i3 r b 5 k i r f2 r rmjifv r scotiabank- donates 20000 tolmarkham v stoirffville hospital fast track clime 5s v v v he added and there are always wejhave 160 diit there today mnnoreanhincorewoiofjt pro georgeiacyvsakbatthe c it good tshawneeki golf j club in presenting the cheque toginarosenpresidentmarkhaw stouffville hospital foundation and i marion y zimmer manager corporate giving foundation is andrew siu scotiabank district vice president richmond hillmarkhamand rob mattacott branch manager scotiabank main street markham v scojiabank anhbun9ed today a donation of 20000 to cover most qf start upjcpstsjbfthe markham stouffville hospitals new fast track clinic in- pctobfe200i markham stouffville hospital opened the fast track clinicto provide moretimely access to treatment for emergency department patients assessed as needing less urgent or nonurgent care visteon donates 8000 us m jufu l- w aftiiejranriest november- f ithatewfleeiyorie region 8- lappoeeds newmarket were going day by- recavmgfmoretweatherthafis toorfourstraightdaysoffrost- dayjwerewatchmgtheweattien jcmreifyouremtafari-ofwin- vbeforehe can create a seasonal yso far it hasakojbnan ri5 r ice rink cedarena the lnexpensiveseason formunici- cdicti6ntareui6next90 days will grove community association timessandmg andsaltingat garowarmctlthan normal flppdthe outdoor rinkcelebrat- 25000 per occasion dawdphlllipsa senior climkol- 75 anmversary- m- on the shore of lake simcoe iogistf5fbnvif6nrhent canada january with water fromthe in pefferlaw peninsula resort isnirfwctprriav litde rouge river manager jerry kucharchuk- was the contrast with last aft another warm taking an opportunity this week- december probably the most december threes years ago to check stoves and propane vbmtalwinlermohthinthefiisto- cedarenawas open only 15 days lmesor6merwisespruceupthe ronf thp nrrannrp hp ow iv it has opened the last two years resorts 20 icefishing huts quite amazirig m ume new years day but r kucharchuk wasnt wprned- j in fact 18 6f the last 22 win- rare lapp said l by the weather hi 39 years the tersinsouthern ontario have years ago they used to go familyrun operation has i always heenhofrhal or milder than nor- from christmas until march we managed to put huteon thence mal phillips said its unusual 8 anymore in january he said clearly but its not rare golfers were taking advan- as long asit starte to get cold it isknown abnormal weather ta at me courses that near the end of the month well changes peoples buying habits remained open yesterday be all right y lefl to right gina rosenpresident markham stounville hospital foundation marion zimmer manager corporate giving- markham stounville hospital foundation julie ponsford child life specialist sue wiercinski visteontfrankcordovadojtvisteon dennis olldis uistaonr jw 5wzw ercinski visteontfrankcordovadovisteon dennis olidis visteonrs je v f visteon donated 8000 us for the child life program at markham stouffville hdspitalathe funds will be used to purchase safe durable innovative toys for all areas of the hospital usedby children- ambulatory care the short stay areattne7dia6etic clinic and emergency will all benefit from this donation theseloysiwilirprovide comfort to children during times vvtiick can be frighten- ing forthem and their parents s stouffville clippers minor novice fundraising raffle tf if rs r rl r v ly at k-vi- sj- one- of the fundrais ing initiatives oflthe- stouffville iv clipper minor novicejteam was a ticket rafflesforli recreation a withthis goubn jreeeive v 25 off the regular price of any single item h i limit one coupon penfamily p d offer excludes ftd flower orders dept 56 items coupon valid only until december 16 2001 at our markham location only y jj9 mabxham t st0uhvhxe 3- c hospffal hwy7h h4 markham iv e3fs blwf fe v hol i v9am6pm s viwv 3t mmmmmmm m gf iwm sift 5fei twwbpoflyjyuyikyktoynifnlc ii sypi vv