28 economist sunsuntribune saturday may 15 2004 c ll generalhelp n generalhelp i4 open houses x openhouses i apartments j for rent 1 apartments j for rent i apartments j for rent forced to hire 2200hr york distribution co requires 8 people in setup and display dept advancement for fast learners must be able to start immed no experience full time 40 hrs per week for interview call montues only 10 am- 6pm 9054708441 tbfmarketers earn extra cash up to10hr fluent english evening shift 6pm930pm available homemakers seniors students welcome markham location gall leo 4167575717 telemarketers for woodbine v j0hn markham evenings weekends call 9059402665 ask for jean fullpart time drivers helper factory help required immedi ately some heavy lifting involved steeles404 area fax resume 9054795537 come grow with us no nights no weekends no holidays 1 home cleaning service weekly pay cheques friendly atmosphere paid training mileage car an asset- call merry maids today 9054712929 condominiums in the heart of richmond hill only 3 suites remain move in now 2 bdrni den 1402 sq ft 2 bdrm den ph 1582 sqft 3 bdmi den ph 2703 sq ft priced from 344500 hhhah empire raacxaekhixra 9 northern heights yonge st south of 1 6th ave call 9053268686 visit empirecommunitiescom ikj private sales shipper receiver needed for small fastpaced business in markham must have 2yrs previous exp permanent parttime 3 dayswk could lead to full time fax resume to 9054750954 warden steeles- 5 level backsplit 435000 open house saturday sunday 14 pm 8 longmeadow cres 9054701570 if apartments condos for sale markham- luxury 1 bedroom underground parking overlooking wooded greenbelt low fees must sell 185000 alanna eng lish remax classic properties 905947- 9300 find out what your home is worth online visit wwwonlinehomeevaluationcom remax omega realty 1988 lid for lease- up to 80000 sqft industrial space reach st ux- bridge greg pumple 9058412500 industrial condo for rent 1200 sqft drivein door stouffville doug 9056404686 tsj houses for sale jti houses for sale choice location- mccowan hwy-7- backsplit semi 4 bed rooms finished base ment cac cvac 6 ap pliances 905294- 2179 frehome evaluation fast over the net or phone home evaluation free reports newlistingssolds sell for the most bargain homesfixers buy with zero down wwwhuaheshomesca 9056400166 24hr remax ahstarsbdh how to sell your home yourself and save the commission free report reveals 10 inside tips to selling your house yourself free recorded message 18003265582 id3366 remax omega realty 1988 ltd home sellers find out what the home down the street sold for free computerized list of area home sales current listings freerecorded message 18003265582 id8060 remai omega really 1988 lid looking for your 1st home 1st investment property 1st student rental house call for quick buy 4168270899 richmond hill- 4 bed room semi bungalow 1 bedroom apt 272900 gabriele fischer royal lepage 4162125800 k private sales hwy 7 48- 3 bed room bungalow new kitchen bath new win dows furnace large lot asking 355000 9052949668 doubtfire cres- backing on middlefield road 4 bedrooms 2050 sqft finished basement asking 372000 416-917- 1488 elgin mills yonge- 4 bedroom 2000 sqft finished basement upgrades 379999 416-894- 5091 business opportunities 274736 daily we do 99 of the work you keep 100 of the che- q u e wwwcashflowl 23com market your busi ness opportunity with metrolanav community newspapers distribu tion of over 4 million call today for informa tion on weekly word ad rates 4164931300 ext 237 classifiedsmetroland wanted full part- time associates no experience required 5001200 per pro gram information meet ing 7pm may 25th june 8th 22nd sher aton parkway 7 le slie 18663673328 wwwdebtfreedomca mortgage loans money- 100 1st 2nd and 3rd mort gages bad credit ok call ontario wide 1- 8883077799 save money today homeowners- get extra cash lower your pay ments consolidate high interest debt 416-410- 0301 mortgage loans 5year 5 also equity mortgage pro grams regardless of in come or credit call scfs 4164949883 ext 321 or visit us at wwwsinclaircockburnc om homeowners strug- gling with debt in crease your cash flow get out of debt live life information meet ing 7pm may 25th june 8th 22nd sher aton parkway 7 le- s i i e wwwdebtfreedomca il apartments j torrent 14th featherstone- professionally finished 2 bedroom 2 bathroom apt call afgher 4165696794 16th 48- 1 bedroom main floor separate en trance walkout to deck gas fireplace ca park ing utilities included 800 available immedi ately 9054721745 16th mccowan- 2 bedroom basement separate entrance parking laundry