18 stouffville suntribune thursday feb 10 2005 i 5year1 00000 km w a b pft mtv i c timireo au hyundai warranties have no deductible ft include fuel cecerr eervico net tire dunging lockout twice towing tervlcc end more just one tonfree cell mti nourj a hyundaicaradacom leasing program available from hyundai financial services based on new 2005 sonata gltucson glaccent gs usrp from s22j9519595i2595 amual interest rate of 247h549k116h j215s1991139 per month for a kmnonth walkaway lease total lease cmgaton of 16 9514535j3335 and optional purcrose price of j72sa592w91 ocw payment of u5952ss51595 plus to rnoritwyryriewt required s0secijritydepc9tonatrnoricllrrrandpilfa alarpfiuxes dealer adrrorbstratoi feefcenseand350 lease acquisibai fee ejrjja20jb0lmllrjwance per year appsas addtaal charge of somkm 2005 sonata gltucson glaccent gs msrp from 22j95199s5s1u95 al usrp prices earjc freight dealer adminotratim let tarrse pj taxes dealer may set far less oealer order may be required on tucson gl h fwo toh purchase trancing available on al 2005 sonata molds for fhrionth term arid tn al 2dx financing example 11000 at oh per annum equals i16bht2083327j30 pa month for 604936 months cxlb is 00 for a total obfioaum of tlofjooa al purchase and tease offers are for a limited rme oac and may na be ccntaed with any other otter set dealer for details offer exores february 28 2005 markham hyundai 4641 hwy 7 markham at kannody sale hotline 1866514900 showroom hours mondaythursday 9am9pin fridaysaturday 9am6pm 3 i hiohway 7 7 n w 1 e s 407 charities still active helping asian tsunami victims bymikeadler staff writer as international charities wind down tsunami fundrais- ing york region residents remain committed to bring ing longterm help to stricken asian regions members of a local relief mission are returning from indonesias aceh province where they starteda medical clinic and hired local doctors and nurses to run it giant waves that struck the area rolled five kilometres inland leaving behind devas tation resembling a nuclear attack said mohammad alam a markham resident coordinating the joint effort for greater toronto area mosques however one good thing came out of the horror the whole world is working together he said the 14 sunni groups exceeded their 1 million goal by more than 500000 mr alam said the gtas hindu temples collected 300000 through their south asian earthquake relief fund and are waiting for another 100000 said fund chairperson amar erry of markham the money would be used not for immediate relief but to build medical facilities orphanages homes and schools she said adding we knew right from the beginning that we will be involved in long- term relief projects christian blind mission international whose canadian headquarters is in whitchurchstouffville has raised 400000 in canada and sent 100000 mostly to provide food and water to tsunami survivors with 13 of its asian proj ects damaged and one sri lankan clinic for the disabled destroyed the group knows rebuilding will take years executive director dave mccomiskey said were still in major recovery mode relief donations from people and governments amazed the world red cross societies alone collected 14 billion and two weeks ago declared it will not seek more the medical institute for tamils in canada has sent a second gta relief team to sri lanka including dr rasiah paramsothy chief of psychiatry at southlake regional health centre said institute trustee dr arul thangaroopan of rich mond hill the group had collected at least 160000 in cash as well as supplies he added ahmadiyya muslims in canada have raised almost 200000 meeting their target and helping to keep camps open for medical aid said dr aslam daud national general secretary for the maplebased community the uja federation of greater toronto raised 14 million including 600000 in medical supplies a cheque for the remain der was presented tuesday to a distribution wing of the jewish charity public rela tions manager rebbeca soberman said inspired by the disaster small groups and individuals are still responding with efforts of their own the senior tamils centre of ontario raised 9000 at a north york community cen tre last week attended by 600 atoronto nightclub party last week organized by an old group of markville secondary school students from markham gathered 15000 on march 5 professionals from the indian state of kerala the malayalee association of social workers of ontario host a variety pro gram at markhams victoria square community centre the 730 pm event will aid relief in kerala through a college there organizer sajimoh joseph of richmond hill said rosimuiuie office whv spend all weekend shopping for the right piece of furniture come here to choose your style colour and size and enjoy your time otf v- mwmv ahf s5ssktx no interestno payments up to 6 months