yfc i o x r i c s 1- 4gwaskiw2wbiiiig opinion thursday november 152001 dikeimmitok teaaers i joan ransberry -41- the tory leadership line- lip is just too too j j i ernie evesis too smooth jim flahertys too gruff chris stdckwell has bug eyestony clements too nice and j elizabeth witmer looks too much like a strict school teacher erankklees might be ok but not everyone wants a george hamilton lookalike running a province people might give the telling us how to think what oak ridges mpp a second t0 think and when to think look if hed gain 50 pounds y after all is said and grow a hairy mole on the left d when people vote they side of his nose and develop wjth their gut that is if an overnight case of male me poor sods have a morsel pattern baldness for gods of gut left sake frank cant you give ive decided to pretend to and fall apart take part inthe upcoming ec like the rest of us leadership race first ill need a few months ago klees- a party membership card resigned from cabinet citing but mat be a longjour- v personal reasons i was a lit- ney m nave to pack a imh tie dumbfounded at his rea- would somebody visit the son since politicians arent cemetery and tell my grand- allowed to have personal mother theres no need to lives how canhe quit over crawl out ofthe grave and box something he doesrft have my e t not abandoning like it or not when the the old liberals im just trying public sizes things up it to earn a decent living and shows no mercy despite the sometimes means pre- fact that each and every lead- tending to be the enemy ership hopeful likely is a so back to being a 10- capable wellmeaning and minutetory lets set the stage- decent person thaf s not the i just been to the hair salon way theyre perceived when for my b rinse treatment they step into the political t driving an eightcylinder ring it might be less hurtful qm live in an upscale neigh- to take up boxing borhoodandofcouiseipay the fact is competition far too much in taxes i winter does very ugly things t very horida d my choice for nice people this is what leader is ernie eves youre about to hear in the lo of people fault eves trenches ernies slick fah- for i the tory table in ertys meanspirited clement january to take a lucrative belongs at sunday school privatesector job with credit stockweu needs to get his thy- suisse first investment bank roid checked winners too im not bneof those people stiff and klees is too pretty keep in mind ive only then there are the bores been atory for 10 minutes strategists analysts econo- butifat6p-officialofahigh- mists and all the other ists roumg banbwalked into this will carry on about deficit newsroom and offered nie a cutting budget balancing big tide complete with an economy stimulating and annual salary of 1 rhillion- maintafrifrig essential senqc- l id tie tempted s esr just before weslip into a while ive only been a tory mercifulcoma f t like the diet project and when we my colleagues feetwe can take no more fofact from here on outi theyll genuflect well then expect them to be smooth be kickstarted back to life as vxln my books youre not a the selfappointed experts vtrue tory unless- youre as 1 get down to the business of smooth as a babys bum vclo ithem mwqiirovenvbake themf atfsfj 40pffor 1 5fsssl 8 minutes oniypiikfmsmt hroiler rising alsovz- we f receiven a- prealair adffireatrainner ssausagebuththat s notaiiyou canpanrfryorbbq5 tkeseih3titraditi6nalvwaybuf rhavtoa fliml itt n f4- 4 v o4- reg 399lb week f pi 1 s 1 4 t s c t s a v- weu5asourgchocolatebananabreads veeymhearlyasopularsregff thesregulacfpnceifor themvisc p vwe start- with potatqesand leeks wmcharetcooked3 stocklseasoned jwitirpernqd andwniteswine andithen its great servedeitherwarm one tof myfriends in the business sawme 3prdducemarketjanaallwedlthathe jhadagreat growers andvpuldj antionybatttymrougiieimc thesampleswmchiwerejainazing iso 1 webpught raloadyof cthese 5 wancrnut them nnsfllertnn wtsss serves3 off r ck j tiaitc a whatsfor iniourirozeiientreesectioiiyve7bayei beeftenderloirfittfiletmignon rbasted 5vonderfuljporciiu mushroom sauce orasparkier3j you iiistneatandtbkn f server servesia 3 f regl75 yiflh lev ourcost h if you like climbing trees eating pizza or laughing jtilljyour head falls off then i think youd make a reallygbpd big brother i pi 1 1 a ml