8 economist sunsuntribune saturday july 2 2005 ir sn t0i v cjc s3ssp fevj beckett andrew i he becketts ot stuart ltrcct stouffvillc are i roud to announce the convocation of ndrew neil beckett is sc honours ci i om the university of lanitobas faculty of medicine ceiving the doctor of medicine md andrew son ol terence and the late gail beckett was a tudentofstoullvilie district secondary school from 1983 87 i r andrew n beckett will continue his training in general surgery at dalhousie university halifax congiatulations i r v findlay stephanie heather brian sandra shirley bruce and tab are happy to announce the graduation of stephanie from stouffville district secondary school june2005 stephanie will be attending brock uniersity in september wl are all so proud congratulations s 5 i kostuck jessica frances daughter of aida and henry kostuck graduated from brother andrea catholic high school june 2005 jessica will be attending mcgill university in september congratulations love mom dad saialt mcmc pepi lola loi1 andrea daughter of mary and robert lott graduated from stouftville district secondary school june 2005 andrea will be attending queen suniersity congratulations with loe from mom dad and lewis i congratulations jessica macrae on graduating horn st marys catholic high school with honouis and good luck at trent univeisity next fall love mommy daddy rebecca brent s if you see ohii and betcily today wish ibeni a vet y happy 22nd wedding anmversaiy and ifj on see brent congt atulale him on graduating ft om grade 8 ann and peter richards congratulate their daughter carissa tissa richards formerly lavvlor a 2005 graduate of the university of california berkeley tissa graduated summa cum laude with a ba honours in mass communications tissa has been elected to several national honours societies and won uc berkeleys 2005 undergraduate research prize for her senior honours thesis tissa relocated to the san francisco bay area california with her family in the summer of 1999 while at berkeley tissa interned for one of the uss largest public relations companies and also for a fortune 500 software company organizing product launch and multinational events tissa spent her junior year studying at the university of sydney new south wales australia where she also undertook herfirst sky diving experience tissa is plan ning a career in public relations and writing and fondly remembers her friends and teachersat markham district high school congratulations tissa we arc very proud of you love mom and dad shier kcndra daughter of pete and heather shier graduated from york university with a b sc n special honours nursing degree june 2005 congiatulations niu e sluei lo e mom dad and mackenzie 1 4 f j zator kaitlyn daughter of todd and diannaofgormlcy graduated from the country day school june 2005 kaitlyn will be attending queens university in the commerce program conqiatulalions we at e wall pi oud of 011 loe mom dad knsten alex and diuh i sis 1 b- 0000000 0000000000000000000000000 jmbiixi ooooooeoooeooooeoo 00 woooooooooooooooo