22 stouffville suntribune thursday july 1 2004 llfl houses for sale itil houses for sate find out what your home is worth online visit wwwonlinehomeevaluationcom remax omega realty 1988 lm mortgage loans 5year 520 also equity mortgage pro grams regardless of in come or credit call scfs 4164949883 ext 321 or visit us at wwwsinclaircockburnc om mortgage loans refinancing- no credit poor credit up to 100 financing availa ble competitive rates vince bellomo 4166887705 i apartments 1 torrent 1 bedroom above ground private en- trance patio no pets bethesda road 899 inclusive references 9056401275 14th markham- bright luxurious 1400 sqft 1 bedroom basement walkin closet 5pce en- suite extra large win dows ac 9 ceilings large eatin kitchen own laundry powder room fireplace extra cable channels 1 park ing separate entrance 915 inclusive call donna 4168883778 14th mccowan- new 1 2 bedroom basement kitchen immediate no smoking pets 9052947752 404 bloomington- 2 bedroom large base ment rreplace lots of windows 1050 inclu sive no dogs 41 6-806- 0998 available immedi- ately- professionally fin ished 1 bedroom base ment apt off raymer- ville appliances cable nonsmoker pets 9054715412 brampton- dixie williams pkwy very pleasant bright large 1 bedroom basement on quiet street with private entrance and patio full kitchen semifurn washerdryer parking cable ca utilities stor age space hispeed in ternet area no smok ing i pets 800mo available immediately 9054505467 brimley 14th ave- 1 bedroom basement available immediately 9054749718 brimley denison- 2 bedroom basement separate entrance parking cable etc 875 nonsmoking pets immediate 9054709492 claremont- 1 bed- room parking 700 heat hydro included available august 1st call luisa 905649- 9998 denison kennedy- 2 bedroom basement separate entrance ap pliances laundry non smoking pets immedi ate 1200 inclusive 9054793921 executive 2 bed- room apt markham vil lage to view go to wwwmovelnca then use phone 905294- 0013 in search markham- hwy 7 9th line- 1 bedroom basement 750 no smoking pets 905 hwy7 mccowan- new bright 1 bedroom basement separate entrance nonsmoking pets parking suit pro fessional single 870 905471 3983 i apartments j for rent i apartments 11 forrent kennedy denison- spacious 2 bedroom basement separate enclosed porch 950 nonsmoking pets july 15th 6472942844 main st markham- large bright 2 bedroom parking 1095 inclu sive no smoking pets august 9052946938 markham rd 14th ave- new 1 bedroom basement nonsmoker pets laundry parking near school 750 4162302246 markham apartments premium downtown area bachelor 1 bed room 2 bedroom newly renovated from 750 inclusive call 9052943630 markham village- 2 bedroom 2nd floor separate entrance parking available au gust 1st 975 inclusive 9056408571 markham- denison middlefield 1 bedroom basement separate en trance laundry park ing cable 750 non smoking pets immedi ate 4164326763 markham- 2 bedroom basement separate en trance utilities includ ed parking laundry nonsmoking pets 900 immediate 9054712046 markham- 2 bedroom basement parking large yard laundry 4pce bath 800 inclu sive july 1st 9054726804 markham- highway 7 48 mccowan apartment building 1 bedroom from 875 parking july august 9052942045 markham- new ex- ecutive 2 bedroom basement private en trance laundry non smoking pets applian ces 900 inclusive 9052016521 markham 14th new 1 bedroom basement backing onto ravine separate entrance no smoking pets immedi ate 9052949258 markham steele new 2 bedroom apt separate entrance parking no pets smok ing 875 inclusive 4169376619 mccowan 16th- 2 bedroom basement separate entrance parking laundry non- smokers pets 950 in clusive july 905471- 0019 mccowan denison- 1 bedroom basement 750 parking hydro in cluded no smoking pets july 15th 9054798902 mccowan denison- 2 bedroom basement appliances separate entrance parking no smoking pets 800 in clusive immediate 9052090995 mccowan denison- 2 bedroom basement separate entrance parking nonsmoking pets large kitchen familyroom august 9059449816 mccowan hwy 7- 1 bedroom basement separate entrance in clusive 625 non smoking pets july 1st 9052018925 mccowan hwy7- 2 bedroom basement separate entrance parking 900 inclu sive nonsmoking pets immediately 9059471565 416- 5654969 mccowan steeles- large 2 bedroom base ment living dining ac separate entrance available immediate 700 9054713495 old unionville- apt separate building 800 sqft parking 750 utilities 4166775652 leave message stouffville- 1 2 bedroom apartments 750 850 hydro les 9058959650 or 9057164438 