lcash and temporary investments temporary investments 13118599 14051317 3defefred revenue for development purposes 20 2000 rc totaktaxation usertcharg y the municipality has a commitment to the atlas corporation for further jmsj3 onbehalfofuieregionandthesoolboardswereasfollaws work in the amount of 4895450 w t irfr s2ooo j 1 1999 s- i s13i7867c 1 100i boards v 12576584 1272925k for2000noempoyeeswerepaidsalanesasdefinedinthepubhcsector i salary disclosure act 1996 of 100000 or more f 25755151 26009962 -si- 19 changes in accounting policy f 1999 i- jr lauwiigssuidctouuuiispoucy v t t i municipality is required to levy arid collect taxes on behalf of the- the muniapality has adopted generally accepted accounting principles 2 187453 v regionandmeschoolboardsthesetaxesarerecordedasrevenueatthe forlccalroterimientsasrecorrmiendedbymepubhcsertoraccounting as294 a amounts levied the taxes levied over under the amounts requisitioned board ofthe canadian institutetif chartered accountants this change development charges act 1380897 jrsbiaslasf owllv q502gll sssjssssjl xt lwtil rf bn appretroactively and me following previously reported i 6 j the municipality is also required to bill and collect water sever and 1999 opening fund balances have increased decreased fi cominco mko development charges on behalf of the region water and sewer charges 4ongtermdebt athe balance of net long term debt reported on the consolidated balance sheet is made up ofthe following j the muniapality has assumed responsibilityforthe payment of principal and interest ckarges on certain long term f debt issued by the region at the end ofthe year the outstanding principal amount iofthisdebtis 2000 are recorded as revenue at the amounts buledwater and sewer charges j- i billed over under the amounts requisitioned are recorded as accounts 1999 payable receivable 11 grants budget 2ckx actual 2000 actual 1999 operating province of ontano reserve and reserve funds i 4525658 deferred revenue for development purposes 4225658 investment m subsidiary 5196351 operating surplus 5196351 20 comparative figures c certain ofthe comparative figures have been reclassified to conform with the financial statement presentation adopted for the current year 520965 x 26031 52059 512577 188824 974093 s- capital- sale of land and equipment- 107115- 970 y ji 4 w y v- j 7- aaieoiianaanaequipmenr-iuiio- y5 municipal fund balances 2000 a 1999 donations and other- 475970 v i v r r v j 583085 ajthe operating fund balance is comprised ofthe following- j o- i- j 493385 143194 general v waters 5 v 7 sewert f aiia cemetery v tbia vf f 7 5 reserrcs and reserve funds f l frao investment income 4 36928 w 29897 j 5011 am f v if v 2245835 jv 2185113 2121586 72061j 1957 24427 vfe v 86041 f v avk io- subsidiary operations 5 v t r 5475149 1428594 pntario inc formerly known as whitchurch stouflville hydro electric commission established by municipal council under corporation of the unregulated 5230029 auditors report to the members of counal inhabitants and ratepayers of the corporation of the town ofwhitchurch stouflville we have audited the balance sheet of the trust funds of the corporation of the town of whitchurch stouflville as at december 31 2000 and the statement of continuity of trust funds for the year then ended these financial statements are the responsibility of the towns management our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit t 686717 st 1896901 v we conducted our audit in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards those standards require that we plan and perform an audit to obtain reasonable assurance whether the financial statements are free of 162 759 5 121272 jtnatenal misstatement an audit includes examining on a test basis 330626 21922 i evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements an audit also includes assessing the accounting pnnciples used and significant estimates made by management as well as evaluating t j the overall financial statement presentation 81 491 m ouropinion these financial statements present fairly in all material respects the finanaalposibon of the trust funds of the corporation of the town ofwhitchuichstouflvilie as at december 31 2000 and the continuity v respemefinanaaositionofthetrustfundsofthecbrporation ofthe town ofwmtchurchstounvilie as at december 31 2000 of trust funds for the year then ended in accordance with the accounting a- principles disclosed in note 1 to the financial statements markham canada vgz march 14 2001 chartered accountants c charges 1217669 1355329 yfunds available forfeiture capital t a j jr -ft- f i v r the following table provides condensed supplementary financial i94 f cndinites fz f iv vr 27019 j 30155 f xll f 1385484 x u 46reserves and reserve funds mfonnation for 1428594 ontano inc financial position current assets 4 capital assets l i trust funds 2000 1999 statement of continuity year ended december 31 2000 v 1 1996987 3470765 v 2137103 3672532 5467752 5809635 660681 1261 v 1 i v 782802 19306 3 j 66l942 a 802108 4805810 5007527 total stouflville hartman mumapal museum cemetery williamson cemetery elecuonjendow- perpetual grubin perpetual surplus ment care trusts care j funds funds balance beginning fyear i 390183 revenues 287805 64160 13155 bunalfees j donations 5007527 interest earned 4050 13871 13871 2434 v- c 5420588 f 5008456 761982- 114663 6518002 6027800 827302 v 148276 4i7jl53 301676 4003 45 8163- 1320077 324 24739 2 2434 326 27173 235187 v 188824 bqjenditures r tnnsfatogpaaions 1428 1 chanty payments 5065 s 6493 balance end xi 5065 5065 1428 1428 reported by 1428594 ontano inc balance end oftheyear 404045 301676 63098 1300 326 25745 i s ii- j t jf balance sheet municipaliitys related party transactions december 31 2000 v s v au transactions are in the normal muwj cii stouflville hartmah miiniapal museum cemetery williamson cemetery election enaow- 1 perpetual grubin perpetual surplus 1 1 ment total care 1 trusts care funds funds 37 sandiford drive 4th floor stouffville l4a 7x5 weh site wwwtownofwscom automated lines 905 6401910905 8955299 drop offljox at vest entrance 1 fi lo- 1 1 iri