non- smokers pets 950 in clusive july 905471- 0019 16th mccowan- clean basement apt 2 rooms 4pc bathroom kitchen laundry utilit ies parking available june 1st 875 9054729299 aa markham- new fur nished separate en trance laundry park ing cable 2 bedroom basement immediate 875 9058875810 brimley highglen- large 2 bedroom base ment separate en trance parking schools no pets smok ing 725 905943- 7543 brimley denison- 2 bedroom basement separate entrance parking cable etc 875 nonsmoking pets immediate 9054709492 brimley denison- lovely 2 bedroom base ment apt 750 sep arate entrance laundry parking available im mediately 905940- 1080 brimley highglen- huge 1 bedroom base ment separate en trance alarm system satellite parking s850 inclusive immediately 9059405586 cornell markham- brand new bachelor apt separate entrance laundry facilities ac new appliances park ing close to hospital buses and shops suits single professional available immediately 890 inclusive no pets smoking leave mes sage 9052016347 denison brimley- new 1 bedroom base ment full washroom ac laundry parking separate entrance call 9053058365 denison hillcroft- 2 bedroom basement separate entrance laundry full bath avail able immediately 700 no smoking pets 9059405248 gorgeous bright 1 bedroom den laun dry old markham 1050 inclusive no smoking june 1st 416- 8035957 hwy 7 9th line mark- ham- 1 bedroom base ment 750 inclusive no smoking pets july 9052010143 hwy 7 wotten way- 1 bedroom basement 850 immediate 9052011121 kennedy 16th- must see new large 1 bed room basement sepa rate entrance parking new appliances cable nonsmoking pets 800 inclusive 4167163190 kennedy denison 1 bedroom 1400 non smoking pets close to all separate entrance wet bar 905475- 2745 maple- spacious 2 bedroom basement apt separate en trance appliances ca ble bright 905303- 7513 markham road de- nison clean 2 bedroom basement 850 inclu sive near ttc yrt nonsmoking pets 9054721661 markham- 2 bedroom basement apt 800 possible 2 to share 400 near ttc 9054728971 markham- 2 bedroom basement separate en trance utilities includ ed parking laundry nonsmoking pets 900 immediate 9054712046 markham- brand new 2 bedroom basement dining area kitchen- liv- ingroom separate en trance 9052090473 markham- bright basement apartment separate entrance parking 5 appliances fireplace close to go 800 9052943814 markham- highway 7 48 mccowan apartment building 2- bedroom 1025 park ing immediate july 1st 9052942045 markham- kennedy steeles 2 bedroom basement kitchen bath separate laundry entrance parking amenities ttc mark ham transit 775 inclu sive june 1st 9054776959 markham- main st 16th ave 3 bedroom apt all appliances in cluding laundry park ing bright 995 4163302952 markham- new 2 bedroom basement separate entrance 1 car parking all applian ces 750 inclusive im mediate 9052010452 4166978957 markham- renovated 2 bedroom basement separate entrance nonsmoking pets near school immedi ate 675 inclusive 9059448054 mccowan 16th ave- spacious 2 bedroom basement bright clean separate entrance ap pliances laundry cair parking no smoking pets available june 9054798546 mccowan 16th- 2 bedroom walkout base ment appliances in cluding washer dryer 1000 inclusive avail able immediately 9059448450 mccowan denison- new 2 bedroom base ment full bath separate entrance parking 850 may 29th 9054707136 mccowan denison- 2 bedroom basement bright in a pleasant neighbourhood rent negotiable june 1st 9054715006 mccowan raymer- ville- spacious 2 bed room open concept- big hallways 5 appliances separate entrance no pets smoking 950 utilities 9054726333 mccowan steeles- 2 bedroom basement separate entrance washer dryer all utilit ies available immedi ately 9052090161 middlefield elson- 1 bedroom bachelor apt 550 inclusive 2 irenemount cr mark ham 9054711840 old markham- quiet joft apt 1 bedroom hardwood 795 inclu sive no smoking pets immediate 416-803- 5957 stouffville 2 bed- room june 1st 995 near schools shop ping 31 parking 9056401170 stouffville- 1 bed- room apt clean quiet building 815 availa ble immediately 9056 4 20633 4162277776 stouffville- 2000sqft 3 bedroom basement in country separate entrance 1200 12 utilities ju ly 1st 9056422000 stouffville- bright newly renovated 2 bed room basement park ing satellite walk to main 900 june 9056408281 stouffville- extra large bachelor newly decorated 850j1 bedroom 900 inclu sive private entrance parking 4165761873 stouffville- huge 1 bedroom basement ac cable laundry parking shared en trance and kitchen 800 immediate 9056428514 stouffville- main street 1 bedroom apt above store 700 utilities 9056406369 or 9056403549 