stouffville- extra large bachelor newly decorated 850 large bachelor 800 private entrance parking 4165761873 stouffville- second floor 2 bedroom mod em apt 900 no pets smoking available au- gust 1st 4168570078 stouffville down- town victorian build ing large 1 bedroom hardwood 9 ceilings stained glass gor geous 975 905642- 5581 stouffville- large 1 bedroom separate entrance appliances ac cable 800 inclu sive aug 1st 905- 6403795 stouffville- 1 bed- room apt clean quiet building 850 inclusive available july august 9056420633 4162277776 stouffville- 2 bed- room basement 925 inclusive parking ac separate entrance ap pliance no smoking pets first last 9056409626 stouffville- rural kennedy north bloo mington large bache lor separate entrance parking 700 inclusive john 6478889502 stouffville 1 2 bedrooms from 895 near schools shop ping 32 parking 9056401170 stouffville- 1 bed- room newly renovated bathroom large kitch- en must see no pets 950 inclusive 9056420765 unionville- 2 large bedroom basement separate entrance parking ac laundry cable immediate non smoking- pets 9059479564 unionville- luxury basement 2 bedroom walkout ac applian ces laundry non smoking pets july 1st 900 9053051574 unionville- spacious 1 bedroom ac appli ances near main st transit no smoking pets 850 905415- 3370 unionville- walk to main st 1 bedroom walkout basement apt lots of light separate entrance 4 appliances huge livingroom single man preferred immedi ate 950 905477- 2497 uxbridge new townhouse apartment rentals 2 bedrooms 4 appliances aircond patio garden parking storage a few left 9058524777 warden hwy7- 4 bedroom basement separate entrance 1000 utilities availa ble immediately 9054150223 woodbine 16u bright spacious 2 bed room basement sepa rate entrance 950 in clusive august 1st 9052843030 houses for rent 16th mccowan new 3 bedroom semi 1600sqft 5 appliances no smoking pets mi nutes from 407 go august 1st 1650 9058878583 aurora road ken- nedy- small 3 bedroom private century home on beautiful 40 acre tree farm renovated 2 baths 2 appliances no indoor pets 1400 9058881738 detached 2 bedroom home in old markham village total renovat ed 1350 utilities au gust 1st lisa 905471- 2000 markham rd steeles detached 2000 3 spa cious bedrooms 3 washrooms double garage fireplace 1590 519878- 7459 markham- hwy7 48 3 bedroom century home appliances non- smoker july 15th 1200 utilities 9052942724 mccowan denison- 3 bedroom house 5 appliances cac free rogers cable laundry parking 1350 utilit ies 9052019123 stouffville- 3 bed- room detached homes 25 baths appliances familyroom fireplace finished basements ca double garages 16001650 utilities july august septem ber call 905-471- 6927 ext 231 unionville- 93 main street 2 bedroom bun- alow 4 appliances 1300 905477-2790- sfrawberries 1 stouffville farm mccowan rd 14mi north of the stouffville rd playground wagon tides farm winery 2 richmond hill farm southwest corner of major mac 404 berry hotline 9056405357 monfti 88 weekends 85 fimkwberries upick now open ready picked rm reesor farm market berry info line 9056404568 wwwreesorfairmcom 10825 ninth line pine ridge farms ready picked berries available- daily green snow peas 10506- warden ave 15 km north of major mackenzie 6 km north of hwy 7 look for signs 9038879129 t3 cottages for rent announcements announcements 33 personals 33 personals townhouses forrent hwy7 kennedy- brand new townhouse 3 bedroom 212 bath 5 new appliances ca 1600 4168062407 rooms for rent wanted 16th mccowan- clean bright quiet rooms 4757 575 share fa cilities major applian ces no smoking no pets 9054712359 4162214646 404 16th- 1 room own bath kitchen parking available immediately shopping banks golf course 4169398581 main street stouffville- 1 bedroom share facili ties parking 450 no pets immediately 4165264064 eve nings haliburton- fully equipped good swim ming clean quiet lake paddle boat canoe 600 week 905-472- 8812 4167063553 markham 155 oes worthy matrons draw held june 1st 2004 winners quilt m lowes cross stitch a thomson afghan c naccarato ceramic dish j thomson ceramic bowl c chiavatti n deaths n deaths shared accommodation female student look ing for another female non smoker student to share an apartment if you have an apartment or would like to find one call 7057261503 at tending the brampton sheridan college cam pus sept04 can take possession immediate ly- stouffville- suits professional male pool parking laundry smok ing ok 600 first last available immediately 9056409864 ill bed breakfast miller michelle elizabeth graduated