2d i i-js- fi- ftgt v y v- ssstfx zjltj nomjksurribune around town thursday september 202001 vw jrf 3 bykathleen griffin olvmbjails m is j pi 3 e5f2jgrvvrfgrd x vore thah500 rqtarians jlllldraising tide ffom across southern i assx ontanogatrrefatrcttie leader tof canadas marwimuseumsahay- olympic team m sept 23 forafundraiser v macrae and olympic rider jvisitorstakeawalmng jim elder will lead the eighth tour of they area led by great canadian ride for crier johnv horseback webster to see markhams ju oldest church historic f me re homes and the carriage forest sept 22 rhakingexhibit last year the event raised they hope to raise more than 49000 for the n 175000 towards rotarys canadian cancer society 500 million commitment to and this year more than 200 eradicate polio worldwide by rfderswillpartiripate 2005 rotartfs 100th anniver- ft begiils at 9 a kt ms the rotary club of ck shop 4812 vandorf j markham sunrise is hosting road west of hwv 48 this yeaps event f more information i formore information call call 9056402011 or 905- 9054774210 4782063 a hitts mjfugsif 7325 9052945900 limoyand to nouk r i biftnaayhjrtibs events mthu sept 20 ffri sept 21 k gsat thelacewfrere ffivisit our website k xhe bfcu ithersmarkham cau fordetails 29401 the last call free designated driver for you and cmr car starts i l50pm corner of hwy7 and mccowan