8 economist suntribune in our community saturday sept 7 2002 wwwcorporatimarkhamcom b rother andre band choir do flood concerts in markham for markham about markham by david anderson special the music competition was cancelled but two groups from markhams brother andre catholic high school are still going abroad in tribute to the victims of flooding in europe jennifer attenborough instrumental music director at the school said the cancellation because of massive flooding last month in germany and the czech republic didnt stop plans from moving forward for the 50 members of the senior concert band which she over sees and concert choir direct ed by susan arena the trip has been converted into a benefit concert tour for flood survivors many of whom lost their homes to rising waters a total of 7000 was raised for the trip through car washes in july and august and help from local businesses like the fox and fiddle concerts will be held in grimma germany between introduces its new line of affordable sofas chairs bjfl sept 13 and 15 the groups leave monday and return sept 17 correction an incorrect headline was published on a story in our aug 24 edition about possible health problems in the newmarket courthouse the headline should have read sickness might be imagi nary court told the economist suntribune regrets the error open i sum day business hours mon to sat 10am6pm thurs1 0am8pm sun11am4pm 1020 denison st unit 115 which is located one block west of warden ave wwwmarkhamfurniturecom dcnboness t v 1 i l steele ave ch sandwich pfwj buy an original h 1 1 6 k chicken sandwich oijljlajsl and medium fries simmmxmxm at the tegular price and get a 2nd original chicken sandwich free please present this coupon before i ordering not valid with any other otter no cash value limit one i coupon per customer per visit valid at participating i burger kino restaurants expires sept 2102 great taste great vaiu make it burger king t t if o 3008 top ko cfienaon um4 tftf temem supreme el sandwich i enjoy the great i tasteofaflame- broiled king i supreme i sandwich or ust 169 pteaso present this coupon before i ordering not vabd with any other offer no cash value urn one i coupon per customer per vis ivamatparticipaang burger king i restaurants expkac sept 2102 supreme sandwich buy a king supreme sandwich and medium fries at the regular price and get a 2nd king supreme sandwich free please present this coupon before i ordering not valid with any other otter no cash valuo limit one coupon per customer per visit valid at participating i burger king restaurants expires sept 2102 ztlji i ch sandwich enjoy the great taste of an original chicken sandwich for just 169 pteaso present this coupon before ordering not vasd with any other otter no cash value um one coupon per customer per visit vawatparteipasng burger king restaurants expires sept 2132 restaurants txpros acpi ziak aaf i iuiuiui4iiiu expires oepi iu g double cheeseburger sandwich buy a double cheeseburger and medium fries at the regular price and get a 2nd double cheeseburger free please present this coupon before ordering not valid with any other otter no cash value limit one coupon per customer per visit valid at participating burger king restaurants expires sept 2102 double cheeseburger sandwich enjoy the great taste of a double cheeseburger sandwich for just 169 pteaso present this coupon before ordering not vasd with any other offer no cash valuo limit ono coupon per customer per visit vasd at partcipang burger king restaurants expire sept 2102 rasmursio expire aepl iu m