h economist sunsuntribune saturday may 14 2005 31 9 5rf ij x 3 wwwfairgreensodcom a fuii cubic yard of top quality soil delivered in a bag a full cubic yard of soil no mess convenient resealable bag dont worry about rain environmentally friendly choose from 1 garden soil quality top sou 9056409090 chapel ridge funeral home cremation centre 891 1 woodbine ave markham on l3r 5g1 9053058508 wwwchapelridgefhcom a caring part of our community the queens pantry presents finishing touches learn the fundamentals of staging a room with accents that add elegance and personality to your home refreshments are served location the queensbridge mill dates thurs may 26 or sat may 28 time 1130 am 1230 pm cost 1295 plus gst to register call the queens pantry queens pantry 176 main street unionville 4774625 queensbridge mill 4160i9th avenue markham 8871127 get organized let us help you with residential organizing storage preservation of family heirlooms packing services heritage organizing vwwwheritagwrgahizingcom 905 i- jiit3tsraf sigbig3gsei tt sos sack of soil save the mess fairgreen sod farms is the answer to all your sod soil and fer tilizer needs located at 10378 highway 48 in markham on a 100 acre farm fairgreen grows sod on eighteen different prop- markham stouhville zephyr beaverton the company utilizes the latest technologyin har- ertics throughout markliam stouhville zephyr virginia and vesting and irrigating to ensure the best quality sod available we do not strive to be the biggest sod grower in ontario said owner and operator cam fairty just one of the best this is evident by the fact that cam is the first sod farmer in the yorkdurham region to utilize an autostack sod harvester the most uptodate harvesting machine available on the market today it was recently featured on the show mega machines the purchasing of the autostack harvester is a testament to fairgreens commitment and dedication to growing the best quality sod possible fairgreen offers an innovative sack of soil system sos is a bag that contains over one cubic yard of garden or top soil both of which are screened on the premises they can be con veniently delivered to customers in environmentally friendly reusable and resealable bags the bags are deliverer by trucks equipped with forklifts which are capable of placing the soil wherever the customer requires it ensuring a quick easy and mess free experience soil is available for pick up by the yard truckload or sos system the companys fleet of trucks deliver loads of sod from as lit tle as 20 rolls to fullsize tractor trailer loads in addition fairgreen also does soil and sod installation no job is too large or complicated for fairgreen whether you have a resi dential home park commercial lot playing field cemetery golf course or complete housing development fairgreen s hardworking and dedicated staff are fully capable of meeting any challenge in a professional timely and friendly manner fairgreen sod farms offers a legacy of lifetime farming experi ence not only from cam who has been farming since he was 12 years old but from his parents howard and muriel fairty howard fairty was one of the first sod growers in ontario in fact to this day cam and his family uphold the principles of growing highquality sod and providing good service passed down from his parents so drop in today and experience the culmination of two gen erations of sod growing expertise fairgreen sod farms retail outlet in markham also offers grass seed sod staples sod tarps as well as seed spreaders all seed and fertilizers are the same quality as those used on the sod fields fairgreen sod farms hwy 48 markham wwwfairgreensodcom 905-640-9090- fvavjff wgtwt v- v fv ctpneimonlxntal drii girgis veneer t spring is here and cheerfulness is fill- ingthe air around us looking good and feeling good gives us a positive attitude in life better chances ah extra advantage and- a push towards success porcelain veneers are considered one of the easier and more reliable ways of permanently changing your smile to the one you have always dreamed of the procedure consists of minimal preparation of the teeth to be veneered followed by taking the impressions this is sent to the labo- ratory along with the records of tlie colourmatch to individually custom make the porcelain veneers a few days later the patient is seen again for the final placement of the veneers and is reintroduced to the world witfr their confident new look visit us in stone mason dental dr a girgis and stone mason dental team would like to give you the upper hand in your options we areoffering a special on porcelain veneers during the month of april v contact us to speak with melody jdebora or danielle with your ques- tions or for a free consultation with dr girgis and learn what exciting v improvements can be accomplished jffiv w fine vietnamese restaurant best noodle soup in town 15 off tuesdays s 8525 mccowan road at hwy 7 unit 4 markliam 905 2948877 15 off monbr wed or thurs or fri or sat or sun with this coupon v expires may31 2005 bouwmeister landscaping serving the community for 25 years check us out wwwbouwmeistercom g nui adult teen boxing wrestling grappling ron beer family self defense 9052946044 15 heritage rd unit 6 wwwgrapplingca alffismf impressions 4724797 tcfr nova decor construction ltd you may be wondering why you waited so long to treat yourself to this simple yet remarjcabk i improvement so nows tlie time to let us help you achieve a magnificent smile j stone mason dental 1 stone mason dr unit 4 markham 9054721855 concept design build basements additions home renovation kitchen bathrooms flooring residential commercial i tel1 9052010580 individuals and businesses need financial advice late filing your taxes let joe hehhi fii accounting bookkeepig i visit us at wwwidenerrinicom a i 51 cti5ffiq