from- loyalist college with a diploma in practical nursing and successfully passed her ontario practical nursing licensing exams congratulations love mom dad melissa and kristen lost found lost- cockatiel bird stouffville area 4165255981 missing- calico cat approx 23 years old black white and carmel colour from the ballan- trae golf country club since june 26th if you have seen her please call 905-640- 0193 bacon irene passed away peacefully to be with her lord after a brief struggle with cancer on june 25 2004 in her 78th year loving wife of ken devoted mother to wayne and his wife delphy and bruce and his wife susan proud grandmother of rod laurie tanya sam kuehl melissa michael matthew and kriss will be missed by great grandchildren alisha jody samantha and trystan beloved sister of alma timbers carl anne pilkey and ken pilkey visitation was held on sunday june 27 from 100430 pm at chapel ridge funeral home 8911 woodbine avenue 3 lights north of hwy 7 markham 9053058508 funeral service was at 7 pm sunday june 27 at springvale baptist church 3885 stouffville road east of kennedy road private family interment donations in irenes memory to springvale baptist churchs field of dreams or markham stouffville hospital would be appreciated by the family chapel ridge st judes novena may the sacred heart of jesus be adored glorified loved and preserved throughout the world now and forev er sacred heart of jesus pray for us st jude helper of the hopeless pray for us st jude worker of miracles pray for us say this prayer nine times a day by the eighth day your prayer will be answered its has never been known to fail publication must be made thank you ss uhim1 h om i inmemoriams 1 inmemoriams flewell roy in loving memory of roy flewell who passed away july 12003 wonderful husband father grandfather and great grandfather always loved always remembered velma and family nannies liveinliveout a livein out nan nies- available wanted experienced professio nal reliable free overseas sponsorship millenium caregivers 9057273884 gormley- fulltime livein nanny 4 chil dren flexible hours le gal references rural lo cation 9057518877 need a nanny livein nannies avaifable im mediately or from over seas free consultation wwwqualitycaregivers- com 4168794251 top notch livein nan nies from hong kong call now for free con sultation sponsorship 4168896998 unionville- fult time livein nanny 2 children flexible hours legal references 9057518877 i articles for sale unionville mark ham all rooms ensuite full english breakfast maid service free park ing nick 905479- 3862 9059479493 sly cottages for rent 33 personals parry sound- water front 3 bedrooms bath decks boats sauna excellent swimming boating fishing 9054774088 053782686 im a barrel of monkeys a load of laughs a roll in the hay teachers pet girls night in and boys night out all rolled into one and im at york- connectionscom mem bership is free public notices public notices daycare available 16th woodbine 404- home childcare nutri tious meals activities fun loving environ ment receipts refer ences ft pt 9mos 4 rears 9059272562 substantial completion rockwood general contractors limited requests release of hold backs as the building at 4 paisley lane uxbridge is now 97 complete and occupied by its owners placing a classified ad 1 8007433353 monfrl 8 am6 pm tutoring service summer- certified reading esl teacher k- 6 my home or your home 9054716331 h articles for sale pool table 4x8 solid oak immaculate condi tion 9052942999 a diningroom- cherry- wood double pedestal table 8 chairs- buffet hutch dovetail- con struction new still in boxes cost 11000 sacrifice 2600 416- 7460995 a king orthopedic pil- lowtop mattress set new in plastic cost 1600 sacrifice 550 4167460995 all new queen- ortho pedic pillowtop mat tress cost 1600 sell 450 9052134669 bed amazing bargain queen orthopedic mat tress sets new in plas tic warranty 250 4167417557 will de liver bedroom set cher- rywood bed chest dresser mirror 2 night stands dovetail con struction never opened cost 8000 sacrifice 2400 416- 7483993 bedroom suite- gor- geous cherry sleigh tri ple dresser mirror tall dresser 2 night tables new cost 7450 sell 2400 9052134669 congratulations youre approved get a mdg horizon pc for only 899 or just 81 centsday free lex mark 3 in 1 printer free digital camera free cd burner free microsoft word free 17 samsung monitor no money down call todayl 18005104042 hot tub 2004 all op- tions waterfall ozona tor redwood cabinet never used still in wrap per cost 9995 sell 50006472715483