6 i a metroland community newspaper 34 civic ave stoufmlle on l4a 7z5 publisher ian proudfoot economist sunlsuntribune saturday may 24 2003 eonor in chief debora kelly business manager robert lazurko director marketing new product development brenda larson advertising director retail flyer sales nicole fletcher advertising director classified real estate events management gordpaolucci letters to the editor car owner learns tough lesson a young markham man i know who recently purchased his own car had a rude awakening to lifes hard knocks he is a 20yearold hardworking guy the car was an older model his father pur chased for him he paid for the insurance as any young man would he wanted a stereo and a boom box which he bought he did not buy theft insurance who would steal his car or its contents but someone broke into the locked vehicle and took the stereo and the boom box it makes one wonder whether this was a random act or a personal one this is not a major event on the world scale but definitely a disheartening one- a young guy ready to have a great summer starting to handle grownup situations is forced to deal withpne of the unpleasant realities of life patlavender markham keep dog area at milne park re leashfree area to be moved from milne park letter to the editor may 22 moving the leashfree area is a really bad idea i have been a markham resident for 36 years and use the park frequently i work at a local veterinarians office and am very knowledgeable about dogs and their behaviour around people never once have i witnessed a dog being aggressive toward humans in milne park several times i have seen dogs becoming snarly toward each other when passing on paths but theyre still on leashes and the owners have control over them i i feel more of a threat from some of the weekend picnickers grown men were drink ing and climbing the big beautiful pines and breaking off branches intentionally dogs only pick up dead sticks and carry them around people throw cigarette butts and other garbage oh the ground go look in the rouge river at the park dogs didnt put the garbage there they defe cate and the owners pick it up give us dog owners and our pets a break we need this area come and check it out if youve never seen it its clean and theres a goodbunchofdogsandowhersusingit wendy graham markham high school safe reputable vthere have been a few incidents this school year that have scarred markhams markville secondary school forever lithose who once praised markville for its high standards and friendlyenyironment are now criticizing it for the mistakes of a few i am writing say it is stiil a reputable and safe school ry markvilles students strive to reach high academic excellence our math department is known for its standards and students work extremely hard to meet them this school also has a good musical com munity at the latest york regidn musicaliye festival the grade 10 orchestra earned the silver rating the grade 9 orchestra won first place at the kiwanis festival this year markville also has exceptional athletes our junior boys volleyball team finished sec- ond at the regional playdowns students at markville knpw something about charity many students participated in our recent fashion show which raised 700 through hard work and determination hoops for heart was an initiative where students challenged each other to a basket ball game and raised rhdney fpr charity food drives fpr the needy are constant ly organized markville is a safe school with a friendly environment where teachers expect stur dents to put forth their best effort as well as behave properly hebarahmaan markville secondary school cameras good solution to speeding re mayor gets tough on speeding in town may 8 markham mayor don cousens awareness of a need for drastic efforts tp reduce speed- irig in markham is much appreciated i am asppntpbe driver and believe his efforts tpdiminish speeding will make rpads safer especially for newdrivers his ideas are original although i find some impractical 5- speed humps do slow cars down but one should realize after slowing down for the hump drivers often speed up again as mayor cousens- said even if speed humps were put everywhere in markham it would still not solve the speeding problem but it wpuld becpme an annpyance gping over too many humps may even cause damage putting cameras at traffic lights is an effec tive idea if drivers are aware surveillance cameras are everywhere on the road they would become more cautious the sugges tion 6f having phptp radars is a great concept on the other hand the mayors idea of allowing bylaw enforcement pfficers to issue speeding tickets is very unlikely to happen thats the job of the york regional or ontario provincial police who have the train ing experience and equipment to issue tickets sarah chan markham admire trilliums dont pick them ontarios official flower the white trillium is usually found in wooded areas growing close to the ground unfortunately theyre not always found there sometimes trilliums are found in limp drooping bunches held in someones hands trilliums also known as wakerobins bloom in may and early june they are peren nials some are red some are pink some are painted the rarest of all are green all trilliums have their parts in threes three leaves three petals three sepals as soon as their flowering season ends their green leaves set to work sending down nour- ishment tp their bulbs in this manner a new sprout is produced nourished and persuaded to grow in readi ness for future blooming v v when picked the trillium plant dies started from seed it takes a trillium seven years to bloom thousands upon thousands of trilliums have been destroyed by bulldozers spraying and picking have also taken their toll some wild flowers have already become extinct others that once bloomed in abun dance are now rarely seen wild lilies lady- slippers bluefringed gentian trailing arbu tus cardinal flower to name a few should alsohotbepicked in or out of water picked trilliums are a sad drooping sight left in their natural habi tat they are beautiful please dont pick our trilliums admire them then leave them for others to enjoy k barbara brass duncan stouffville l bad info used in pesticide letter re pesticides bad for water supply letter to the editor by glad park public school grade 7 students may 17 0 i salute these students for their informa tive letter on alternative methods to reduce pesticide use and congratulate them on their good citizenship the first rule of journalism though is get the facts i can only surmise the information used to prepare their letter was from mater- r ial available in the classroom only longoutdated studies since repu- diated by the scientific community show any link between pesticides andcancef there is np science backing any health or cancer fears and no justification for a ban phf chemicals to control lawn pests yi factual evidence to this effect is available at the centre for toxicity at the university of guelph and at the ontario ministry of the environment meanwhile the source used by these stu- dents to establish their evidence seemssus- i pect arid obviously not balanced v graham smyth unionville h letters policy v the stouflville tribune welcomes your letters all submissions must be less than 400 words and must include a daytime telephone number name and address the tribune reserves the right to publish or not publish and to edit for clarity and space letters to the editor tile tribune 9 hetfteird markhamfon l3p 1m3 email lettersdeconsuncom editorial editor jim mason newsro6meconsiinic6m advertising retail sales manager steve kane skancyrhgcom sales manager new business development distribution idawna andrews dandrewsyrngcom classified manager ann campbell acampbeuyrngcom real estate manager mikerogerson lmrogersonymgcom production director of production johnfuthey jflitheyymgcom distribution distribution manager barry black fiiik bblackymgcom j administration office manager vivian 0neil voneuyhtgcom york region events managing director debraweller dwellerymgc6m r shows manager y stacey allen i sallenyrngcom tvt york region printing general manager bob dean bdeanymgcom editorial 905-294-0200- fax2941538 advertising 2942206 classified 1-800- 7433353 fax8534626 distribution 9052948244 e33he fiplb canadian ontario press circulations audit council board member suntribune a york region newspaper group community newspaper the stoufrville tribune published evety thursday and saturday is a member of the metroland printing publishing and distributing lid a whollyowned subsidiary of tofstar corporation metroland is comprised of 70 community publications across ontario the york regkm newspaper group includes the liberal serving iwimoryiraantbomkuvdugban citizen markham economist sun stouffvihe tribune stoufrville sun gcorgaia advocate york region business times at home good life yorkregkxicom and york region printing iv fll4 t ftp vf f f4 r jtir y 1- t r 1 w l ii4gjmsi mt t kkteiwu itm ai i u u t t i- 0 it u u i j i- 1 i 4 9 r9j r m 4 94 f t i i iv tt r- r f j f f t j w mjmif 4i9g4twbu4ir4ralmt 4 i