page 6 the stouffville sun tuesday jan 7 2003 a weekly newspaper serving whitchurchstouffville a mefroland community newspaper 34 civic avenue box 154 stouffville ontario l4a 7z5 905 6402612 fax 6408778 ian proudfoot regional publisher steve kane advertising manager jlm mason managing editor susan berry cherryl steer sales reps pam nichols production manager subscriptions canada 32year induces gst elsewhere 8025 year indudes gst reg no 05852 pcm enxiil editorslouffvillesunconi 1999 blue ribbon hmtorial policy opinions expressed by columnists contributors and letter writers are not necessarily those of the stooms sun letters not to exceed 400 words must include name and phone number phone number will not be published requests that a name be withheld will be honoured only if there is a compelling reason to do so errors will be corrected if brought to the editors attention we reserve the right to edit or refuse publication of any material submitted advertising policy publisher is not liable for slight changes or typographical errors that do not lessen the value of art advertisement the publisher is not liable for other errors or omissions in any subsequent issue or the refund or any monies paid for the advertisement all claims of error must be mode by friday prior to the next weeks publication nodaim will be allowed for more than one insertion d ditorial the newcomers the numbers are clear their impact on this community is fuzzier the stouffville areas current population of around 12000 will grow to around 28000 within the next 10 to 15 years traditionalists will blame the big pipe the yorkdurham sewage system being built to stouffville for changing the face of their sacred small town business owners eager for new customers will sing the praises of the pipe no one can stop the growth its been approved all thats left to determine is the size of the thousands of new homes and the lots they will be built on the question remains are we ready for the growth we trust new schools will be in place when the new students move here york regions school boards have been ahead of growth with new schools in recent years thats a positive thing compared to the fields of portables often seen in new subdivisions what about recreation our yearold pool library and fitness centre were built with growth in mind does whitchurehstouffville need a third ice pad primetime ice is fully booked local hockey teams are heading out of town for practices again whitchurchstouffvilles churches service clubs and sports groups should also be prepared new residents willbe looking for churches to attend clubs to join and sports to play are we ready j flashback elvis you maniac an elvis impersonator was censored at music mania in 1983 registration for stouffvilles annual spring variety show takes place wednesday at stoufhilie united church jim masonstouffville sun file photo fjetters to the editor luke family feel community support to the editor on the evening of dec 28 our family had the honour of attending the saucey shindig a fundraising event held for our son luke at latcham hall in stouffville luke was injured in a mountain bike accident last fall we were overwhelmed by the outpouring of support shown by those who attended by those who may have contributed directly to the trust fund by those who donated items for the auction by those who worked at tables doors and booths and by those who planned and organized the event luke insisted that he be there and we were delighted that he was able to see for himself just how much he is supported and cheered for we never doubted but now we know for sure that there is an entire community lending luke a hand as he confronts this most difficult challenge we are truly grateful for the towns concern effort and kindness chris bill luke and logan anderson stouffville sponsors appreciated by girls hockey team to the editor we would like to take this opportunity to thank the stouffville ap and stouffvilles gary and valerie hembruff of the ultimate pro shop in newmarket for their sponsorship of the stouffvillemarkham girls hockey association peewee c select team thegirls are having a great season and truly appreciate the support given to us by these companies coaching staff players and parents of the smgha peewee c select team email fax mailletters the stouffille sun welcomes letters to the editor i letters to the editor can be mailed to the stouffville sun box i 54 stouffville l4a 7z5 or faxed to 905 6408778 letters can also be emailed to editoicostouffvillcsuncom or you can hand deliver your letter to the stouffville sun offices at 34 civic ave third floor in downtown stouffville please include phone numbers where you may be reached for verification purposes only join the discussion at stouffvillesuncom your opinion is important to us in both letters to the editor and discussion groups on our web site stouffvillesuncom join an online discussion on issues that affect your town come back often for others feedback and more discussion on a variety of topics at stouffvillesuncom click on the stouffville link and read current and archived stouffville news hit opinion to read your favourite local columnists jim mason and jim thomas and please feel free to email editorstouffvillesuncdm with your thoughts