1 ta j ttm- fie j- vw t r n 7vi fr j ff s-rt- fairycvi -eixnomistsuniiibunerfriday-dec28-2ooi- r v rc j- r-jst- telephone -w- v e a metfolarid oammunity newspaper w 9 haierdvmarkham oht l3pilti3 publisher ian proiidfooi general mariageralvin brouwer editor in chief brehda larson director of advertising debra welter c zfixils fax 905 2941538 v v ejr v j malnewsroomeconsuncom deputy editor debora kelly -editor- n mason production manager v pam nichols distribution manager l barry black r online publishing it- manager tmargaret fleming classified manager v ann campbell r t retail sales manager stephen mathieu inside sales manager stacey allen- business manager robert lazurko t office manager t viuian oneil i- ed 10 r pa k enters with resolve hope the times they have achariged v as we prepare to ring in 2002 few of us would disagree the world is a differentplace today sept 11 brought terror close to home in a way none of us could have possibly imagined 1 the horrific terrorist attacks on the workc trade center in new york and the pentagon hv washington undoubtedly changed our lives ifi ways we still dont fully comprehend by the weeks end several significant forces had already emerged from the rubble yes terrible sadness fear and anger enveloped us but something elsehad grown- stronger jresolve and solidarity 7 resolve we would not be bowed by this r yet even now as many of us confidently get badoon plahesandbuy champagne to toast jthenewiyear with a renewed appreciation of optimismfewof us would not admit to having a new awareness of ouryulnerability perhaps you still hug your children and loved ones tighter than you ever did before the memory of the tragedy lingering in yqiir mirid few ofiis would disagree freedpmcannot be taken for granted westrulggletiihowtp protect our free and open society with its z ngrained right tojndividual privacy witfithe- newnd for control and intervention sc we know now mereejmymthe world with little respect fofthe of hon- our and tolerancethat guide oikspcietyr vr yefj like never before we knowthe power of- compassion that force alone may alter our legacy itrf t x r few tpf us would disagree particularly how that weare so 1 deeply awareof the poverty and despair existing in countries around the globe we are indeed fortunate to live in amntry like canada suchxrjch tolerant and vibrant democracy j f t- we mark- the arrival of the new year with particular poignancy this yearwernadeit througha year that has changedme course of humanity the reverberations of which will be felt throughout eternity yet somehow as canadians we ican still have great shining hopefofthe future together we have much to celebrate and much to protect- v heres- wishing you and iyours peace and prosperityiri the hew year ahead 1 -v- 1ettjrs policy stoufivme tribune j welcomes your letters all submissions must be less than 400 words arid must include a daytime telephorienumber 1 name and address the necvspapcr reserves the right to publish or not publish and to edit for clan tyand space- write letters to the editovj 9 heritage rdrkj- letters 10 the ed i tor stouffville bylawenforcement overzealous during holidays re enforcement- of bylaw prohibiting street parkingjn stouffville between 2 am to sdmpecitomarch31- 3f understand tiieneed for such a bylaw j during- the winter as it is a great advantage to have the shbwplows able to clear our streets in s theeyent of ajsn6wstprrn r onsunday dec16 the bylaw officer must- havesperit most of the early morning hours issuing citatiohs was a clear nigkt with hpsndwto becleared and proba the dayof n for home christmas parties v i to be issuing tickets on this night is not only poor timing but smacks of a money grab by thetovm or just plain meanspiritedness by the bylaw6fficer7jt could even be detri- pj w chd l join our online discussions notdnnkanddnve r r here is how we were affected at yorkregioncom our sohi a rnechahicwas called and t asked if he could help a friendwhose moth- y pj is important to us on our let- ers car had jdied at durham 30- and hereto the editor pages and oh pur website bloomihgtbn roadlt was in a place where it we jnvit youto join the 6ngoingdiscus- could have been a hazard he towed it back to sions at yqrkregioncom arid yourewelcoihe bur house but was unable to get it fixed late to launch your own discussion thefetoo saturday evening so he left it in front of the the site serves readers of the york region house at least it was less of a hazard there newspaper group which includes the thanat the intersection where it died the car- economist sun