economist suntribune at the schools saturday aug 24 2002 19 arrive alive please dont drink and drive this message brought to you as a community service of the economist sunttkbune landmark barry cox vehicle leasing consider the landmark advantages one stop shopping new or used vehicles any make or model entry level to prestige imports prompt personal service leases tailored to your specific needs tradeins accepted buy what appreciates lease what depreciates for quote or information cdll barry at 9053054783 emailbcoxlandmarkleasingcom 8920 woodbine ave lights north of hwy 7 at hooper staff photoerin riley on the busf0r the first time jayden gwyn far left 4 will be starting junior kindergarten when classes resume he took part in a howtoridetheschoolbus session at newmarket high school thursday with his littie brother rylan 3 gap in funding concerns newvp by mitchell brown staff writer a newmarket teacher is the new vice- president of the elementary teachers federation of ontario dave clegg who is president of etfo york region was elected during the fed erations annual meeting in toronto earli er this month he will resign his current position to serve as the federations fulltime vice- president in toronto where he will be mainly responsible for the federations political action and public relations port folios it is hard to believe that etfo is just four years old he told 600 delegates dur ing the meeting we have seen so much change since 1998 the only constant factor has been our struggle to defend the integrity of public education and to advance the cause of our members in the face of unre lenting attacks from the government in a recent interview mr clegg referred to the provincial governments handling of public school boards that have refused to pass balanced budgets to protest inadequate funding obviously whats happening in ottawa hamilton and toronto concerns us he said another issue mr clegg plans to address is the glaring gap in funding between elerhentary and secondary classrooms were talking 75 1perstudent dif ference he said so if you can imagine the typical class were talking about a significant amount of money for elementary teach ers it means their classes are larger they have more responsibilities in terms of teaching and supervision and obviously it has an impact on the level of service they can provide to students the federation represents 65000 ele mentary public school teachers and staff across ontario bagitforus its a great way to give 680news all news radio foroiil sohkocu mitchell brown can be reached at mbrownthe- liberalcom driving formalized process td compliments of elcome agon slnck 1930 from page 18 and road tests and knowledge test rang ing between 40 and 100 driving has become an expensive privilege driving has catapulted itself into a league of highly formalized processes that has definitely become a staple of the entire experience marionwhite- who is preparing to take his g test explains the most excit ing part of the experience is just get ting out there he says however driv ing examiners make the experience more stressful but nowadays thats what it takes to be on the road to freedom adrian corsin is a student at st joan of arc catholic high school in maple you can pick up a blue bag at the shopping centre listed below please fill it with your gently used clothing and return it to any of the shopping centres listed on the bag nobody makes a bagful of clothing go further than the salvation army help us help so many in need m a k k ii a m economist sun markvi lle wvwshopmr hvihccom