page 10 the stouffville sun tuesday feb 4 2003 agents 1 safes help j agents ii safes help j agents i apartments m for rent sales representative walker equipment limited of markham ont a leader in the commercial power equipment industry has an opening for a sales representative 2 to 5 years experience in sales and postsecondary education would be an asset a very competitive remuneration package with benefits is offered please forward your resume by email to hrwalkerequipmentcom or by fax to 9052941702 zm general help an exclusive private golf and country club in unionville is seeking energetic enthusiastic people to fill the following positions servers bartenders cooks dishwashers locker room attendants if you are hardworking self disciplined team player that would like to take advantage of the great fast paced learning environment then please forward a copy of your resume to mrs anitra mathers clubhouse manager york downs golf and country club 4134 16th avenue unionville on l3r 0p1 fax9054770989 deadline february 21 2003 5vp phone cads please markham distributionservice company looking to fill csrwarehouse assistant position also looking to fill instrumentationelectromechanical technician position this position will require warehouse duties and rga maintenance indicating the position apply to box 33 co economist sun 9 heritage rd markham l3p 1m3 please sign up crossing guards required immediately for kennedy bypassbridle trail hollinghamcalderbridge we also require paid backup crossing guards 4166060901 tfl houses for sale itjl houses for sale find out what your home is worth online visit wwwonlinehomeevaluationcom remax omega realty 1988 lid jti housesforsale townhouses for sale 11 costly home inspection pitfalls free b reveals what you need to know before you list your home for sale free recorded message 18003265582 id3606 remax omega realty 1988 lid home sellers find out what the home down the street sold for ek computerized list of area home sales current listings free recorded message 18003265582 id8060 rwte0iwginwine8ud village parkway- 3 bedrooms 2 12 baths 6 appliances gas fire place hardwood ca 248500 905475- 1406 s apartments j coridos for sale clarissa drive 2 bedroom 2 baths 2 parkings balcony trk del building asking 220000 416720- 0250pgmser rogers com business opportunities room for rent in busy tanning salon for esthe- tician or nail technician pfease oall 905472r- 9958 markham rd hwy 7- 2 bedroom basement 900 13 utilities bright large new 1 bedroom basement- 1200- jennifer 9054723448 markham village- 1 bedroom main floor 875 including utilities available immediately parking separate en trance 9056408571 markham- professio- nally finished one bed room basement near markville mall ttc go must see contact 4168325544 m engagements ii engagements announcements announcements announcements h general help business opportunities business opportunities rivers of money last year alone over 39 billion dollars llowed through our industry why not get a bucket join in learn how to turn a secured investment of 19000 into a lifetime potential income ol up to 2000 cashweek working only pt hours being your own boss all you do is stock collect cash please call only if you can be your own boss have the time the investment to start earning a cash income right away call how for info pack 24hrs 18008616250 mortgage loans call sinclair-cock- bum 18003287887 x321 1yr 415 5yr 535 arm 199 also equity mortgage pro grams regardless of in come or credit minimize taxes- maxi- mize rrsp rrsp loans available low rates hurry will also file your tax return 416- 8952920 1 apartments torrent airy- 1 bedroom base ment apt mccowan 7 close to all ameni ties 825 inclusive 9054743071 416- 2546523 denison brimley- new 1 bedroom base ment full washroom ac laundry parking separate entrance call 9053058365 hwy 7 warden 1 large bedroom living- room bright clean walkout 950 feb 15th no pets smoking 9059408481 hwy7 warden- 2 bedroom basement gas fireplace applian ces nonsmokers pets 1000 utilities march 1st 9054702397 leslie steeles- 1 bedroom executive gar den apartment fire place parking ensuite laundry utilities non- smokers pets 9057310061 main 16th large 2 bedroom basement parking laundry 1000 inclusive available im mediately must see 9059480575 9052015069 major mackenzie warden- large apart ment 1 bedroom study includes utilit ies parking cable sep arate entrance 875 9058872846 markham village- main floor 2 bedrooms private yard 5 applian ces parking non- smoker pets march 1st 1100 905471- markham rd deni- son- 2 bedroom