economist sunsuntribune saturday nov 15 2003 suntnbune a metroland community newspaper 34 civic ave stouffville on l4a 7z5 publisher ian proudfoot letters to the editor liberal minister finds new name for health budget cutbacks the budget for health care was set in stone last february by the ontario tories for the 20032004 fiscal year it was increased over the previous year by 191 billion george smitherman the liberal minister of health says he will find savings in the 281 billion health budget to help bring down the deficit my how things have changed at queens park in such a short time frame when the liberals were in opposition they always referred to these savings as cut backs when implemented by the progressive conservatives the 191 billion increase in healthcare funding is part and parcel of the 56billion deficit handed to the liberal government by the tories welcome to the real world premier mcguinry jshaw markham 19th avenue litterbugs show disregard for environment my route to work includes driving on 19th avenue over the last month i have seen four piles of household garbage arrive in fields along the way two weeks ago three air conditioners showed up iri the ditch- last week more than two dozen green garbage bags appeared these bags are scattered over two kilome tres as if someone sat in the back of a truck and tossed them out one at a time not only does this show a disregard for the laws of humanity and the planet it also means a lot more effort on someones part to clean it up i would like to find the idiots who did this and tie them to trees naked during peak mosquito season perhaps that way we could bring them closer to nature r greenwood stouffville opposing pay hike doesnt mean kennedy an ndp supporter re kennedy should cross floor letter to the editor nov 1 like many readers i am regularly amused by j shaws reaching to make a point i have never supported the ndp but i cannotunderstand how j shaw can point to gerrard kennedys decision to vote against letters policy the stouflville tribune welcomes your letters all submissions must be less than 400 words and must include a daytime telephone number name and address the tribune reserves the right to publish or not publish and to edit for clarity and space letters to the editor the tribune 9 heritage rd markhamon l3p1m3 email letters9econsuncom i odd to0rsowte 5ftitrtuke6 on stblaotps fiii dolighancom giving himself a pay increase as evidence of anything other than integrity and principle especially since he voted against the wishes of his own parry is it no longer possible for an elected offi cial to vote the way he thinks without in this case a j shaw using thatvote as evidence of an ndp heart still beating come on j shaw sometimes there is no evidence for your position so you should just put your pen down trees will be saved oops i sound like an ndper now jvernon markham stouffville bia manager big help to community teenagers some people take some give and occa sionally you may have the good luck to come across someone who does both and gets results that make almost everyone happy with that perspective id like to thank stouffville business improvement area bia manager ruth leblanc for always being there for her community and for the many kids she has recruited to help out at bia functions she also befriends helps to keep them on the straight and narrow has dried tears cooled tempers and mediated between par ents and teens hopefully out of this we will see a gener ation of young people who realize the importance of volunteer work i know of what i speak as ruth has been there for my two sons as well as myself i am proud to call her my friend and proud of the great job she does for the community i see high school students helping out more than the required 40 mandatory hours as they have come to enjoy it keep up the good work ruth kathigray musslemans lake controls needed to prevent dog maulings i am deeply concerned about the number of young children being mauled by dogs i think there should be a law banning the own ership of certain types of dogs that are known to be vicious and dangerous i love dogs they are great pets and com panions but we need to have controls in place to protect our children and prevent any re occurrence albert quan king markham editorin chief debora kelly business manager robert lazurko director of production john futhey advertising director retail flyer sales nicole fletcher advertising director classified real estate events management gordpaolucci david suzuki better living through pig iron is pig iron the way to a better planet the canadian government apparently thinks so its funding a bizarre project in brazil to plant vast farms of eucalyptus trees which will eventually be made into charcoal to produce pig iron a lowgrade iron somehow along the way this is sup posed to slow global warming it wont canadas investment in the project grew from a feature in the kyoto protocol that allows developed countries to invest in pro jects in the developing world to help reduce greenhouse gas emissions the developed country then gets what are called carbon credits for the project as though the emissions had been reduced at home that makes sense since the climate is a global system and in some ways it makes little difference where reductions to heattrapping gases take place what doesnt make sense is if the project is so convoluted and contrived the reduc tions are negligible and the project actually causes more problems than it solves such is the case in brazil there a com pany called plantar bought a massive piece of land and began displacing the areas indigenous people so it could plant euca lyptus trees which are destined to eventual ly become charcoal this was the compa nys plan from the outset so when plantar found out about the car- l bon credit system it was like finding money it moved to be the first in the developing world to have a project accredited as a car bon sink and thus qualify for funding in theory the fastgrowing eucalyptus trees will extract carbon from the air and store it in wood which will reduce the bur den of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere and slow global warming but the projectwas already underway and the whole point of the credit system under the kyoto protocol is to achieve emis- sion reductions that would not otherwise have been made surely this project should not qualify furthermore the plantation has been depleting water resources of local commu nities and compromising water quality due to the extensive use of chemicals take the nature challenge and team more at wwwdavidsuzukiorg editorial editor jim mason newsroomeconsuncom advertising retail sales manager steve kane skaneymgcom sales manager new business development distribution dauina andrews dandttwsymgcom classified manager ann campbell acampbellyrngcom real estate manager mikerogerson mrogersonymgcom production production manager pam nichols pnlcholsymgcom distribution distribution manager barry black bblackymgcom administration office manager vivian oneil voneilymgmm york region events managing director debraweller dwellerymgcom shows manager stacey allen sallenymgcom york region printing general manager bob dean bdeanymgcom editorial 9052942200 fax2941538 advertising 2942200 classified 1-800- 7433353 8534626 distribution 9052948244 ebeuiqeke canadian ontariopiess circulations amtt council boardmember suntnbune a york region newspaper group community newspaper the stouffville tribune published every thursday and saturday is a member of the metroland printing publishing and distributing lid a whobowned subsidiary oftorstar corporation metroland is comprised of 70 community publications across ontario the york regkm newspaper group indudesthe liberal serving ricfimondhiilandthomhibvaughan citizen markham economist sun stoufmie suntribune georgia advocate yrxk regkm business times north of the csy yorliregfcxicom and wxkrcgkm printing fci tlffijsbsffissm f f 4 1 4- 1 i4 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