c economist sunsuntribune saturday sept 6 2003 15 markfiam stouffville hospital new vismng hoots effective monday marldiarn new v policies have been established at markham stouffville hospital to provide time t- stbuffthllb f our to rest an time for our staff to provide care while at the sometime maintaining jqc hnsnital high infection control standards visiting will depend on the patients condition the activity of the unit infection control requirements and will beat the discretion of the health care team general visitor policy if you are not feeling well or have been exposed to an infectious disease please do not visit regular visiting hours are from 1 100am to 830 pm daily j only two visitors per patient at a time children 12 and under may only visit with permission from the patients nurse any child must be accompanied and supervised by an v adult at ah times while in the hospital exception to visitirig hours c exceptions to the routine visiting hours may be extended for compassionate reasons with permission from the patients nurse the following departments have special visiting hours emkgejosy only one visitor per patient in the treatment area iisxption the discretion of the nurse criildreh must besupervised an adult at all times maternal child only two visitors per patient a a time obstetrics visitmg hours are 1100 am 100 pm and 630 pm 830 pan dairy siblings are permitted for short visits only during designated visiting hours must fr fatherpartner may visit from 830 am 830 pmdaily jyy j fatherpartner and one labour support person are permitted to attend the special care nursery visiting hours are 1100 am 100 pm and 630 pm 830 pm daily parents may visit at any time at the discretion of the nursing staff siblings may only visit with permission from the patients nurse paedlacs- parentsadult delegates may visit from 830 am 830 pm one parentadult delegate may stay overnight with the child m x visiting hours are weekdays 400 pm 830 pm weekends and holidays 1100 am- 830 pm sur assessment clinic surgical procedure unit and day surg one adult escort may accompany the patient for clinic appointment two adiilts may accompany the patient on the day of proceduresurgery only one may go liimptientiiit6 day surgery the day surgery waiting roorh and the or waiting room the second visitor may wait in the patient reception waiting area or the main lobby tctjccijrintensive care unitv visiting hours are 1 100 am 200 pm and 300 pm 830 pm clinic appointmentsdiagnostic testsoutpatient fvoceduresireatments one adult may escort a patient for scheduled appointments tests outpatient procedures or treatments children 12 and under should not accompany the patient as we cannot provide any supervisory personnel while your test or treatment is carried out all other departments follow the general visitors policy we appreciate your cooperation and support in adhering to our new visiting policies