base- tment- clean large sepr sarate entrance laundry immediate nonsmok er pets 850 9054721 517 markham village- 1 bedroom basement apt separate entrance laundry nonsmoker pets 800 inclusive 9054711140 markham- 2 bedroom basement ac separate entrance garage 900 utilities feb 15th 9054718386 markham- 2 bedroom walkout separate en trance 2 parking non- smoker pets 1000 in clusive 9052940964 after 6pm markham- 2 bect room parking separate entrance available march 1st 600 inclu sive nonsmoking pets 9052946266 markham- 3 bache- lors private bathrooms one wfireplace laundry facilities shared kitch en 500 nick 905- 4793862 905-947- 9493 markham- main st 16th ave 2 bedroom apt all appliances parking clean bright 950 4163302952 markham denison- one bedroom base ment 750 416678- 4265 9054722282 markham hwy7- 1 000 sqft large sunny windows fireplace ac satellite laundry no pets smoking 9054715868 markham steeles- luxury 2 bedroom basement separate en trance garage parking near ttc available im mediately 905472- 9048 mccowan 14th ave- new 2 bedroom base ment separate en trance 850 immedi ate no pets 905-472- 6237 middlefield steeles- new 2 bed room basement sepa rate entrance parking ttc nonsmoking pets 800 immediate 9059406109 newmarket- clean spacious newly renovat ed 2 bedroom base- merit nonsmoking pets 950 inclusive immediate 416-561- 8772 raymerville mccowan- 3 bedroom basement separate en trance parking laundry near all amenities 1100 inclusive im mediately 905294- 7714 stouffville- 1 bed room very spacious large khchen a must see no pets 925 in clusive immediate stouffville- bright 1 bedroom upper -du- plex overlooking park parking- no pets smok- ing suits single 1050 9056422111 the parents of julie fawcett david grainger are thrilled to announce the engagement of their children congratulations julie and david ii apartments 1 for rent sunset blvd stouff ville 2 bedroom avail able immediately clean bright modem building close to all amenities rent from 825 hydro parking included 9056408017 julie or marc townhouses torrent markham rd 16th ave- 3 bedrooms fin ished basement park ing appliances 1250 utilities march 1st 9052947165 markhams cornell- 3 bedroom semi 212 baths family room wfireplace ca 5 ap pliances garage available march 1st 1500 utilities 905- 4711060 ext239 markhams cornell- immaculate 3 31 bedrooms- finished basement ca applian ces fenced yards ga rages available march april 1400 1500 utilities 905- 4711060 ext239 unionville 3 bed- rooms- 1 12 baths 5 appliances family room garage non smoking pets ok 1700 march 2nd 9054798528 j houses for rent markham- 3 bed room detached 112 baths finished base ment wfireplace ca fridge stove 1275 utilities april 1st 9054711060 ext 239 musselmans lake- cozy 1 bedroom house on lake 900 availa ble march 1st 9056421312 steeles middlefield- 4 bedrooms main floor 212 bathrooms appli ances basement rent ed nonsmoker pets 1800 905471- 2930 stouffville- 3 bed rooms wdetached 112 garage main street appliances suits cou ple 1 250 march 1st 9052942034 stouffville- charming bungalow 3 bedroom with loft main street applian ces 1250 available immediately 905640- 7653 stouffville- im maculate detached homes 3 bedrooms family room wfireplace ca cv appliances april 1650 utilities 9054711060 ext 239 stouffville- spa cious 3 bedroom main floor pool fireplace 1250 utilities near amenities immediate ly 9056422066 4165342498 rooms for rent wanted markham- quiet country living bedroom living area shared kitchen hiking trails crosscountry skiing 550 9052946655 unionville- inde- pendent room wwash- room spacious living shared laundry kitch- en parking close ttc amenities female 450 9055137547 shared accommodation fourth person need ed to share country es tate with swimming pool 20 minutes to markham minutes to 401 share facilities heat hydro included 500 month 1st last available im mediately smoker ok no pets mike 416994- 7579 hwy 7 hwy 48- main floor furnished unfur nished room for female 5 appliances 475 9054713261 kennedy 16th- room bathroom kitch en luxury home non- smoker pets female student immediate 500 9054758040 bright 2 rooms main stv 16th females full use of house parking cable nonsmokers immediately 500 550 4168955856 stouffville- t room spacious home pool share facilities 400 495 first last immediately 416534- 2498 9056422066 vacation properties barbados- land for sale fairview heights a prime residential area 8426 sq ft ap- prox 20 mins from great beaches 58000 us gall for more information 416-269- 1488 snowmobiles 95 500 polaris clas sic electric start re verse