jmgftg jnraiwehowland xrtheumtwmimtiauybefuhdedmthl vwaarwiv rremalrffigabnvtfomgtappy ffiffl yaclpwrauon solepurpoye of seelah down puppy mills and omeriorins of puppymffl rescues pubkcdpnations to lmgescaleanimal cmeltymfougliout ontanowill begin wofk next month has to the 230 dogs res the- ontario prevention announced whrcli- provincial avenue upwardsof 400 puppy mills in ontario spaety plans to apply to private founda- said vicky earle ontario spca chief tiorforongomgfundmgofdieunit- executive officer thisis a problem of- rhe societys annual violence pre crisis portion f eqmfing targeted vention week now to saturday focuses rp5niirrp z ljt on the link between violence to animals v dedicated persdnnerfromthe sbci- l violence to humans r h etysjnvestigationsjdepaftmentjwiuv- v our commumty- pohcing research and acfori information about response to the citizens of york regionr puppy niills as weuasdoftgntihg j we toy to determine the real needs of our operations the iuegalslaughterdf ahi- citizens then work in partnership with mals arid their mfiumanenansjoit and me community to respondasbest we theexdtur animal trade thv depart- can needsrtoday our citizens meritsotliersomspectorsandagentsf are both two and fourlegged that as will continue to investigateindividuali sjis yo instances of animal cruelty and neglect regional police chief robert mddaugh there are tens of mbusandsof ank w e wojkscloselywilli the mals suffering as a resultof iridividuals p sptoident domestic yio- oroups of pebplelwhb make it their f to animal cruelty jobtoxdrralandabuseahimals te saidtfisoaetyfe family calietitspbrtrand profit said craig violence- assistance programwhich darnedirecfer ownvestfgatioristhe provides emergency caretp the animals speaalrsperations it5wmfurther fleem abusive situations stferigthentoiirefforts to jlose down seen a 37percent increase in use mese6peratorsvv since 1999 v j x y- i 4f keriodontist v ed4eawajdsdb r jentunst v v vj- tl kids c6ecx oat oar new game boy advaiice new go places do things be safe s sr fv k2002 mclass on the road or off the newlyrestyledmtclasscangive5you t surefootedcontfol on just about any terrain and in practically any kind of weather each model features our legendary 4wheel drive traction system electronic i stability program brake assist8 air bags and more in all thenew 2002 mclass 1 offersmorethan 1000 refinements to take you higher farther faster and better x u v r r protected value priced from 49350 v i t f j- f