ttsrl is-tv- v t r r vt sgtv jsru j -i- sfc- a- jti i redortecyearn for mbre jfmj 3 it from page 307 xyzs iiieed otteis fnc no rusty my moment of glory rr tf v was approacwng v ttil j wa psyched asthe york region but must be at r j v ioioc i m c team formed two soud lines ueast 25and have basicfig- j jt j mahciauy1elfsiiricient coach c team paint- their toenails a l instructed lis to fglbwmggoldr-devourielly- skate forward slowly when themselves wtli spiked pirik- powefand energy i tried to lefnnnadpr and fhnrinptpifi2il tx j i j ganhentstheirtdefinitibn s u of tnt- is best lift dutof a farruly iiewspaper f t visions of the my takevohtnis is peanuts gang fungmg the women are becomingihore- tailend skater into the near physically activeandjfspk- est snowbank nielted as my to wear- little skirtand go jrteammates and my new ice out there and do this sort of legs held me up f v thin stone confided r content tputtered for minus me skirt y lone the rest of the hour watch- male skater francesco- irig me team translate- its venturaseemed equally warm mio a k cqmfortableinspaiidex sco of smooth amid 18 women- when i mentioned to him had movement blades cutting learned to skate on ottawas ice ff advanced rideaucanal j discovered- toward me turned smoothly hetoorkad fond memories ancl floated back up the rink of gliding along the worlds a flock of birds in fligtit 1 longest outdoor rink then like cinderella at but childhood on the midnight my spandex canal seemed a long- way became sweatpants my jfrom my synchronized skat- graceful skirt vanished and fag debutwhile theothers my chariots of crusty stee coasted pn one blade were repiac byi serpentines the width of the rink i- madehesitrrit stroking and glidings ie wobbled my head was motions trying to transform lj d my feet were my legs from stilts with lumps of clay in short i bladestoflexible propulsion couldnt wait to take flight engines i was getting less again p or r 2 ii j the entire drivirig sessiph for its abilityto corirrql the vehicle particularly on hills and confound the habifqf jkickuig6ut frantically for the brake pedal f v jeep 101 also introduces thedriverto other basicjelemerite of offrpad driving t l including angling to- control- rolling articulation and waddle bumps for gas pedal and throttle control rock crawls and ditcli and logcrossings f on the course main- attractions iriclucleone hundredmetfeihillan i r oihinous hazard that cant fail to catch a v newcomers eyelivnd from which astu- dent can view the cn tower on a clear daytbefbre descending on agravity- defyirig the hill to the finish z iine jungke the more adventurous jeep jamboree and camp jeep jeep college is educationoriented groups of up tolodriyersmaypook the facilityopen from april uritilthis j saturday- for sessions available 1 wednesdaythrough satarday2vbbut 2200drivers passed through thelcourse this season v j itis a chance to enfightenour deal ers and customers in an environmental- ly friendly arid safe roffroabsetting said daimler chrysler publicaffairs and product information officer tom mcpherson we want the public to be more aware of what their jeep is capable of doing v j noted tanchak its- the nextbesti thing to actually taking a jeep for a test driveat a dealership jessentiallyits a test drive in a new vehicle that you can take offroad and see what it can do obviously very few- dealers would allow you to do that with their vehicles jeep college is located at 10520 eufferin st just- north of major mackenzie drive jf -t- ixbndgesnewestdinmgexpenence will be opening for saturdays- t r in november december r you i- v v i t c may know wooden sticks for greatgolf v v v now discover the quality andcreativity g oithe food service as we invite you to try- v t r some of executive chef marcello anastasis v latest inspirations i s -v- v- r on saturday evehmgsbeginnmgnovember x l j v ji v i v 3rd you can enjoy a menu that rivals any i r v of the areas finest dining establishments for reservations call 905 852479 4 visit our website wwwwooaenstickscom avogojeisticks diningexperience f wooden sticks jelgm parkdnveuxbndge v 1h j 1 12 iuf v- jjll j j 9 v v i v i j iv4 a