studded track 2003 trail pass and cover 3000 firm 7053 nannies liveinliveout a nannies- availa- ble wanted free sponsorship of rlipina nannies in 3 months millenium caregivers 9057273884 caregiver needed ft for 2 children flexible hours leave message first choice homecare agency 9057263771 livein nanny- for 12 9 year old filipino speaking preferred fulltime mccowan steeles call in am 9054720138 daycare available kennedy 7- find out where friendship be gins quality care nutri tious meals creative activities 905-940- 3662 fundraising earn money for your nonprofit group club or association without selling by delivering superpages directories in markham richmond hill thornhiil stouffville king city gormley brougham and surrounding areas start date april 25 2003 approx for more information please call canwest directory distributors 905 4580623 or 18772651674 toll free monday friday 900 to 400 daycare available quality home child- care- angus glen ken nedy major mac edu cational loving safe daily outdoor play 9058877559 raymerville mccowan- healthy se cure environment lunches snacks school transportation provided references 9054717036 daycare wanted part time and after school care needed in our home et crowle area 9054712872 parttime and after school care needed- main st and parkway ave call 905471- 7529 i horse supplies m boarding square bales of wheat straw for sale will deliver 519-941- 781 n articles for sale a king pillowtop mat tress set with frame new in plastic cost 1599 sacrifice 650 6472714534 bed queen pillowtop mattress box frame never used still pack aged cost 1025 sell 450 6472714534 bedroom set 8 pee cherrywood bed chest tridresser mirror night stands dovetail con struction never opened in boxes cost 9000 sacrifice 2800 4167483993 diningroom suite- 10pce table 6 chairs buffet glass front china cabinet excellent con dition 750 905477- 1410 diningroom set 13 pee solid handcarved cherrywood chippen dale brand new boxed cost 17000 sell 6500 416-496- 2926 fridge freezer ice maker- sidebyside frigidaire white 2300 new asking 1100 excellent condi tion 9059440415 office furniture- 5 desks 4 filing cabinets good condition 4165055151 sony playstation ps2 modchips from 40 in stalled while you wait we repair ps1 ps2 systems 9059474624 lets supplies i boarding 00 olds alero 24gl coupe silver mist 23000kms loaded mint 20000 obo 9054791640 between 3pm5pm 94 ford mustang- red 5 spd v6 38l 2 dr dual air bags ac am fm cassette alarm 3995 as is obo call 4167087274 93 olds acheiva s- 33 litre v6 auto load- sci ieai blue black inte rior 174000 kms all original 2950 as is 9054769696 cars wanted buyers sellers beware is your auto recycler licensed aa auto cars trucks we pay 50- 10000 cash on spot any condition year 24hr 7days 416200- 82919056861899 domestic help available freidas cleaning services- residential commercial professio nal services please call 9054707975 cell 4168942871 try the best roulas white glove were the original often imitated never duplicated cell 4167069284 house cleaning rapid cleaning serv ice- residential com mercial complete pro fessional cleaning trustworthy reliable crew discount weekly service 9054726042 employment want semiretired senior- electrical mechanical background dependa ble and good worker references if required 9054793270 adorable puppies- shipoos bichapoos cockapoos puga- poos terripoos chi huahuas border collie crosses vet inspected guaranteed 905478- 4464 dog obedience and puppy classes voted markhams 1 dog trainer lifes ruff 416- 5683222 markham mm carsforsale ivj garbage removal a hauling a always cheapest garbage removal fast free estimates seniors discount home business low est prices 1-866-678- 7274 moving storage a1 moving delivery accurate work reasonable rates 1824 trucks call 416875move6683 wwwbestwaytomove com visa mastercard accepted aaa moving storage- 18- 24 trucks reason able excellent service visa mc accepted 416704688 1 httpvmembersrogers commoving moving truck 2 men houses apart ments condos small large local long dis tance short notice ne gotiable rates ken 4166585307 h carpets flooring carpet hardwood ceramics installation repairs sales serv ice reasonable rates work guaranteed call khushru 4166777555 vflfl adult imm entertainment european spa- massage 40 10 off wad 10am to 9pm 145 royal crest unit2 9054745774 i massages merry spa oriental beauties 2800 john st unit 7 john woodbine markham 905940- 0000 yu yu spa- beautiful oriental girts 145 royal crest ct near warden 14th markham 9054707478 people do read small ads to puce your ad call at 18007433353