stouffville tribune wasticketed v richmond hillthornhill liberal- vaughan our parents who livea few blocks from citizen newmarketaurora era us had guests who live about an hour out of gebirgina advocate and stouffville sun town because they had a couple of drinks they decided to stay over and drive back in the morning their car was ticketed our neighbours had a christmas party in their home several of their guests made the smart choice to stay over or to take a taxi home they too were rewarded for not drink- ing and driving with citations this webelieve to be but a small sam- pling of the irritation in the town of this over- r zealous and poorly timed enforcement cam paigh surely there must have been a better way to increase our awareness of this bylaw howaboutjrefuriding or cancellihgthese tickets to show particularly to ers that stouffville really is a terrific jplace to live or visit john and teri mctavish stouffville wmubm uml hhr giib as- mwnsmwi sf vzl wst mr- david teetzer end of year j has long been time to stop the iuotid l ong before we developed the moderhcalehdar the ancient maya followed a 365hay year they had2 nionthsveach 30 days longilf ydudo the math ybu real ize that leaves five lays- riot properly accounted for- 1- j and because the maya attached a lit- tie too much importance to meircalen- dar thatwas atehifying prospect they cconsidered the last five days of the year a time of potential disaster unprotected by any of their vast pantheon of gods- so they stayed locked away intheir homesdoingas little as possible until the calendar got started again we have moved beyond fearing the jast five days of the year our modern sophisticatedsociety lives in terror and paranoia pretty rnuch everyday but we still shut dowrias much asppssible for the week between christmas and new years day if were hiding from anything its probably bill collectors or anything else that reminds us of financial reality back in the days of the ancient maya- people kept their children huddled safe- ly inthehut but today parents are pushing their children outthedodr- v the glow is off all those holiday pre- sents the return to school is a long way off and the whiny chorus of im bored theres nothing to do hasbegun- t some myself included havedragged ourselves iritothe officerin a fuzzy coun- terfeit ofqfdinarydaytodaylife work gets done albeit- as an inconvenient interruption to the munching ofchoco late and swapping of stories- j its funny how we become so fixated onthe calendarat this time of yearwe spent weeks counting how many shop- pirig days till christmas and now were preparingto indulgerin all manner of celebration nostalgic- because were turning over a page on the calendarv not that im complaining back at uiel stouffville tribune serving the community since 1888 canadian circulations audit board member t ontario press council cariao1anpurjlicatkxsmaaprooiasalesaermrnefttfl403419 email letttfseecortsuncom u stouffville tnbune published every tbursday and saturday- oneof the metroland pnnung publishing and distributing ltd group of newspapers which includes the ajavpictering news advertiser ailiston heraldcouner bame advance barrys bay this week bolton enterprise brampton guardian burlington shopping news burlington- post city parent collmgwoodwasaga connection east york mirror enn advocatecountry routes etoblooke guardian ramborough post georgetown independentacton free press kingston this week lindsay this week mrdlandpenetanguishene mirror milton canadian champion milton shopping news misslssauga news newmarket- v aurora georgina erabanner northumberland news north yorkmirror oakville beaver oakville shopping news orillia today oshawawhitbyclanngtonport perry tws week peterborough this week richmond hillthomhillvaughan liberal scarborough minor stouffville tribune todays seniors uxbridge tnbune and city of j york guardian 4 w- av n j v v phone 905 2942200 j3 classified- r- distribution a- o u fajc905 294i53tz i8pp743 f 905244 r i- distnbirtionvecormiacbin ici s- fir w vr if v tatethe past 12 months of news storiev ina year in review lvfii ithat seems redundavfthisyear4 because one event htstli6r6ughty eclipsed everything else ksfonsl rio doubt condense 200i tb andthe fallout thereofif this year were all a lot more coni cerried about what mightbefcbming hertlthats why youll noticehe stories intbdays riewspaperfdeus more dhther year aheadthan the year that was iui i l ol wish we coiil tell you for certain y 200211 brmgdlywe c offer jittle more than educated guesses about- vlget outandehjouft w j soont tes w k ul j5 t