals and other leftists and an anachronistic waste ofa billion tax dollars annually thoughtfully cbc has since locked out its staff to emphatically prove my points this week comes a poll show ing 61 per cent of canadians couldnt care less that the cbc tal ent are not working only 10 per cent said its a major inconvenience bruce annan and according to cp those who said they were most inconve nienced tended to be liberal and ndp voters rest assured gentle grits when parliament reconvenes it will soon have the cbc back to work to fire up the propaganda machine the best entertainment during the lockout has been print columnists bewailing the loss of commentators during cbc foot ball broadcasts and then admit ting that ratings went up without the designated talkers as my friend says the average potato is also a commentator york regions own greg sorbara set a new world record this sum mer for rejecting his own research after commissioning a 600000 report into privatization options for the liquor control board of ontario he ruled out its recommendations without even reading them toldyouso no 2 this column predicted in march the province wouldnt make any changes to its booze monopoly and wouldnt even threaten to do so in bargaining with its union sure enough the cushy jobs continue at even higher rates and were overpaying for our liquor by a billion bucks a year soon after vincor canadas largest winemaking company saw its profits drop because of a glut on the market of red wines so have you noticed any sale pricing at lcbo not in the nanny state of ontario toldyouso no 3 this space declared in january our health care mess could only be resolved through the introduction ofa parallel private system in june the supreme court of canada agreed last month the canadian medical association agreed its humbling to consider the impact of an occasional column in a york region newspaper toldyouso no 4 in february your scribe derided canadas sig nature on the kyoto accord pre dicting the federal governments cost estimate of 37 billion was too low a month later the official num ber had risen to 10 billion fortunately the feds have gone all quiet on the issue as growing numbers of scientists now agree with the rest of that column glob al warming may or may not be happening if it is it may or may not be a bad thing if it is a bad thing theres no proof its man- made if its manmade the kyoto accord would do zilch to stop it anyway bring on the serious season feel free to borrow future opinions in this space and you can say i told you so too bruce annan is a york region writer and consultant bruceannangmailcom letters policy the suntribune welcomes your letters submissions must be less than 100 words and include a daytime telephone number name and address the suntribune reserves the right to publish or not publish and edit for clarity and space letters to the editor the suntribune 34 cmc ave box 154 stouffville on l4a7z5 jmasonyrngcom editorial editor jim mason jinasonynigcom administration office manager vivian oneil voncilyrngcom events management manager bonnie rondeau broinleauyrngcom production manager pain nichols pnichohyrngcom advertising classified manager ann campbell acampmlyrngcom retail manager stacey allen sallcnyrngcom managing director new business flyer sales dawna andrews landrewsyrngcom managing director real estate mike rogerson mrogcrsonyrngcom editorial 905294220018668461889 fax9052941538 advertising 9056402612 classified 18007433353lax 9058531765 distribution 9052948244 canadian ontario audit board member counca suntnbune a york region newspaper group community newspaper the suntribune published every thursday and saturday is a member of the metroland printing publishing and distributing ltd a whollyowned subsidiary of torstar corporation metroland is comprised of 70 community publications across ontario the york region newspaper group includes the liberal serving richmond hill andthornhillvaughan citizenthe economists sun markhamthe erabanner newmarket aurora stouffville suntribune georgina advocate york region business times north of the city yorkregioncom and 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