stouffville-water- front main floor exec utive home large bachelor apt private parking separate en trance no pets smok- ing 900 negotiable 6479994192 sunset blvd stouff- ville 1 2 bedrooms available immediately clean bright modern building close to all amenities rent from 725 hydro parking included 905640- 8017 julie or marc unionville- 2 spa- cious rooms kitchen laundry separate en trance parking close to amenities immediate 725 9059439647 unionville- down- town 2 bedroom base ment private quiet clean no pets smok ing- 1000 inclusive 9054759370 unionville- 2 bed- room basement sepa rate entrance parking laundry immediate nonsmoking pets 9059479564 unionville- 2 bed room basement apt own laundry separate entrance parking 950 june 1st 9059439968 unionville- luxury basement 2 bedroom walkout ac applian ces laundry non smoking pets july 1st 1000 905305- 1574 uxbridge- new apartment rental 2 bed room units 4 applian ces air conditioning private patios parking storage available im mediately 905-852- 4777 warden steeles- spacious 3 bedroom basement renovated available immediately 9054156861 houses for rent 2 bedroom newly reno vated basement apt approx 1000sqft very bright very dry odour less 700 13 utilities 4165408001 aurora road ken- nedy- 3 bedroom pri vate century home on beautiful 40 acre tree farm renovated 2 baths 2 appliances 1600 earliest june 1st 9058889432 markham 2nd floor huge 2 bdrm full bath eatin kit lrg windows parking 950 utilities call rachel remax 9054770011 markham- 3 bedroom country location in lo cust hill 5 appliances 2 bathrooms 2car ga rage available may 31st 1725 call tina 4167711635 markham- 3 bedroom detached homes 1 4 baths appliances familyrooms with fire places ca gas heat garages 1500- 1625 utilities july 1st august 1st call 9054716927 ext 231 markham- main street 2 bedroom bun galow full basement large lot july 1st 1500 utilities 416- 3464955 markham- 3 bedroom bungalow large lot parking hwy748 mccowan schools plaza no smoking pets 1250 call doug 9054725456 stouffville- 3 bed- room detached 25 baths 5 appliances ca fireplace finished basement double ga rage 1600 utilit ies july 1st call 905- 4716927 ext 231 unionville- 3 bed- room bungalow village parkway 16th availa ble july 1st call john 9058689579 wootten way hwy 7- 2 storey 4 bed room near schools hospital 1750 inclu sive 9054722985 4164590650 townhouses torrent markham- new luxury 3 bedroom 1900 sqft 212 baths 2 car ga rage 1600 416575 1705 wwwrentcjbnet housing wantedto rent in search of 35 bed room house apartment for rent reasonable rate uxbridge sur rounding area gerald 5198218000 busi ness hours markham- cx needs 3 4 bedroom house term timing flex ible local references central to main st 4167078089 rooms for rent wanted 16th mccowan- clean bright quiet furnished room 575 share fa cilities major applian ces no smoking no pets 9054712359 4162214646 church st 9th- rooms and apartment reasonable available immediately no pets references serious enquiries 905944- 9482 main street stouffville- 1 bedroom share facili ties parking 450 no pets immediately 4165264064 eve nings markhamnear go own bathroom quiet home suits single nonsmoker no pets furnished 595 inclu sive 4167129024 mccowan 14th- qui et room 360 with own living bath 585 non smoking pets suits single 4167267835 mccowan 16th- nonsmoking professio nal furnished room in new ca home share kitchen laundry 500 9054711498 mccowan highglen- room in furnished house clean residen tial cable phone inter net computer utilities parking close to bus 500 9052090028 iki shared accommodation ballantrae- quiet country executive home large bedroom separate livingroom bathroom cable non- smoker pets suits pro fessional 700 9056426606 hwy 7 mccowan- large living room master bedroom laun dry parking cable no smoking pets 9059489567 markham townhouse- to share with 1 other close to hospital no smoking pets 525 4165299059 ijm bed breakfast unionville mark ham all rooms ensuite full english breakfast maid service free park ing nick 905479- 3862 9059479493 boats supplies 14 aluminum boat- 99 mercury motor new trailer 2500 905471- 1225 special- 88 doral tara- 22 excellent con dition low hours fish finder vhf merc 260 io vberth enclosed head icebox 13000 lying pefferlaw 9058954520 pools supplies poolliners best prices largest selec tion quality work war ranty free estimates glenn 18003793827 or visit dvcpoolscom spring has sprung 20 rectangular above ground kayak pools complete with decking and fencing 25 year warranty 599500 18006687564 place your help wanted ad in the economist sun stouffville tribune classifieds call 1800 7433353