12 economist sunsuntribune environment saturday oct 25 2003 op frank scarpitti your 1 choice on november 10th regional cou nci llor wv wm decisions made by markham council directly affects every resident faced with the strains that rapid growth has created frank scarpitti has stood up and fought our battles at every turn by reelecting frank with the most votes we can rest assured that pur interests will be protected here are some vital issues that frank feels strongly about ttaffic congestion frank believes strongly that before new subdivisions are approved adequate roads and transit need to be in place first slowing down new development r i tired of crowded classrooms scarce seniors accommodations traffic gridlock then speak up and help frank slow down grovvth keeping the lid on taies as the parent of 3 young children frank understands the high costs of living and home ownership as budget chief frank achieved a tax increase of less than the cost of living while faced with significant cost increases protecting the environment green spaces frank led the fight and defeated the proposed 3000 acre industrial rezoning in north markham he has championed the protection of the rouge river and small streams the oak ridges moraine settlers park and clean air measures he feels strongly that we have a duty to future generations to protect what nature has bestowed a friend of the environment asa concerned environmentalist j dont endorse many politicians frank scarpitti is an exception his support for our environmental causes comes at a critical time we need more concerned leaders like frank glenn de baeremaeker save the rouge valley my endorsement of frank is given easily he has time and again supported and championed causes that seek to protect what is left of our small streams green spaces and wdodlots in thornhill he worked tirelessly in support of preserving seitierspark i am proud to be on the same council with frank scarpitti erin shapero councillor ward 2 as the chair of the york region planning committee frank scarpitti was an able ally in our battle to protect the oak ridges moraine he supported our cause at the regional level and pushed the provindal government to get involved and pass the necessary legislation gloria marsh past chair kettle lakes coalition founding director oak ridgesmoraine land trust kiii jsx0 mm frank listens on the following dates frank scarpitti will host open forums in your community to hear your views he listens and he acts see you there oct 8th 7 9pm markham village successfully held oct 23rd 7 9pm unionvilfe train station successfully held oct 29th 7 r 9pm thornhill community centre boardroom abc nov 5th 730 9pm milliken mills community centre room a ctaeftspnseuige r- frank with his family from left to right daniel frank nancy michael and alexandra help us reelect frank to get 1 lawn sign make a donation or help in other ways vmt ui at wwwfranlacarplttlcom or call 90 6426563 garbagereducing solutions sought by region from page 1 remainder is sent to southwold township near st thomas the issue of border clo sures came to the forefront in may when michigan closed its borders to toronto garbage because of fears of mad cow disease vote by council in response to growing concerns about possible bor der closures york region council voted oct 16 to find new technology to reduce the amount of waste the region sends to landfill sites york region had already agreed to collaborate with peel durham and toronto to evaluate new waste man agement technologies were looking at new technologies not dealing with landfill sites mr fisch reiterated friday were looking at new technologies not dealing with landfill sites this week york region will issue a request for new technologies that provide inexpensive garbagereduc ing solutions the region is launching a twcrpart proj ect the first part will use thermal technology to process up to 20000 tonnes bill fisch york working with peel durham and toronto on new waste technologies chairperson said of waste at a facility to be built at east gwilliniburys bales drive transfer station the georgina transfer sta tion or a location supplied by the company that wins the contract the fiveyear thermal contract could include incineration or gasification techniques that meet ontario air emissions regu lations process waste the second part of the project will use any garbagereducing technolo gy that can process up to 70000 tonnes of waste the company that wins the 10year contract must design build finance and operate its own facility the facilities in both parts of the project must be running within three years reelect khalid usman ward 7 councillor 9054708111 wwwkhalidusmancom 2i reelect george mckelvey ward 4 councillor making markham a better place fiscal responsibility protection of the environment a caring community