aysy s x- j r vw vi tg sissl gg e 9r t iv v is i ssvf f- markham tyke select hocfr reyours date satfsly v place markham centennial centre 8r00mccbwanroad time 900 am 1000 am date sunday september 30 2001 5 f plaice markham village arena 15 welffiigton st east hwy 7 lmea 800 am 900 almv j f ft i s must be registered with markham association y v o- 1 1 runniii i s the weather is getting cooler and the leaves are starting to change colours 5 v a sure sign diat autumn has officially arrived r sv v jvand for the ruririiiig enthusiast it signifieslhe cpnxmence merit to another xrosscountry season o 3 v tws saturday bnices mill conservation area onstouflille road in vvwtikchstouffville willhost its second annual york cross country running festival at 930 am event spbkesrhah jeff elder said the festival is open to indi viduals of all ages with the aim to create some exercise and camaraderie a series of races will take place bicluding a 25kilometre run for kids 14 and under a 5km open run and a 4 x 5kmrelay race r v n- race organizers anticipate participants from york regioft wz a i- v andsurroiniding areas wiu appear at this early kickoff to stoufrvdle runners cathy mccowan left cynthia crosscountry season f mccdnkey take to the trails ofbruces mill recently in for more information contact 416 7375192 or check the preparation for this saturdays secondannual york cross event website at wwwtrihardinccom couritrv runniriff festival which keeins at930 am 4 1 f j xj v junior a m heritage qomrnuriity i friday september28th 800pm p markham vs thornhill fsaurday september 29th 830pm markkam vs st michaels i n monday october 1st 730pm markham vs aurora for more infq call 9052942699 website wwwmarkhamwaxerssavolainencom mumba fal winter basketball registration september 22 29 2001 900am i00pm centennial v- community center email mumbamumbaca r website wwwmurribaca 9059464274 country ruimirig festival which begins at930 am ocuseson game not markham soccer club competitive team tryouts markham i- if jv under 8 boys born 1994 or later sat sept 29 l 1100am i walker pk west f under 8 girls born 1994 or later sat sept 29 930am walker pk west t4 under 9 boys born 193 ff sat sept 29 1100am walker pk east vv lunder 9girls bom fbemadefiim the u8 u9 tryouts under 13 boys born 1989 sat sept 29 ll0bam markharn dhs north sat oct 13 1 100am markham dhs north j i- under 13 girlsborn 1989 w 200pm markham dhs north 1 1 00am markham dhs south j tfi iunder 10 boys born 1992 4 satvsept29 930ammafkhamphs south lsat bctt13r93jam vmarkham dhs north 0- vjunderjo girls born 1992 s sun 930am markham dhs west sat octv13 90am markkani dhs south i2 under 11 boys born 1991 sun sept 30 sat oct 13- s under 14boys born 1988 sa sept 29 v markham dhs north sat- oct 13 1230pmj markhamdhsnorthp y under 15 boysboni 1987 f sat sept 29 a230pm markham dhs north- sat oct 13 1230pm markham dhs north underlsgirlsborn 1987 orl988 sun septx30 7r200pm markham dhs south sat oct 13 s j 1230pm markham dhs south j under 16 boys bom 1986 u r sat sept 29 200pm markham dhs south i sat oct 13 f markham dhs north w mike feasby insists tomorrow nights thatfeasbyfexlub will be facing an york region athletic associatibnjsenior opponent mats an unknown quantity football game featuring the markham as it will mark the first meeting between district high school jhe two schools a s v marauders and host v stouffville district p a oyerconfiderit sincere spartans didthe secondary- school wi3z ntjmgsmdefeating an tablished spartans is not a home- h ilk commgforhim t hopefullyjsiis firsi meeting wul although the jhe startof sometwng gbodtereare marauders head football coach gradu- somejstudentsat markham who are ated from stouffville district secondary vfrom stouffville sotbey know a lot of school in 1985 and stiumakes his resif people in lfownmaybe we can call it the dence irf town he notes their present ninth line nvaky he quippedrt teaching staff is entirely different frdrri t jivhile feasbyjs more coriceingdwith when he attended trie school vv ttlie welfaref ihisdefeningyraa as well feasby pointed dutthelast championsrandrmebirthsundavbf tune the spartans fielded a- gndiron daughter ale gracehes happytosee team was inl972 ijj i v his old school field agndkbh prograsi i biit this is no a short drive spartans won their game against the some of my i father bressani i catholic 3high school are bugging me about it- eagles 157 y v homecoming its jusc the drama is heightened by the fact home for me v l- pf rtc rh a r h v lwll i jdvmivyjwjflyflfcaweconscom pay 905 2941538 4 a soccers cup game 4 rabgbte 211ie phantoms 1 schell lumber 1 coo v blue 1 sheraton antiques 5 icy green 1 mcdonalds 1 letxmc 0 v ios k- i copgame 5 mcdonalds 2 sheraton antqueslschellumberc under 16 girls born 1986 ne mfo call tommcgarngle v vj 9052fc2423 wawmarknamsoccerorg l txii