16 economist suntribune friday dec 27 2002 c evan edward smith son of lesley and ian smith born june 27 2002 fiillbltp v andrew james thomas lynch son of mike and susanne lynch born january 26 2002 emma sneek daughter of laurie and brian sneek born august 13 2002 peter michael sabanis son of chris santina sabanis born september 16 2002 rayyan adil esmail son of adil and fhareen esmail born march 182002 hannah lee harper daughter of nicole vautier chris harper bom september 11th 2002 elizabeth anne inglis daughter of linda chui and derek inglis born february 3 2002 james michael jamie pappas son of dawn and john pappas born january 9th 2002 joshua william zinner son of bill and jillian zinner born may 10 2002 k wk sh ips cole michael leif jensen son of mike and lisa nee fockler born june 21st 2002 u alicia margaret thompson daughter of glenn and eileen thompson born september 6 2002 adam douglas moore son of frances and neil moore born on august 17 2002 ethan kristian lange son of kris and dianne born march 7 2002 jaime paige donaldson daughter of leslie and cam donaldson born on april 4 2002 deana domenica larosa daughter of angelo and angela born february 21 2002 alexander cole teeter son of edith and ashley bom march 27th 2002 vjiq v- i nicholas michael demetriadis son of lisa johnny demetriadis born july 12002 mi mmmbm m wssi lf 811 teni ruth kassardjian daughter of shahe georgia kassardjian born march 29 2002 ijsi islliis j 111 blake patterson son of lisa mcconnell david patterson born june 6 2002 jacob michael franciscus stuy son of michael cindy born april 26 2002 t vut imni i i h i 1 nicole marie johnson daughter of bruce and brenda johnson bom may 8 2002 z3 ft ibb p 1 i63 w mm ibskssk i i 1 w f j v it mp mr m w im mmj j hi js f w9 sis b is it is kh p